Chapter 305: Pearl Production (1)
The next day, Tang's mother moved back to the Tang mansion to rest.

Gu Yixiao and his wife originally wanted to move out, but they couldn't persuade Gu Siyao of his family, so they had to continue to live in Tang's house.

The wedding between Ye Qingran and Tang Chengxun was scheduled for the ninth day of July. Ever since Baoyi got married, the Tang family has been busy buying things, waiting for that day to come.

It was July in a blink of an eye, and the weather became cooler after the beginning of autumn.

The Tang family's family was busy going around.

Ye Qingran repeatedly told Tang Chengxun that the wedding should not be too extravagant, but Tang Chengxun only said that he knew what was in his mind, and told her not to be impatient.

Ever since Tang's mother came home from the hospital, Ye Qingran has personally treated her in every possible way.

Tang's mother learned that Gui's mother was dead, cried a few times, and calmly accepted this cruel reality.

Gu Yixiao and Zhu Yan also stayed in Shanghai, waiting for the wedding of Ye Qingran and Tang Chengxun.

Time passed in peace.

On the thirteenth day of the eighth month of this year, which is the eighth day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar, the day before Ye Qingran and Tang Chengxun's wedding, the sound of guns that shocked the world rang out in the Zhabei area of ​​Shanghai.

The Japanese military launched the most powerful attack on Shanghai. The No. 80 Seventh and 88th Divisions of the Nationalist Government began to counterattack, and the government's air force also joined the battle.

For a time, bullets raged throughout Shanghai, and mourning spread to every corner.

The disabled soldiers withdrawn from the front line were sent to the city center for medical treatment in batches.

The residents affected by the flames of war, their homes were destroyed, their relatives were separated, and they fled for their lives in the streets and alleys where shrapnel was flying.

The whole of Shanghai wailed and splattered blood and flesh.

How many lives are fleeting.

The Japanese attacks became more and more fierce.

The next day, tens of thousands of refugees poured into the neutral French Concession in Shanghai.

Tang Chengxun ordered the temporary closure of all properties under Yanlongtang.

For safety reasons, the members of the Ye family also moved from Yongmin Lane to the Tang Mansion in the French Concession for a temporary stay.

From the second day of the war, the Tang family set up a porridge shed and a long pavilion at the entrance to relieve the victims. Homeless refugees gathered at the entrance every day.

"The current situation is unpredictable, and our wedding has failed again." Tang Chengxun embraced Ye Qingran on the roof of the main building, overlooking the direction where gunfire was still roaring in the distance.

"It's enough to live with you in such troubled times." Ye Qingran muttered to himself.

She has witnessed too many deaths and partings in the past few days, and she knows that life is fragile, and being able to live safely is already the greatest gift from God.

"The Japanese are coming aggressively, and they are bound to win China. In the early years when they occupied the Northeast and created a 'Puppet Manchukuo', their wolf ambitions were exposed. At the beginning of the year, the Yamato Chamber of Commerce vigorously searched for rice, grain and cloth on the market. It turned out that it was for Prepare for war and price monopoly today." Tang Chengxun looked at her and smiled deeply, "The military uniform fabric I asked you to store up will come in handy right away."

"I'm going to wait until the price rises to the point where it can't go up any more, earn a fortune from the government, and then use the money to help the victims." Ye Qingran's eyes were very determined.

It has to be said that Tang Chengxun is quite discerning in business. Last month, she paid for her to quietly purchase a large amount of military uniform fabric. Now that the war has begun, the number of soldiers dying is increasing, and there will be more and more Recruits should be recruited into the army, and the military will inevitably increase the number of military uniforms purchased. Now that the war is raging and the factories are shut down, once the market is out of stock, the fabrics in her hands can be exchanged for a lot of cash.

"Now the price of rice in Shanghai has risen several times a day, and ordinary citizens have three meals a day." She looked at him, hesitating to speak.

(End of this chapter)

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