Chapter 52
"Don't be in a hurry. You don't need to prepare anything. Everything will be handled by the Tang family. You can discuss with your wife to choose a date. We are still waiting for the wedding banquet!" President Qian urged.

"You two uncles, you came to propose marriage to me, why didn't you ask me if I would like to?" Ye Qingran had already entered the living room.

"Is this the world niece?" President Qian looked at the cardamom-aged woman in front of him, "Son, tell me, which day do you want to set the auspicious day for?"

"Nonsense! What does your lord say to you! Get down!" Ye Jiezhi reprimanded.

"It's okay, it's okay." Mayor Zhu adjusted his glasses on the bridge of his nose, "Let my niece talk about it."

"Uncles, please tell Mr. Tang that our small family of yellow grass and white reeds cannot be climbed high. Please ask him to find another beautiful woman!"

Mayor Zhu and Chairman Qian almost dropped their jaws in shock. What did this girl say?
Is there something wrong with my ears, I heard wrong.

"Momo, you want to piss me off!" Ye Jiezhi roared.

"When you come to hire, you don't ask if the person is willing or not, but you still choose the so-called auspicious date, it's ridiculous!" Ye Qingran said coldly.

"I said niece, this is a marriage that is hard to find even with a lantern on. You have to think twice!" Mayor Zhu persuaded him.

"That's right, Mr. Tang is a talented person. He took the position of teacher at a young age. His future is immeasurable! You look at all these things, just like everyone. Mayor Zhu and I have never seen such a heavy dowry." Chairman Qian Also persuaded.

"I'm still young, I haven't finished my studies yet, so I won't think about getting married in the past few years. Please take away the dowry." Ye Qingran said firmly.

"You—" Ye Jie slapped Ye Qingran on the face.

Mayor Zhu and Chairman Qian hurriedly stood up, "You can't fight—Brother Ye calm down, calm down!"

Ye Qingran's mouth was bloodstained, she raised her head, and said resolutely, "Please tell Mr. Tang that Qingran is a weakling and doesn't want to climb up." She bowed deeply to them.

Mayor Zhu and President Qian felt bored, walked out of Ye's house sighing and embarrassed, and sent the betrothal gift from the courtyard back to Tang's house.

Ye Jiezhi gritted his teeth with hatred for his daughter, "Okay - your wings are hardened, and I, a father, can't even decide on marriage matters!"

Tears welled up in Ye Qingran's eyes, and he raised his left hand, "Tang Chengxun is worse than a beast, do you know what he did to his daughter? Why don't you, a father, seek justice!"

"I just feel sorry for you. This time we proposed marriage to give us enough face. Where are you going to put my face!" Ye Jiezhi roared loudly.

"Face, I don't care about this kind of face, I hate him!" She broke down in tears, "If you want me to live a safe life, don't mention him in front of me in the future!"

"" Ye Jiezhi suddenly turned pale, covered his chest, and slumped down on the grand teacher's chair, with beads of sweat rolling down his forehead.

"Dad, Dad—" Ye Qingran quickly noticed his father's abnormality, "What's the matter with you? Mom, come here!"

He Yuxin hurried into the living room, "Jiezhi, what's wrong with you?"

Ye Jiezhi bit his lower lip, covered his chest, and said slowly, "I——I have—medicine in my trouser pocket, hurry——"

Ye Qingran hurriedly took out a small porcelain bottle from his trouser pocket, He Yuxin snatched it, opened it in a panic, poured out some black pills the size of rice grains, and put them into Ye Jiezhi's mouth.Ye Jiezhi closed his eyes, and in an instant, the frown that was tightly furrowed eased, and blood came to his face.

He Yuxin stroked his heart gently.

At this moment, Ye Qingran saw the three words "Jiuxin Pill" written on the small porcelain bottle.Her heart suddenly ached, when did her father have this disease, because of Tian Yanqiu's appearance, she hated him so much, but at this moment, seeing him in pain, her heart could no longer harden, this is his father, that Whenever she cried when she was a child, she would let her ride on her neck. When she wrote with a pen for the first time, the person who taught him to write his own name touched the warmth hidden in her heart again.

"Dad, are you feeling better?"

"It's okay, it's okay." Ye Jiezhi panted heavily, "The old problem happened again..."

"How long has this disease been?" He Yuxin asked eagerly.

"I committed it once half a year ago." Ye Jiezhi said slowly, "It will be fine soon after taking the medicine."

"Let's go to the hospital!" He Yuxin held his hand.

Ye Jiezhi shook his head, "It's fine not to be angry..."

Ye Qingran lowered his head, "Dad, I was wrong, I shouldn't have contradicted you."

Ye Jiezhi looked at his daughter and sighed heavily, "Momo, parents are only for your own good."

Qing Ran burst into tears.

(End of this chapter)

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