Chapter 317 The Grand Finale (4)
The nonsensical words he said to herself in the morning vaguely appeared in her mind.

"If something happens to me, you will avenge me."

She quietly touched the small dagger that he had hidden on her body in the early morning.

She knelt down on the ground, already weeping uncontrollably.

Ishihara Ichiro looked at the woman in red a few meters away.

How luxurious her clothes are, how lonely she is at this moment.

Her shoulders trembled in crying, and a ray of tenderness suddenly appeared in his heart.

He approached slowly.

Hold her back.

She turned around suddenly, and stabbed his heart fiercely with the dagger in her hand.

He turned sideways quickly, Ye Qingran's dagger brushed past his shirt.

"You—" In an instant, a dagger with only a handle left was inserted into his lower abdomen, and he was shot in the head. His eyes were wide open, and he couldn't say a word anymore.

Ye Qingran raised his eyes and met the familiar smile.

"You—" She couldn't say anything, because Tang Chengxun, who was lying on the ground, got up unexpectedly.

"I'm not dead, Ishihara Ichiro is really dead this time." Tang Chengxun unbuttoned his shirt and pulled out a tattered blood bag, "Is my acting not bad, Jingtong?"

Ye Qingran turned to look at Wang Jingtong who was wiping the blood on his hands, and suddenly understood a lot.

The dagger on Shi Yuan's body was stabbed by Wang Jingtong, and the gun was fired by Tang Chengxun.

Wang Jingtong has always been a member of Yanlongtang.

"Why didn't you tell me the truth and keep me in the dark? I thought you—" Ye Qingran clenched his hands into fists and punched Tang Chengxun.

"If I told you the plan, would you still cry so vividly? How could Ishihara Ichiro be fooled?" Tang Chengxun's eyes were full of smiles, "Jing Tong has suffered a lot these days."

"It is my greatest wish to completely solve Shi Yuan." Wang Jingtong lowered his eyes, "It is also Baoyi's wish."

"You also lied to Baoyi?" Ye Qingran asked.

"Only Jingtong and I know about this plan, it can be described as seamless."

"Thanks to Baoyi's knife, otherwise Shi Yuan would not have given me enough trust. Today will not be so smooth." Wang Jingtong brushed his right hand over the still painful wound on his abdomen.

"There are so many Japanese outside, how do we get away?" Ye Qingran glanced at Ishihara Ichiro who had long since lost his breath on the ground.

Tang Chengxun smiled without answering, and struck with both hands.

A person walked slowly outside.

Ye Qingran's eyes widened, she couldn't believe what she saw.

The person opposite is Ishihara Ichiro.

"Master." The man bowed slightly to Tang Chengxun.

"Lie Feng, it's your turn to play." Tang Chengxun lightly flicked off the dust that stuck to his body when he fell to the ground just now.

"Have everyone in Shi Yuan been dealt with?" Wang Jingtong asked.

"Zong Yuan and the others are working on it, this time there will be no survivors." As soon as Lie Feng said this, Ye Qingran was immediately dumbfounded.

This Liefeng not only resembles Shi Yuan in appearance, but even his manner and tone of speech are lifelike.

She looked back at Tang Chengxun in surprise, "When did you find someone so resembling Shi Yuan to pretend to be Shi Yuan?"

"Lie Feng began to imitate Ishihara Ichiro's behavior two years ago, and now he can come out from behind the scenes, which is considered a consummation of merit." Tang Chengxun hugged her waist. "Only Jingtong and I know about Liefeng. Before Ishihara Ichiro is dealt with, I can't disclose any information to outsiders if I don't want to fail. After hearing this, can you forgive me from the bottom of your heart, Momo?"

(End of this chapter)

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