Chapter 74: Old Li (2)
"When you tell a lie, you don't blush and don't panic. I really admire you!" Jin Mingzhu was not affected by his words at all, "Then tell me, who is your future wife? Where does she live? Even if you Engaged, so what, as long as I'm not married, I won't give up!"

Tang Chengxun continued to grimace, "I have business to do, please leave immediately!"

"I won't leave!" Jin Mingzhu smiled brilliantly.

Tang Chengxun said loudly, "Come here, take Miss Jin home with the car."

Regardless of Jin Mingzhu's resistance, several soldiers carried her into the military jeep she had driven.

A soldier started the car and quickly left the Tang family with Jin Mingzhu.

Tang Chengxun came to the study, closed the door, closed his eyes, and thought about his next plan.

In an instant, he took out the photo of Ye Qingran, full of tenderness, his index finger slowly brushed her face, and an imperceptible smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

It was just after four in the afternoon.

Lianhua Mountain is immersed in the scorching sun of early autumn. This mountain is not big, but it is steep and rocky.There are fruit trees all over the mountain, and the golden autumn wind blows, rustling.A few pheasants fluttered past, adding a bit of vitality to the quiet mountain forest.

There is a dilapidated log cabin halfway up the mountain, and the door is full of wood.

A hunchbacked old man who cuts wood for a living lives here all year round.

The old man kept chopping trees and chopping firewood every day.This afternoon, the old man had been sitting under the persimmon tree at the door, his eyes swept around like a falcon, smelling the dangerous smell in the air that was different from the tranquility in the mountains.

When the sound of rustling footsteps came, the old man's eyes lit up, he hurriedly picked up the ax on the ground and began to chop wood. At some point, his steps became so vigorous, but the movement of chopping wood was a bit jerky.

A young man in gray clothes crept to observe not far away for a while, and shouted, "Old Li!"

The old man's eyes were dull, he glanced at him, coughed, and his voice was like a broken gong, "Looking for me?"

The man in gray swaggered forward, "I'm acquainted with your nephew, he asked me to come here. I want to borrow your house. From now till night, I will give you two silver dollars."

"No!" Old Li's hoarse voice came.

"Three silver dollars!"

"Don't borrow!"

"I said, you old bastard, you're tired of working!" The man in gray grabbed his collar.

A middle-aged man with a beard came over, took the hand of the man in gray, and said, "Old man, we have to borrow your house for five silver dollars for your nephew's sake."

The man in gray nodded and bowed to the middle-aged man, "Brother Artai!"

The old man coughed again and nodded heavily. "For the sake of the little dog, I will lend it to you. Kekeke—but, I can only lend you the house. You can't delay my work. Old man, I have to keep saving the coffin book!"

"Five silver dollars, isn't it enough for you to buy a coffin? Why don't you buy jade clothes for old things!" The man in gray was furious.

"Hey, Xiao Mao." Zhang Atai pulled him past him, knelt down, and said to the old Li who was chopping wood, "Okay, you chop your wood in the courtyard, and we are busy with ours in the house. They have nothing to do with each other. There is a saying that In the past, no matter what happens, you old man is not allowed to be too busy, some things will rot in your stomach when you see them!"

Old Li's dull voice sounded, "Okay."

"Let all the brothers come!" Zhang Atai ordered.

The man named Xiao Mao ran all the way down the mountain.

Zhang Atai walked into the cabin.

There was an inexplicable excitement on Old Li's cracked old face.

(End of this chapter)

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