Chapter 55 Zong Yuan (1)
Tang Chengxun drove to the Bund.

In a desolate and run-down factory, he parked the car, scanned his surroundings fiercely like a falcon, and walked quickly.

The two young men guarding the gate blocked him. He flashed the bracelet on his right hand, and the two bowed their heads respectfully, "Master."

Most of the brothers at the bottom of Yanlong Hall have never met the hall master himself, and will only identify the hall master with the hall master's token.

To the outside world, Tang Chengxun is the commander of the 23rd Division of the National Government Army. This is a secret that only Zong Yuan, Xie Baoyi, and the four sub-rudder masters know.Zhou Chuanming was also promoted by Zong Yuan in the past two years, so he knew his identity.The other members of the Yanlong Hall knew little about the hall master who rarely showed up. The most common thing they saw was Zong Yuan's unusually handsome face, who handled Yanlong Hall's affairs for the hall master.

With a cold face, Tang Chengxun passed through layers of defenses and entered the underground factory.

With a stern expression, he walked down the hanging ladder.

"Master." Yuan Yang, who must have a mustache, came out first.

Tang Chengxun nodded to him, "Is it shipped?"

"It was put into production for the first time today, and more than 100 guns have been produced so far, and the gun inspector is inspecting them." Yuan Yang led the way.

Tang Chengxun and Yuan Yang entered a spacious and tight room. The only table in the room was covered with all black Browning pistols.

Zong Yuan was wearing black sound-proof earmuffs, holding a freshly baked Browning in his right hand and shooting at the target ten meters ahead.

"Bang bang!" The voice was dull and powerful.

Tang Chengxun put on the earmuffs, picked one up from the table, reloaded, loaded, aimed, and shot in one go.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Ten rings, the heroic appearance remains the same!" Zong Yuan put down the gun with a smile, and took off the earmuffs.

A faint smile appeared on Tang Chengxun's stern face, and he blew on the smell of gunpowder remaining in the muzzle of the gun.

Putting down the earmuffs, he skillfully pulled the trigger of Browning in his hand, and exclaimed, "This girl Baoyi really didn't let me down."

"The gun is being inspected next door, go and have a look!" Zong Yuan greeted him.

"Baoyi went to Nanjing. You and Yuan Yang should pay close attention to this batch of goods, and there must be no mistakes. This is our first batch of Browning, and its future sales will depend on the reputation of this batch. There must be no problem at all." Tang Chengxun followed Zong Yuan to the gun inspection room with a serious expression.

When Tang Chengxun and Zong Yuan walked out of their Yanlongtang gun manufacturing factory, the sun was already setting and the sky was full of sunset.

"I'll take your car and leave my car keys to Yuan Yang." Zong Yuan opened the car door.

Tang Chengxun started the car.

After walking a few streets, Zong Yuan realized that it was not the way back to Tang's house.

"Dining out tonight?" He thought Tang Chengxun was looking for a restaurant.

"Go to the division headquarters." He replied simply.

A flash of inspiration flashed in Zong Yuan's mind, "Ah, I'm afraid Miss Jin is still waiting for you at home!"

"This Jin Mingzhu comes from a famous family, and she doesn't even have any reservations!" Tang Chengxun said while driving, "Call home at the division headquarters to see if she has left?"

"Look, the person who came here doesn't like it, and the person who likes it doesn't—" Zong Yuan subconsciously covered his mouth.

Ever since Ye Qingran refused to marry, he never dared to mention her in front of Tang Chengxun, "That woman is too hateful, so don't mention her!"

Tang Chengxun was expressionless.

"I almost forgot to tell you," something flashed in Zong Yuan's mind, "I have an appointment tonight, you take me to Changjiang Road first."

"Which restaurant? I'll deliver it directly to you."

"Don't, lest you meet someone you don't want to see and cause trouble for you."

(End of this chapter)

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