Chapter 45
The living room on the first floor of the Tang mansion was brightly lit, and the big Western clock on the wall had just struck eleven.

Tang Chengxun smoked his cigar leisurely, filled with smoke.

Zong Yuan sat silently.

"Brother." Xie Baoyi hurried over.

Zong Yuan handed her a cup of tea, "How is it? How did the Ye family react?"

Baoyi took a sip of tea, "That girl was silent. Ye Jiezhi was not at home. I told Mrs. Ye about it implicitly. Mrs. Ye kept crying and was very angry and kicked me out. .”

Tang Chengxun narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "Tomorrow I'll have a showdown with Ye Jiezhi. I'm determined to marry his daughter! Let Zhou Chuanming keep an eye on the Ye family."

He got up and threw away the half of the cigar in his hand, "Baoyi, immediately pick a few capable brothers from the Golden Snake Branch, and must arrive in Nanjing tomorrow afternoon. No matter what method you use, you must buy that piece of land. It’s a big deal. The supply of smoke and soil in Yunnan is too tight, and we have to rely on Nanjing for the next step. A Yuan is in charge of the production of the first batch of Browning in Shanghai. I can’t help you. You have to be careful. If you have any problems, go to Gu Smile."

"Don't worry, brother, I can handle it." Xie Baoyi's eyes flashed brightly.

She has been an orphan abandoned since she was a child, and has been living on the streets. In the winter when she was 13 years old, she hadn’t eaten for two days and stole a mutton bun from a bun shop in a street in Kunming. When a rolling pin with a thick wrist hit her on the head, a tall man five years older than her grabbed the rolling pin. He was Tang Chengxun.

Xie Baoyi still remembers what he said, "He is my brother, if he eats one bun from you, I will give you the money for two buns!"

Back then, Xie Bao was ragged and had short hair. He looked like a full-fledged boy.

Tang Chengxun bought a bunch of mutton buns for Xie Baoyi again, and ate them until she vomited.

When he got up to leave, she took his hand and said firmly, "Brother, take me away, I'm your brother."

At that time, Tang Chengxuncai had just been a battalion commander in the National Revolutionary Army. He had secretly formed Yanlongtang, and urgently needed to recruit talents, so he took her away without hesitation.

A month later, it was discovered that she was a girl.He tried to give her a sum of money to send her away, but she refused.He once sent her to his mother again, regarded her as a righteous daughter, and gave her to study, and she fled to him again.

He hardened his heart, and personally taught her self-defense skills strictly and cruelly. After three years, even Tang Chengxun had to admit that she was indeed a martial arts prodigy.

No matter how hard the training is, as a woman, she has never complained of suffering and tiredness, and no one has seen her shed tears once.She escaped from the blood again and again.With the expansion of Yanlongtang's influence, she and Zong Yuan gradually became Tang Chengxun's right-hand men.

During her time, Tang Chengxun sent her to a military academy in Germany to study gunsmithing for a year.In the first year of her return to China, she brought back the blueprints of the German Mausers, and Yanlongtang began to secretly invest a lot of energy and financial resources in manufacturing the first batch of Mausers.Xie Baoyi's firearms technology made up for Yanlongtang's vacancy in this area. Tang Chengxun and Zong Yuan operated in secret, selling batches of guns to various domestic military forces, and the wealth grew like a snowball.

The baptism of the stormy years has forged a brother-sister relationship between her and Tang Chengxun that is not close but really melts in blood.

Zong Yuan glanced at Bao Yi, "Be careful in everything!"

Xie Baoyi returned him a bright smile, "Don't worry."

"I can't let Ye Qingran fly too far." Tang Chengxun's eyes flickered, and he turned to Shang Zongyuan, "She must fail."

"The test papers of Yenching University were shipped out of Shanghai this morning. Our people came to the train station to make a switch. Here, I forgot to give it to you." Zong Yuan took out a stack of papers from the white Spanish-style closet.

Tang Chengxun took it and looked at it carefully.

Chinese, Mathematics, English, the three test papers are densely packed with elegant and elegant fonts, revealing the erudition and extraordinaryness of the question maker.

"I really didn't underestimate her!" Tang Chengxun showed approval, "Her literary talent overwhelms me, and it also gives me a headache. It's really not a good thing for a girl to be knowledgeable sometimes."

"Brother, if I were a man, I would also fall in love with her." Bao Yi said frankly, "Give her more time and tolerate her. After all, she is still a little girl under 16 years old!"

Zong Yuan smiled, "Bao Yi, when you were 16 years old, you already became a teacher from me and Cheng Xun."

"It's been five years. It took us Yanlongtang from Yunnan to take root in Shanghai, until we became the number one gang in Shanghai. It only took us five years." Baoyi felt a little emotional.

Tang Chengxun seemed to feel something, "Thank you and Zong Yuan for never leaving me these years. No matter what time it is, Yanlong Hall belongs to the three of us!"

Zong Yuan's lazy smile disappeared, his eyes became a little darker, and his tone was faint, "Do you still remember the time when Wei Dahai was killed? Cheng Xun and I fell into the trap. It was Baoyi who carried more than a dozen guns and dozens of catties Explosives broke into 'Heisha Island' alone and rescued us."

Xie Baoyi giggled, his bright eyes were like black gems in the night sky.

Yes, the past years were full of blood and rain, and each of them waded through hundreds of thousands of dead bodies. The tragedies that hung by a thread in the past are as vivid as a movie.

Recalling the past, Tang Chengxun also smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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