Chapter 29 I'm Not Going

Ye Qingran went to the public bathroom on the first floor like the wind, and was finally safe for the time being.If I don't go out, you can't come in, wait for them to move out before going out.

Zong Yuan walked up to Tang Chengxun with an evil smile.

"Why did you scare her? Don't expect her to help move the place. She hid in the toilet. It seems that she will come out in a while."

Tang Chengxun shook his head, "This girl is too smart, don't miss out."

"Don't worry about us. Don't get overly excited as soon as Ruanyu Wenxiang is in your arms, let her see it. I bet, once she finds out that there is a fake, she will leave immediately."

Tang Chengxun was thoughtful, "To deal with this girl, you must have enough patience and time. Move to the ward first."

"Cheng Xun, just now she sent someone to send a letter to her family. I think the Ye family couple will definitely come tomorrow. See you or not?"

"See, of course I have to. Let them see what I've suffered for their daughter. In order to get her, the first step is to take down her parents. Ye Jiezhi, I guess it's not a big problem. I'll do it tomorrow." Let's see if I can convince her mother." Tang Chengxun was thinking about the next step.

Ye Qingran hid in the bathroom and took a simple shower, and changed into the clothes her mother brought her. In order to avoid unnecessary embarrassment, she specially wore a tighter purple blouse and a long beige skirt.

As soon as she walked into Ward 5, the embarrassment just now seemed to have never happened. Tang Chengxun smiled deeply, "I wear so many clothes at night, isn't it hot?"

Ye Qingran was speechless, she only hoped that tonight would be safe and sound.

"There's only one bed, come up, we'll sleep together." Tang Chengxun boasted.

Qingran's jaw almost dropped in surprise, a bed, a bed!I'm really afraid of what will happen, so do it on purpose, if you want to take advantage, go ahead and dream!It's a big deal not to sleep, okay.

She pulled a chair and put it at the door, "I sleep here."

"Ouch, my head is so hot!" he yelled.

Qingran hurried over and touched it, it was really hot!

"I'll call the doctor." She was about to go out.

He took her hand, "Tell Zong Yuan to go, you stay with me. I'm afraid—I'm so afraid that my blood will run out and I won't be able to see you again."

Qingran pressed the button on the wall, and Zong Yuan came in.

"Mr. Zong, please call the doctor, Mr. Tang has a fever."

Zong Yuan went out in response.

Ye Qingran broke free from his hand, took a towel, soaked it in cold water, and put it on his forehead.

He looked at her affectionately, but she bowed her head in silence.

Zong Yuan and the doctor came in, and Qing Ran retreated to the door.The doctor listened to Tang Chengxun's heart with a stethoscope, checked his pupils and the wound, and said, "Take the medicine first, and the problem will not be serious after tonight. You should pay close attention to the patient's condition. Remember, don't irritate the patient." patient, so as not to cause his mood swings."

Zong Yuan sent the doctor away, and said to Qing Ran, "Miss Ye, I'll leave it to you tonight, I have to go back and deal with some things."

"You can't go!" Qing Ran stretched out her hand to stop him, "Aren't you and him very good friends? Aren't you worried that he won't be able to survive tonight?" As soon as she said this, she realized that she had slipped her tongue and hurriedly covered her mouth Shut up, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I made a mistake, I mean, once you leave, it's inconvenient for me to be here alone, if, in case—"

Zong Yuan deliberately darkened his face, "Miss Ye, you must have a conscience. He hurt you like this for you. It's fine if you don't promise him with your body. Is it too much to take care of him for a night? Do you think I left the hospital and went home to sleep? Ah, I'm handling Yanlong Hall's affairs for Cheng Xun, there are dozens of brothers waiting outside the hospital, if something happens to Cheng Xun, you can figure it out!"

Ye Qingran lowered her head dejectedly, pulled the chair by the door to Tang Chengxun's side, served him the medicine meekly, then sat down and guarded him.

Zong Yuan walked away satisfied.

Tang Chengxun grabbed her slippery hands again, "I will die now, and I will have no regrets."

Qingran's face was flushed and pale for a while, she couldn't refuse, but she was repelling it in her heart, let him hold it, anyway, just wash your hands a few more times.

"Let's squeeze together, let's sleep together, you see it's early morning." Tang Chengxun asked tentatively.

Ye Qingran suddenly stood up from the chair, "No. You rest, I will take care of you at night."

"If you don't sleep, how can I sleep? We can't keep talking until dawn, right?" Tang Chengxun's eyes were deep, and there seemed to be a dark light emerging.

Qing Ran wrapped her fingers around the end of her braided hair, thinking about the ambiguity he had attached to her ear just now, she shuddered a little.She didn't want to get so close to him, lest he let his imagination run wild.

Ye Qingran shook his head resolutely, "Mr. Tang, it's no longer appropriate for you and me to be in the same room, so don't force others to be difficult. Even if I, Ye Qingran, have a little sense of shame, I won't—"

"Hehehe——" He sneered for a while, completely different from the gentle and considerate just now, "It's because I'm too flattering myself, and being alone with a flirtatious beauty hunter like me will only pollute you. Miss Ye, I let you Someone will take you home." His words were like ice, beating her heart, and her first feeling was that she had offended him again!
Sorry, sorry!She was thinking silently.

"I'm not leaving!" she said firmly.

(End of this chapter)

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