Chapter 303 Su Wen (1)
Ye Qingran hurried to the hospital to accompany Mother Tang.

In the evening, Rong Baiyang was busy with some things in the shop, and left the hospital.

Ye Qingran served Tang's mother for dinner, and the two chatted in the ward.

"Is Xun'er busy again?"

"Busier than before." Ye Qingran didn't want to worry her, so he quickly changed the subject, "Cheng Xun said, when mom's wound stabilizes, we will move back home to take care of her."

"I miss those two babes too. Did they talk about my old woman?"

"They have been coming to see you. I was afraid they would affect your rest, so I didn't let them come to the hospital. Jixiang Ruyi had a great time with Gu Yixiao's son these days."

"Qingran, come sit down, let me tell you what's on my mind." Mother Tang said slowly, "Actually, your Third Uncle Rong is really nice, it's just that Xun'er has misunderstood him these years."

"Mom, I'll try to convince Cheng Xun."

"Mom is so old, she won't expect anything more. The only disturbing thing in this life is being ashamed of Bo Yang." Mother Tang sighed.

"Grandma—" the door opened wide, and Jixiang and Ruyi yelled and rushed over.

"Oh, I was talking about these two babies, do you miss grandma?" Mother Tang's left arm was injured, and her right hand lovingly caressed their rosy cheeks.

"Be careful of grandma's arm—" Ye Qingran reminded them.

"Mom, does your wound still hurt?" Xie Baoyi, who was dressed in black and had short hair, was already sitting on the edge of Mother Tang's bed.

"Baoyi, you haven't come back yet, and something like this happened to Mom again, hey—" Mother Tang took Xie Baoyi's hand and sighed.

Ye Qingran raised his eyes, just in time to meet Tang Chengxun's tired but radiant eyes.

"As soon as I got home, the two children pestered me to come to the hospital."

"Mom's wound is healing very well." Ye Qingran looked at him, feeling an inexplicable peace of mind.

Tang Chengxun smiled and exchanged a few words with his mother, told Xie Baoyi to take care of the child, and whispered to Ye Qingran, "Let's go out to get some air."

Ye Qingran followed him into the car and left the hospital in puzzlement.

"You have something to say to me?" She stared at him.


He has parked the car on the side of the road.

Light a cigar and let the smoke fill you.

"Su Wen is back and wants to see you."

She was startled.

Maybe he was too wary of Su Wen, and she could already see the hidden tension in his eyes.

"I'm not going to see him." She whispered, "I'm going to marry you, and I don't want to have any contact with him anymore."

He smiled in his bright eyes, "Really? Can you be a stranger to him?"

"Yes." She looked at him, "Since I choose to marry you, you are the one I love the most in my heart. I don't want to give any man fantasy, not even Su Wen, whom I haven't seen for many years!"

He leaned forward and kissed her lips, "I've been waiting for this day for a long time, Momo."

A burst of lingering warmth passed by.

"He's waiting for you in a tea house now, you go and meet him, and it's considered as an end between you." He encouraged her.

In fact, why did he want them to meet? Su Wen was like a thorn in his heart, always reminding her of her fierce past towards him.

If it weren't for the existence of the two children, Ruyi and Jixiang, he wouldn't even be able to believe the fact that she was by his side.

At this moment, he wanted to give her a chance to see how she resolutely bid farewell to the past and how she regained her original intention.

(End of this chapter)

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