Chapter 25 Birthday (2)
The originally happy birthday meal was spoiled by Ye Jiezhi, except for the two twin brothers who ate something, neither Ye Qingran nor his mother had any appetite.

For the next few days, Ye Qingran stayed at home, did a final preview of the materials before the exam, and started to prepare for the exam.

After lunch, everyone in the Ye family has the habit of taking a nap. Usually, the door is closed early after lunch, and Mama Wu and Mama Sun go outside to rest in the yard.

Today, Ye Qingran tossed and turned in bed unable to fall asleep, she knew that as soon as she went out, she would meet the person she didn't want to see, she hadn't seen Shushu and Jingxue for several days, she really missed them.When the exam is over, be sure to have a good time with them.

Ye Qingran heard a faint knock on the door, Wu Ma and Sun Ma may have been too sound asleep to hear it.

The door rang for a long time.

Ye Qingran hurriedly ran to open the door.

As soon as the door of the Ye family's vermilion inlaid black iron door opened, a boy with a face like a bright star and a gentle jade appeared in Ye Qingran's eyes, Su Wen.

The boy looked at the girl who was as beautiful as a crescent moon and smiled like a flower, and he thought deeply about it, but he didn't know what to say, for fear of disturbing this peaceful time, he just looked at the woman in front of him affectionately and quietly.

"When did you come back?" Ye Qingran couldn't hide the joy in his heart, and spoke first to disrupt the peace between the two.

"Just after getting off the train, the porter at the station took the luggage home. Let's go for a walk together?" Su Wen said with a smile.

Ye Qingran's cheeks were flushed, that's right, he came to see her as soon as he arrived in Shanghai and didn't even return home, and he didn't let her lovesick for many days.

"I'll go and tell my mother—" Qing Ran looked back at the man with affectionate eyes.

"Momo, who are you talking to?" He Yuxin had already come from inside.

Ye Qingran is a little uneasy, she doesn't want her mother to know about her and Su Wen, after all, she is only 15 years old, she has always been a child in her mother's eyes, she is afraid that her mother will worry.

"Hello, Auntie, I'm Qingran's friend, and my name is Su Wen." Su Wen had already taken the first step, and bowed politely to He Yuxin.

He Yuxin carefully looked at this handsome boy, who was about the same age as Qingran, with a clear face, although his manners were still immature, but there was a kind of brilliance about him that was ready to come out, given time, it would not be an exaggeration to describe him as radiant.

Seeing her daughter's embarrassment, He Yuxin understood a lot.She has always been an open-minded mother, as long as her daughter likes it and treats her daughter sincerely, that's enough.

"Go home and sit down, it's too hot outside." He Yuxin greeted.

Ye Qingran saw her mother's acquiescence, and said to her, "Mom, we want to go for a walk."

He Yuxin smiled, "Okay, don't come back too late."

"Auntie, I just came back from Beiping. I haven't seen Qingran for a long time. I want to have dinner with Qingran tonight. Don't worry, I will send her back after eating." Su Wen wanted to spend more time with Qingran Yes, even asked for leave for dinner together.

He Yuxin has a good impression of him. She is sure of the daughter she educated. The daughter is a self-respecting child. This child has a sense of what should be done and what should not be done. "Okay, remember, it's not too late."

"Thank you mom." Ye Qingran hugged her mother, she is such a kind mother, she didn't make things difficult for Su Wen.

Ye Qingran and Su Wen walked out of the alley under the scorching sun.

He Yuxin breathed a sigh of relief, her daughter, who has always been proud and arrogant, has a sweetheart, the boy is really good, and Qingran is really a good match, really seductive.

(End of this chapter)

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