Chapter 107
Feeling the fiery fluctuations coming from the emblem of God for a while, Yang Han put it away casually.Now is obviously not the time to experiment with this ability, Kotori is still kneeling naked in front of her!

Probably because of being taken away from all the spirit crystals, Kotori's spirit at the moment seemed a little sluggish, and even without an inch of her body, she couldn't feel shy.Just like the first time they met, Yang Han once again took out a set of his own magic robe from his God's Treasure, and put it on Qin Li's body.

"Thank you, Brother Yang Han." Qin Li pinched the magic robe on her body, which was too big for an unknown size, and replied with a sweet smile, still a little weak.

"There's nothing to thank, let's sleep for a while!" Rubbing the other party's soft hair, Yang Han said softly.

"Okay." Qinli enjoyed the feeling of Yang Han's hand on her head, then narrowed her eyes and gradually fell asleep.

Gently picked him up and put him on the bed, Yang Han took Icarus out of the bedroom, Qinli's brother outside was still waiting for Xin'er!The extraction process just now took quite a while. If I don't tell the other party about the result, I guess Wuhe Shidao will have to wait in a hurry!
"Why are you able to extract Li Ling Crystal?" However, just as Yang Han closed the bedroom door, Kuang San suddenly appeared in front of him and asked.

At this moment, Kuang San didn't have any expression on his face, and he was not wearing the black dress that he used to live at home, but replaced it with the black and blood-colored Gothic spiritual costume.She frowned slightly, and raised the shorter ancient flintlock pistol with her right hand, pointing the muzzle at Yang Han.

"It just happens to have the ability to solve this matter." Yang Han was not angry when he saw this, and simply explained to the other party.

"Your explanation is too far-fetched. How could a magician in another world have this ability?"

"Then there's nothing you can do. Whether you believe it or not, it's the truth. If you insist on thinking that I'm deceiving you, then the only solution is to fight with me."

"Yeah, there's really no other way..." Kuang San lowered his head slowly, and his tone of voice was not as elegant as before, only sadness and helplessness remained in it.

A bang sounded, announcing the start of the battle.Icarus immediately moved like last time, she stood in front of Yang Han and took the opponent's first bullet.But this time, Kuang San didn't give up on it. He immediately jumped back and raised the guns in his left and right hands at the same time. After aiming at the two of them, he pulled the trigger one after another.

The bang bang bang immediately startled Wuhe Shidou who was standing outside the apartment.He opened the door of the apartment nervously and urgently, looking at the two people on the left and Kurumi Tokisaki on the right, he seemed a little overwhelmed for a while.

"Shidao, your sister is fine. Kuang San, this is not a place to fight, we might as well go to the rooftop!" Yang Han first tilted his head and said this to Wuhe Shidao, then turned back and said to Kuang San .

"..." Kuang San didn't speak, she stood there silently as if thinking for a while, and then disappeared in an instant.No need to ask, the other party's action should be a promise.

Sighing, Yang Han didn't explain to Wuhe Shidao, and walked out of the apartment towards the stairs.

He was still in a depressed mood at the moment, he really didn't expect Kuang San to act like that.But this seems to be reasonable, because when she just saw Kuang San appearing in front of her and questioning her expression, he had already vaguely noticed such a development in his heart.

In order to prevent ordinary people from panicking, he set up a people-repelling barrier in the apartment while walking in the direction of the rooftop.After finishing all this, Yang Han walked to the top floor of the apartment, looking at the somewhat rusty iron gate on the roof, he hesitated for a moment, and pushed open the iron gate.The opponent was waiting on the opposite side of the iron gate, and he could not escape this battle.

"You are really slow enough, can you start now?" Kuang San did exactly what Yang Han wanted, he stood with his hips akimbo on the opposite side of the iron gate.Perhaps it was because of the passage of a few minutes that she adjusted her mentality, so her expression was no longer so tangled.

"Well. Icarus, don't interfere, go to the corridor and wait for me first, this time I will come by myself."

"Yes, master." Icarus took the order, turned around obediently and walked into the entrance of the stairs, and closed the iron gate.

"Hmph, are you really confident? But... the City of Eating Time!" Kuang San, with her hands on her hips, snorted softly. Halfway through her speech, she raised her left hand to the air, and followed him around. Gradually covered by a strange barrier.

Yang Han looked at the world covered by strange colors, but didn't say anything.He is waiting for the other party to continue to speak, because he has nothing to ask about Kuang San himself. In this world, if anyone besides Kuang San understands her best, it is definitely himself.

"Isn't it beautiful? This is my [City of Eating Time]. This is an enchantment that will absorb "time" as soon as you step on it!" Kuang San seemed to be looking forward to the next battle, smiling It was a little thicker, she opened her arms and asked Yang Han, her eyes had already started to look a little crazy.

"It's not very beautiful. I don't know much Japanese now, so I can't describe it." Looking at the red or purple enchantment under his feet, Yang Han said simply.

"Mr. Yang Han really doesn't know how to be considerate! Do you know? These times are my life! My angel has a very wonderful power, but it's just corresponding, and you have to pay an astonishing price. Every time you use power , it needs to swallow a huge amount of time. Therefore, from time to time, it needs to be replenished from the outside!" Hearing Yang Han's reply, Kuang San showed a disappointed expression.But only for a short while, she continued to introduce her abilities to Yang Han as if talking to herself.

"Kuangsan is really gentle! You act like I'm a bad guy, but you also reveal your cards for me." Yang Han obviously didn't have the consciousness of being a listener. It feels like he doesn't take Kuang San's ability seriously at all.

"Yeah, I'm tired of talking to you. Don't you understand? The relationship between elves and humans should be like me. Everyone, unfortunately, is my cute bait. And You are no exception!" Kuang San's eyebrows blinked extremely weakly, but she still quickly hid her emotions just now, and she said as if she was deliberately provocative.

"Hey, hey, let's play quickly. I'm done playing, and I want to go back to play computer. I haven't played for many years. I bought the machine back yesterday. I don't have time to waste time here with you."

"You! You!" Kuang San was very annoyed by the other party. She never thought that the script she originally designed would be completely broken by the other party in such a way.At the same time, she also understood that the other party didn't take her seriously at all.

 Some karvin...sorry.I hope you will give some valuable opinions in the comment area to help me break through the bottleneck, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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