Chapter 311 The Grand Finale (1)
Since noon, Ye Qingran has been "closed" in an exquisite one-bedroom and one-living room in the west building.

She was accompanied by Xie Baoyi.

Tang Chengxun was afraid that Xie Baoyi would act rashly before the wedding, so he imprisoned her here in solitary a few days earlier.

Ye Qingran's eyes were empty, staring blankly at the crystal tassel lamp hanging from the ceiling.

"I knew you would come to accompany me." Xie Baoyi sat beside her with a wry smile holding a half-open bottle of liquor in his right hand, and poured himself a drink.

"What should I do?" Ye Qingran sat on the ground, extremely disappointed, "I can't just watch Cheng Xun get involved in danger."

Xie Baoyi threw away the wine bottle in his hand, "I must get rid of Wang Jingtong before the wedding."

Ye Qingran froze, looking at her quietly.

She had a bitter face, full of decadence.

"Cheng Xun said that you don't want to interfere with Wang Jingtong's affairs."

Xie Baoyi closed his eyes, and spat out a few words fiercely, "I have to deal with my own affairs."

"Bao Yi, in this world, it's inevitable that you will miss the time. Think about it! Some people don't deserve to be sad at all." She comforted.

"The person who betrayed me and lied to me will get it back even if his body is smashed to pieces." Xie Baoyi's eyes were cold and his voice was ice-like. "I must get out of here as soon as possible, you must help me!"

"How can I help? I'm not free anymore." Ye Qingran's eyes were dim.

Xie Baoyi leaned against her ear and whispered a few words.

Ye Qingran's face was shocked and worried at first, and then calm again.

"How?" Xie Baoyi asked very simply.

"Is there a better way?"

"Now there is no other way but to get my brother's Yanlong waist card."

"Okay." Ye Qingran let out a deep breath of depression in his heart.

After dinner, Xie Baoyi said angrily to the maid who came to clean up the dishes, "Go and tell my brother, my sister-in-law didn't eat for two meals, she has passed out."

The maid ran out of the west building in panic and reported the news to Tang Chengxun.

Tang Chengxun hurried to the west building.

Opening the double lock on the door with his own hands, he found Ye Qingran lying on the sofa with his eyes closed.

He strode over, and a small white hand had already gently closed the crack of the door.

"Boom!" A deep voice sounded.

Tang Chengxun fell to the ground instantly.

Ye Qingran got up quickly, "Is there anything wrong?"

Xie Baoyi took off a black jade badge from Tang Chengxun's body, and covered him with a blanket, "I'm sorry, bro."

She looked at Ye Qingran, "The anesthesia can only last for half an hour, you take care of him, I'm leaving."

"Baoyi." Ye Qingran got up and tried to stop him, but he stood there at a loss.

Xie Baoyi's black back only paused at the door before leaving like the wind.

Her petite figure disappeared in the snow falling in the winter night.

The cold wind was bitter, but her blood was boiling.

With Tang Chengxun's jade plaque, she went to the main hall of Yanlong Hall to pick out the gun she wanted.

Drive fast all the way.

The night was dark and snowflakes were like clusters.

The woman in black stepped out of the car, the gun in her hand was loaded with bullets.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, the snowflakes fell on her snow-white neck under her short hair, and the snowflakes turned into snow water, but she couldn't feel the coldness at all.

She opened her eyes, looked at the magnificent house in front of her for a long time, and decided to go in.

Immediately, gunshots broke out.

Screams, gunfire, scarlet blood, and dismembered limbs filled this luxurious villa.

(End of this chapter)

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