Chapter 89 Think twice before acting (1)
The next day, the snow fell and the wind was biting.

Ye Qingran was worried that there would be many people taking the tram due to the slippery weather, so he rushed to school after eating early.

Ye Qingran was fully armed, not only wearing a thick cotton robe, but also a knee-length white woolen coat, a red wool cap knitted by her mother on her head, and thick rabbit woolen coats on her hands. Wool gloves.With her schoolbag on her right shoulder and a change of clothes in her left hand, she hurried to the tram stop.

The tram didn't come, but there were so many people waiting for the tram.

Ye Qingran tightened the scarf around her neck, and breathed out to her hands that were about to freeze from time to time, it's so cold!
A man in the uniform of an employee of the tram company came out of the station shelter holding a wooden sign, which said, "It's cold and the road is slippery. The tram is suspended. Please forgive me."

In an instant, the crowd was like a hornet's nest that exploded, and the sounds of scolding and complaining merged into one.

Ye Qingran glanced at the big clock set outside the bus shelter, it was already seven o'clock, and their school starts at eight o'clock, so hurry up and walk!

She hurried out of the crowd and ran towards the outside of the city.

A dozen meters behind Ye Qingran, there was a black car that kept following her around.

The man in the driver's seat of the car stared at the woman who was hurrying ahead. Her petite body was wrapped in a white slim coat, which showed the girl's exquisite figure and unevenness. Two long braids hung down under the red hat. Dangling with the swing of the body.

She walked in the snow with difficulty, leaving a series of shallow footprints.

He pondered for a long time, and finally accelerated to catch up.

"Morning, Miss Ye!" He stopped the car and stretched out his head.

Qing Ran turned around, just in time to meet Shang Zong Yuan's handsome face poking out of the car window, laughing and lazily.

Ye Qingran's entire face was buried in a thick scarf except for a pair of clear eyes.

She glanced at Zong Yuan lightly.It's so early, let alone a chance encounter, she's not that stupid yet.As Tang Chengxun's best friend, Zong Yuan, meeting him early in the morning must not be a good thing.

Zong Yuan slowed down and followed her closely, "I happen to be going to the outskirts of the city, together?"

She stopped and looked at Zong Yuan with a bright face. If she had changed before, she would have walked away without looking back, but today, the snow on the ground spread in front of her without end, and she walked to the school with only one pair of feet. Hurry up, being late is inevitable, but now her leather shoes have been soaked in snow water, and the coolness on her wool socks has penetrated her bones.

The beautiful girl with her long eyelashes drooping down, her snow-white cheeks looked even more lovely under the red scarf, she was full of thoughts in her heart.

He saw through her little thoughts at a glance, his heart tightened, he hurriedly parked the car, opened the back door, and explained, "Today is really a coincidence,

Miss Ye," when he uttered the last three words, a touch of sadness flickered in his eyes, "I have something urgent to go to the suburbs, so I can only send you near 'Xixue Temple', and you have to walk the rest of the way . "

The cloud of suspicion on Ye Qingran's face dissipated immediately, and Zong Yuan felt at ease that he wasn't sent by Tang Chengxun. "Xixue Temple" is less than one mile away from their school, and it takes seven or eight minutes to walk from there to the school.

She got into the car, lowered her head and said softly, "Thank you, Mr. Zong."

Zong Yuan was completely hurt by the woman's expression towards him from guarded to relaxed.

She called him "Mr. Zong", and he called her "Miss Ye". What a distance to call him, he couldn't cross it in his life!
He started the car while she silently looked out the window.

I can't tell how I feel about Zong Yuan, as long as there is Tang Chengxun, there is him. In her eyes, he is Tang Chengxun's loyal follower.She didn't like Tang Chengxun, and she didn't like him either. She and Zong Yuan were at war almost as soon as they met. There were no quarrels like this, and there were only a handful of quiet time together.

(End of this chapter)

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