Chapter 5 News (1)
In the days that followed, apart from preparing the speech for the graduation ceremony, Ye Qingran spent time in the school library or Zhonghua Bookstore reading books to prepare for the exams.Many girls in the girls' high school were about to graduate, and they either absent-mindedly took care of themselves in the school, or went to the bustling Xiafei Road and Huaihai Road in small groups to visit department stores and dance halls and restaurants.

Ye Qingran's good friend Jiang Jingxue is busy looking for a job everywhere.She is different from Qingran Shushu. Her father, Jiang Asheng, is a gambler and alcoholic. He usually can't earn a copper coin. If no one goes to the house to collect debts, it is considered a high incense.In order to provide for her to study, her mother worked tirelessly at several jobs, doing laundry for others, pasting matchboxes, and washing dishes for small restaurants... Now she is about to graduate, with the "Qide Girls' High School "It shouldn't be difficult to become a primary school teacher or a nurse in a hospital. If you find a job and get a salary, your mother will be able to relax and your sister will be able to go to school as she wishes.

Zhong Shushu's family runs a popular "photo studio", and her father and half-brother Zhong Yimin run the business well, and the business is booming.My mother's favorite thing to do every day is to play mahjong with a few idle wives, so she has no time to care about Shushu.Zhong Shushu doesn't have to run around for a living. She is about to graduate, still wearing expensive dresses, eating steak ice cream and shouting to lose weight. She goes to major movie theaters and department stores in Shanghai, dreaming that one day she will meet a prince charming who will come for her.

Ye Jiezhi did not return to his home in Yongmin Lane within three to five days as promised.Since that day, He Yuxin has not shed any tears in front of her children, and took care of their children's daily life as usual, but there was a bit of resentment in her eyes.

Xiafei Road Tang Mansion.

The study room on the first floor of the main building.

Tang Chengxun fiddled with a new Browning pistol, loaded the bullet, unloaded it, and repeated several times.

"Zhou Chuanming." He called out.

Zhou Chuanming, dressed in military uniform, came in and gave a military salute, "Teacher."

"Why hasn't Zong Yuan arrived yet?" His stern face was somewhat displeased.

"Mr. Zong should be on his way." Zhou Chuanming replied cautiously.The husband has always been calm and introverted in his work, and he has never been reminded three times in a row like today.

Tang Chengxun put down his gun, picked up a cigar from the table, put it on his nose and sniffed it, and said, "This new type of Browning hasn't been mass-produced in Belgium yet, so I think it's quite lethal. I want her to make the blueprints and models within ten days, and try to put it into production in one month."

Zhou Chuming respectfully put the gun into the box and walked out of the study.

Tang Chengxun lit the cigar in his hand, got up and stood in front of the window.

The lights outside the window were just turned on, and the early summer wind slowly blew in, blowing on his face, itching.

"One silver dollar, no one can fool you."

"It's clear!"

"See you again, I hope I will never see you again!"

The woman whom he had only seen once appeared in his mind again. She was not tall, with waist-length braids, especially those eyes that were as clear as mirrors, which seemed to have a deep attraction, leading him to take a look. depth.That smile floated up, and the shallow dimples at the corners of his mouth were like stones thrown into the lake of his heart, with ripples, disturbing his 26-year-old heart that only regarded women as spices.

He is the commander of the No.20 Third Division of the National Revolutionary Army, Tang Chengxun.

He was born in Yunnan and was a distant relative of Tang Jiyao. He was transferred to the army at the age of 15 and became a teacher after many battles.He also secretly controls the "Yanlongtang", the largest gang in Shanghai.

To him, a woman is a beautiful embellishment on a fine dress.It can show your identity and extraordinary taste.He loves beautiful women especially, and he never spares money on women.Houses, jewels, he gave them without batting an eye.But no matter how beautiful the embellishment is, there will be times when it gets boring, he is like flicking off the dust that falls on the clothes, chic and easy.

(End of this chapter)

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