Chapter 87 Meeting Again (2)
"I'll wash it for you at night, and you can pick it up tomorrow." Zhong Yimin stared at her intently.

Ye Qingran felt a little embarrassed, avoided his eager eyes and walked out.

Zhong Yimin followed closely behind her, "Qing Ran—I heard that Hu Die's "Cause of Laughter" is very good, when do you have time, let's watch it together?"

The honest boy finally expressed his heart to the woman he had admired for a long time.

Qingran's heart sank. This is a good friend's brother, and the man who has always regarded him as his brother has the courage to ask her to watch a movie. Even if she refuses, she must be more reserved, so as not to hurt this honest man's heart.

"Brother Yi Min, I have a lot of homework. I'm afraid I don't have much time. You can go and see it alone!" She tried her best to keep her tone gentle so as not to irritate him.

Zhong Yimin smiled honestly, "When do you have time... I'll wait for you."

Qingran smiled and changed the subject, "Come to pick up the photos after school tomorrow afternoon, and ask Shushu to wait for me at home."

Zhong Yimin was very disappointed, "Okay."

Watching Ye Qingran go away, he let out a long sigh.

Ye Qingran then went to Zhonghua Bookstore to read books all morning.

Walking out of the bookstore, the sky was gloomy, and small snowflakes began to flutter.

This is the first snow of this year, Ye Qingran happily catches it with his hands as he walks, the small snowflakes with six corners fall on the palm of his hand, and instantly turn into water droplets, cool.

It's snowing in Shanghai, Su Wen, what's the weather like there?She thought foolishly.

After waiting for half an hour, there was no tram, so she simply walked home.

Walking past Jing'an Temple, she found an elderly woman dressed in luxurious and elegant manner staggering with the support of an old woman. Since the two women had small feet, their steps were quite uncomfortable on the slippery stone road.

Ye Qingran's nerve line of helping the poor and the weak was touched again, and he hurriedly chased after him, "Grandma, I'll help you."

The middle-aged lady and the old lady looked at her together, and couldn't help but tremble in their hearts. How could there be such a beautiful woman in the world, with picturesque eyebrows, gentle and amiable temperament, and a radiant brilliance under her beautiful face.

"Ah Gui, you can just carry the box, let this girl help me!" The middle-aged lady stretched out her hand to Qingran.

Qingran held her by the arm, and felt that the old lady's kind eyebrows were capable and capable, and she looked familiar.

She took the vegetarian box from Mother Gui, "I'll help you."

Gui Ma also helped the old lady, and said with a smile, "The girl is not only good-looking, but also has a good heart. Whoever is lucky to marry you is considered lucky!"

Ye Qingran's face was flushed, "Grandma really knows how to joke."

The old lady walked forward tremblingly with her support, "Miss, have you ever read?"

"I just got admitted to Jiangsu and Zhejiang Women's Teachers this year."

"Oh, it's terrible, the girl is a foreign student!" Gui's mother looked envious, and she spoke very bluntly, "Shanghai is full of female students, but our young master has the most disrespectful one."

"There are so many good women in the world, my worrying son—hey, don't mention it!" The old lady sighed.

Ye Qingran smiled calmly and comforted her, "Children and grandchildren have their own blessings. Grandma, life is short, so why bother yourself, let's take things lightly."

"How old is the girl this year?" The old lady was thoughtful.

"I'll be 16 next month." Ye Qingran helped her flick the snowflakes off the mink cloak, "Grandma, slow down, the road is slippery!"

"Ma'am, Miss Bao asked us to wait in the temple, but we came out first, will she be anxious if she can't find us?" Mother Gui asked the old lady.

"I don't want to bother their young people. Once Cheng Xun left, she and A Yuan were busy going around every day. I originally planned to finish offering incense at Jing'an Temple and take a rickshaw back. Unexpectedly, when it snowed, I couldn't even see the shadow of a rickshaw." not!"

Ye Qingran was stunned, what did she just say?
Cheng Xun?A Yuan?She—is she?
Really dizzy!The old lady looked familiar a long time ago, but she had met before, the old lady of the Tang family.

(End of this chapter)

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