Chapter 83 Take Care (2)
The car was driving smoothly on the winding mountain road. He was holding the steering wheel with one hand and smoking a cigar with the other.

She couldn't stand the heavy smell of smoke, so she opened the car window, the sky was full of moonlight, the cool breeze was blowing, the outline of the blue-black mountains became clear, and the originally quiet night in the mountains was even more serene.

He has been silent.

She cast her gaze out the window.

The car turned seven turns and eight turns and finally came out of the mountain, and it took a long time to reach the city.

Yongmin Lane is already in sight.

Ye Qingran stretched her waist, she was really tired after sitting in the car for a long time.

It wasn't awkward all the way because he didn't say a word.

Being able to cancel the engagement at least shows that he is not too difficult to communicate with.She was already very satisfied that he could choose to let go, even if it was temporarily.

He stops the car.

When she got home, she got out of the car in a panic.

He stared at her with a solemn expression, "I have a few words to tell you, listen carefully—"

It's coming again, it's coming again, she turned around impatiently, this person probably can't sleep if he doesn't express his inner feelings, right?

She stopped, after all, he was the one who saved her just now.

"The reason why our engagement ceremony is temporarily canceled is because Feng Yuxiang's Northwest Army openly rebelled against Chiang Kai-shek. I just received a call from the Nanjing government and I am about to go with the army to Shanxi to attack Feng Yuxiang's coalition forces. The gunfire on the battlefield is ruthless. If I don't come back, you Just marry the person you like. I have divided all the property and written it into the will. I added a password for your share, which is 290526. This is the day we first met, May 26, 290526, Remember, [-]." He said in a low voice, "When I come back from the front line, our marriage will be held immediately."

Ye Qingran trembled, turned around, what was he talking about, is it necessary to leave her an inheritance?

Who is she to him!
Canceling the engagement was not because he was willing to let go, but because he wanted to go to the front line!This piece is affectionate and heavy, she really can't afford it.

"Are you kidding me? We are neither relatives nor friends, how could I want your property!"

He has been looking at the woman in front of him, with a fair oval face, a tall nose bridge, cherry lips like petals, especially those clear and clear eyes, exuding a fatal temptation to him at all times. The stunning appearance that has been repeated over and over again has already been engraved in every cell of the body.He sneered at himself, why he was so worthless, he had fought dozens of battles, whether it was because of her appearance this time that he was already afraid of death.

"Once I'm gone, I hope that the woman I love will live a comfortable and prosperous life without being troubled by life. After I leave, I can go to Zongyuan if I have anything to do." He took out his gold pocket watch and glanced, "I have to go It's over, you..." He looked at the ignorant woman in front of him reluctantly, and gently kissed her smooth forehead with his lips.

This kiss was very shallow, so shallow that before Ye Qingran could avoid it, he got out of the car and opened the door for her.

This situation was beyond her expectation, she was a little at a loss, what to say, comfort him to triumph as soon as possible, no, the subtext of this sentence is that he will be engaged to her when he comes back, even though he hated him in the past, but at this moment She couldn't say those hurtful words. After all, he was going to the battlefield, and his future was uncertain. Before he left, he still couldn't forget her, and even left her a share of his property.Although she would never accept anything from him anyway, the balance in her heart had already begun to tilt.

From the moment he condescended to save her by risking himself to save her, she has never dared to face her heart. Although she tried her best to put aside Tang Chengxun's rescue of her and quarreled with Zong Yuan, she was like stagnant water. There were already ripples in his heart, and he didn't look so annoying anymore.

She got out of the car silently and walked into the alley.

"Momo—" he stopped her.

She turned back slowly.

"Take care!" He uttered two words heavily, pressing down on her heart like a heavy weight.

She was looking into his affectionate eyes, but she didn't dare to face his naked expectation. She lowered her eyes and smiled brightly, "Take care!"

(End of this chapter)

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