Chapter 22 What a coincidence (1)
Ye Qingran hates Tang Chengxun's suave and suave people from the bottom of his heart. A good face and that high-ranking net worth are enough to attract people in Shanghai.But he is different from those sons who pursue her, he has a kind of toughness that is inevitable and a toughness that has been in a high position for a long time, these things make her palpitate.In order to avoid unnecessary troubles, she lived in seclusion.

Today is He Yuxin's birthday, the jasmine flowers in the small courtyard of the house are all in bloom, smelling the tangy fragrance and the aroma of food coming out of the kitchen at noon, Ye Qingran is very comfortable.

"Momo, why don't you pick up Lingyue and Minyue? Mama Sun went to Jing'an Temple to offer incense and couldn't come back, and Mama Wu was busy cooking again." He Yuxin specially wore a dark green cheongsam of cloud gauze today.

The two 12-year-old twin sons of the Ye family will go to a painting school to learn painting every weekend, and they are usually picked up by their mother Sun. younger brother.

Ye Qingran remembered the creamy birthday cake that she secretly asked Mother Sun to order early in the morning, and it was time to get it, so she readily agreed.

It was summer, and the heat was unbearable.Before going out, Ye Qingran changed into a light purple silk cheongsam embroidered with small flowers.

After picking up the younger brothers, Ye Qingran took them on the tram to pick up the cake.

Ye Qingran found seats for his younger brothers, and he grabbed the pull ring on the tram and stood beside them.

The tram was moving forward slowly and orderly, Ye Qingran looked at the bustling flow of people outside the car, listened to the noisy siren, and thought of Su Wen.There are still ten days until the exam, and he will come to Shanghai soon. When he thinks of meeting the man who has already settled in his heart, a smile that other people can't detect is on his delicate face.

"Sister, look at that man, he's been staring at you!" Sitting by the window, Ling Yue pulled Qingran's clothes, and pointed outside at a military jeep running parallel to the tram.

A man with a distant smile was staring at Ye Qingran from the car window.

It's him again, Tang Chengxun!
Really haunted, Ye Qingran immediately changed into an iceberg face, turned around, and left his back.

I can't say that I like this man at all. There is something about him that makes Qingran's heart palpitate. What she sees is a smile on his face, but what she feels is cold. This coldness will sweep through every cell in her body and penetrate deep marrow.

She doesn't want to touch this kind of man.

When they arrived at the terminal, Qingran got off the bus with his younger brothers and came to a pastry shop run by a German.

As soon as they entered the door, a mellow creamy smell came over them, and several floor-to-ceiling glass counters were filled with all kinds of pastries. Ling Yue and Min Yue looked at this and that excitedly.

Qingran took the cake and paid for it, then called her younger brother to go out.

They were full of excitement, and Qingran walked behind carrying the cake.As soon as they arrived at the door, a man's slender body suddenly "bumped" over, and the whole cake fell to the ground.

Ye Qingran hurriedly squatted down and turned over the cake box.The cake inside has been spent, and the patterns, cream, chocolate and dried fruit on the top have become a mess.

She felt very sorry. The last time she bought a gift for her mother, she made a fuss. This time, she ordered a cake secretly and wanted to surprise her mother, but now——

Both Lingyue and Minyue turned their heads when they heard the sound, and when they saw the ugly cake on the ground, the longing on their faces disappeared immediately.

The clerk hurried over to help Qingran clean up.

Qing Ran stood up and looked at the person who broke the cake. He was tall and tall, in a suit and leather shoes, with a stern face, Tang Chengxun.

(End of this chapter)

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