Two-dimensional Guide to Becoming a God

Chapter 105 God's Emblem

Chapter 105 God's Emblem

In the blink of an eye, Kotori has been living in Kurumi's apartment for a week.During this period of time, she has changed a lot. Compared with the restrained at the beginning, the current Kotori has completely transformed into a silly, white and sweet image full of vitality.

"Shidao, I'm really sorry that I asked you to come and cook every day." Yang Han sat at the dining table and had lunch with everyone, and after closing his hands after eating, he said to Shidao who was sitting opposite him.

"It's nothing, this guy Qinli is causing you trouble every day, I'm the one who is embarrassed." Shidou waved his hands repeatedly after hearing Yang Han's words, and then explained like this while patting Qinli's little head.

"You're wrong. How could Qinli be so cute and cause us trouble? Rather, I'm proud of having such a righteous sister."

"That's right, Oni-chan! Brother Yang Han is still good to me, unlike you who always scold me every day!" Kotori moved Shidou's hand on top of her head, and said with a little emotion, her swollen bun face looked quite cute.

"It's only been a few days to learn how to turn your elbows outward? Be careful I don't buy you Chupa Chups!" Wuhe Shidao threatened.

Chupa Chups (double good) is a kind of lollipop that Kotori likes very much, but unlike Kotori who will be holding it in her mouth at any time five years later, she is not so vicious when eating lollipops now.

"Oh!? Oni-chan treats Qinli like this, Brother Yang Han, will you buy me Chupa Chups? You will, right?" Qinli's face changed suddenly when she heard that, but her small eyes squirmed, and immediately He acted pitifully towards Yang Han.

"Okay, okay, I'll buy it for Qinli when I turn back." Yang Han was also helpless, this righteous sister was too cute, seeing the other party acting maliciously in front of him, he had no choice but to agree again and again.

"Hey! Brother Han, you will spoil Qinli like this!" Wuhe Shidao said to Yang Han.

"Hmph! O'Neill is an idiot! Idiot! I have Brother Yang Han's support, and I will never act like a spoiled child to you again!"

Kotori's seemingly cute threat directly caused critical damage to Wuhe Shidao.The moment Kotori finished saying this, everyone seemed to see that the background behind Wuhe Shidao had changed into a flash of lightning, but it was a pity that the roar brought by this lightning only echoed in his heart.

"Ahem, okay, okay, Kotori, stop joking, this will hurt Shidou's sister-in-law's heart, let's talk about business. My magic power has almost recovered, and I can start helping Qin in a while I have solved the spirit crystal on her body." He coughed dryly to remind the two to stop joking, so Yang Han got down to business.

At around [-]:[-] this morning, Fiya notified him that the new Shenyuan nuclear fusion was successful.It took him a while to understand his new ability, so he notified Shidou and Kotori at this time.

"Really? Then what are you waiting for? Let's start with Kotori now!" Shidou was more excited than Kotori, and after hearing the news, he quickly put down his bowl and chopsticks and suggested.

"Don't worry, let's talk about it after you finish your meal."

"Knowing the news, how can I continue to eat! Qinli, hurry up and go to the doctor with Brother Han, and then continue to eat."

Wuhe Qinli couldn't help feeling warm when she saw her O'Nijiang so worried about herself, so she obediently put down the bowl and chopsticks and looked at Yang Han.

"Okay, okay! Then Kotori, Icarus, come to the bedroom with me. Shidou, just wait outside for a while, just don't make too much noise." This may be a small matter in my opinion, but For the Wuhe brothers and sisters who were once ordinary people, it is indeed a major event related to life.Seeing this, Yang Han didn't say anything more, stood up and led Kotori and Icarus into the bedroom.

After the three of them entered the bedroom and closed the door tightly, Wuhe Shidao was still worried that he might disturb Yang Han, so he simply got up and ran outside the apartment door to wait.

As for Kurumi, who was always like air on the dining table, also got up and returned to the shadows.However, after entering the shadow, Kuang San quietly moved to a corner of the bedroom, observing Yang Han very carefully.

Through intentional or unintentional contacts in the past few days, she also learned about Wuhe Qinli's situation.The other party is an elf very similar to himself, but Kotori's situation is very different from his own.She can easily control her own abilities, but Kotori cannot.The opponent can hardly control his own ability at all, and when the energy is a little full, he will start to go berserk.

However, these are not the key points, the key point is Yang Han.Because the other party actually claimed that he had the ability to extract the spirit crystal without harming the spirit itself.In Kuang San's eyes, this is completely a fairy tale. As an elf, she knows it all too well. As soon as the spirit crystal leaves the elf's body, it will immediately kill the other party. It is absolutely impossible to do both. .If it is really possible, then there is absolutely only one identity of the other party - "the original elf".

Thinking of Kuang San here, the sight of Yang Han peeking at Yang Han in the shadows immediately became complicated.Is it possible that this man is the original elf?
Let go of Kuang San in the shadows, and then continue talking about Yang Han.

After he brought his second daughter to the bedroom, he began to draw a magic circle on the ground, in order not to damage the house.Because if you want to get rid of the spirit crystal on Qin Li, you will inevitably make some noise. As for what this noise is, you have to explain Yang Hanxin's newly acquired ability.

For this fusion, Yang Han paid eight Shenyuan molecules to improve his physical defense, one Shenyuan molecule to be immune to advanced curse effects, and one Shenyuan molecule to be immune to advanced mental attacks.And the Shenyuan Nucleus he obtained is indeed very powerful, and the new ability is named by him-the Emblem of God.

The ability of this God's Emblem also has a similar prototype, that is the anime "Campione God Killer!" The Prometheus Tablet used by the hero Kusanagi Godou in ".

Prometheus is one of the wisest gods in Greek mythology.According to the myth, he not only created human beings, but also stole the holy fire for the better survival of human beings.As for the Prometheus tablet, it possesses the power of Prometheus, the hero who bestowed fire and wisdom on mankind.That is the power to end the power of God and make it your own!

The reason why the Emblem of God and the Prometheus Tablet have similar abilities means that they are slightly different.The Prometheus Tablet is a prop that can only plunder the power of God, while the Emblem of God is an ability that can extract all abilities.

Of course, if it is really possible to withdraw all abilities at will, then it is obvious that this divine source nucleus is too terrifying.Its disadvantages, there are still many.

(End of this chapter)

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