Chapter 308 The Grand Finale (1)
The winter of [-] was extremely cold, especially as soon as the twelfth lunar month entered, the goose-feather-like snowflakes never broke.

Excluding the French Concession, almost all places in Shanghai are lingering under the iron heels of the Japanese, but they are rich and luxurious.

The Tang Mansion has been preparing for the wedding of Tang Chengxun and Ye Qingran since last month.

The servants in the entire mansion knew the importance of this wedding to two people.

Years of misses coupled with the outbreak of war have dragged on until now.

Everyone is doing their best for the wedding in three days.

In recent days, the senior officials of Yanlongtang were frequently called to the mansion, and they stayed there for a whole day.All the servants of the Tang family felt a different atmosphere than usual, and everyone was doing what they were doing carefully.

The end of the year is approaching, and it is snowing outside the window for the first time.

A ray of morning sunlight fell on Tang Chengxun, who was lightly sipping coffee, through the half-open heavy curtains.

His gorgeous eyes slightly raised, staring out the window.

With the sound of footsteps, Zong Yuan arrived as promised.

"Everything you ordered has been arranged." Zong Yuan sat opposite him.

With dark eyes, he nodded slowly.

"Nowadays the Japanese are dominant in Shanghai, and Ishihara Ichiro's status is also rising. If he misses, the consequences will be disastrous." Zong Yuan's eyes were full of worry.

"There is no word if." Tang Chengxun slowly sipped the unsweetened coffee in the white bone china coffee cup.

"But now there is Wang Jingtong next to Shi Yuan." Zong Yuan's expression changed from his previous laziness. "He has been with us for many years and knows our business layout too well. Many things are unpredictable."

Tang Chengxun leisurely sipped the coffee in his hand.

"Shi Yuan repeatedly instructed Wang Jingtong to provoke our property. Wang Jingtong didn't care about the old friendship at all. We lost a lot. This time, we can no longer show brotherly affection to him. It's just Baoyi, I'm afraid it's time to appease him For a while." Zong Yuan expressed his worries.

"Take care of Baoyi these few days, and don't let her leave the mansion." Tang Chengxun got up and said for a long time, "Success or failure depends on one action, and I have no way out."

"Except for the gold that is regularly deposited in France every month, several of our farms have been operating well in the past few years. If we really move there, life will be very rich." Zong Yuan stared at him, "Cheng Xun, now you and I They all have wives and children, so why bother to walk on the edge of a knife again!"

"If you don't go through this experience, how can you sleep peacefully for the rest of your life!"

"Do you have a chance of winning this matter?" Zong Yuan asked.

Tang Chengxun closed his eyes and said nothing.

"If there is no chance of winning, why bother!" Zong Yuan shook his head, "It's very simple to avoid Shi Yuan's forces, we just go to France."

"I don't want my woman to be missed by other men all the time." He uttered a few words slowly.

"I've made two preparations according to your instructions."

"Okay." A word came out of his teeth.

At noon, Zhou Chuanming returned to the Tang mansion with Ye Qingran, who was full of worries.

She just came back from her home in Yongmin Lane.

After discussing with her mother for a long time, she finally settled on Min Yue and Jing Xiu's marriage in the next year. She and her mother had just decided on the betrothal gift, when Tian Yanqiu came to the door with snot and tears.

It turned out that Zhou Yunshan, the deputy brigade commander Tian Yanqiu was attached to, defected to the Japanese after the fall of Shanghai and got a fake job. He worked for the Japanese and was assassinated the day before yesterday. "The handwriting of the Secret Service.

(End of this chapter)

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