Chapter 110 AST Strikes
The elves that exist in the neighboring world, when they appear in this world, there is a certain chance that the space will shake violently, resulting in a very destructive big explosion. Space shock is the collective name for this situation.

The explosion center buildings and ground facilities in the area where the space quake occurred will be wiped out as if they were affected by the eruption of the crater.Even the peripheral area will suffer damage due to the explosion.

This is a natural disaster that humans cannot resist, but after 25 years of human technological development, it has been possible to issue an alarm a short period of time in advance.And the ear-piercing sirens and mechanical prompts are to inform the residents of this area where a space quake is about to occur.

Ordinary people who don't know the existence of elves don't know the reason for this phenomenon. Only a very small number of mysterious organizations clearly know that it is because of the space shaking produced when elves appear in the world.

In addition, there are also cases where elves appear in the world but there is no space shock, but Yang Han does not know the reason for this phenomenon for the time being.

In addition, there are also space shocks caused by the elves' own consciousness, but let's not talk about these for the time being, let's talk about the current things first.

When Yang Han and Icarus came back to the rooftop, Kurumi was still standing there.It's just that at this moment, even if she heard the sound of pushing the door, she didn't look at Yang Han, but looked at the distant sky.

Affected by her, Yang Han also turned his gaze upwards, and saw a few glowing dots flying towards their direction.From the treasure of God, he took out a magic sealing crystal with the skill of [Eagle Eye] and crushed it to use. Only then did Yang Han see the true identity of the visitor.Those little dots flying in the distant sky turned out to be several humans wearing strange flying light armor!

"Hmph, you know a lot!" Hearing Yang Han's self-talk, Kuang San replied casually.

"I still think it's more interesting for you to speak in that kind of tone. You pretend to be an elegant lady, and you use frivolous and charming movements. It's a foul level. It can make men more attractive than arrogant. Heart itching." Even though the enemy was approaching rapidly, Yang Han still didn't forget to talk to Kuang San.

The heart that was still entangled and hesitant just now turned into annoyed after only listening to Yang Han's two words, and Kuang San could only sulk in his heart.

In the past, she was not the kind of sharp-tongued girl, no matter whether it was from the bottom of her heart or pretending to be superficial, so she had no choice but to prepare to vent her grievances in the face of Yang Han, who was a little rascal. On to AST.

AST, the full name of Anti Spirit Team, is an anti-spirit force under the jurisdiction of the Neon government, whose main goal is to destroy elves by force.Since general physical weapons are not enough to fight against elves, AST is equipped with CR-Unit (Combat Realize Unit), which enables ordinary people to have the combat ability enough to be the front line. It can be said that modern magicians, The existence of man-made magicians.

However, CR-Unit is only used by a small number of people, especially younger women are easier to master.Therefore, most of the members of AST are girls, and there are even many female high school students who are outside the rules.

"Coordinates FJ1820, target Nightmare (Nightmare). The reconnaissance starts to scan the surrounding environment of the target, and the rest of the personnel, spread out random areas to prepare for battle!" When Yang Han explained the otaku aesthetics to Kuang San like a rogue, in the AST troop in the sky, A dark-haired woman who took the lead issued such an order.

The woman's name is Yuko Yamanaka, and she is the captain of the AST Tiangong Garrison Base. She is the main commander in this battle.

After Yuko Yamanaka gave the order, all the AST members around her immediately lit up with a strange green light.After the rays of light unfolded, it was a spherical tortoise shell-shaped protective cover. This protective cover wrapped all the AST members and was obviously used for defense.

In fact, this kind of protective cover also has a professional term called Territory (random territory).This is a space created by the device of appearance.The random domain can realize different functions according to the user's wishes, and its properties change with the wishes of the display device users.The stronger the willpower of the user, the more concentrated the energy, the higher the precision of the random field, and the greater the intensity.

"Captain, there are two targets around Nightmare (the code name that Kuang San was hunted down)! One is a boy in plain clothes, and the other angel!?" When the distance between the two parties was approaching the handover point, Yuko Yamanaka On the side, the subordinate who is mainly responsible for the investigation made an abrupt opening.

"What? A man with an angel around him!?" This was completely a misunderstanding of Yuko Yamanaka, because this angel was not the angel she thought of, but a real angel with wings.

What her subordinates wanted to express was that the other two targets were a boy and an angel with wings in the true sense, but Yuko Yamanaka understood it as a boy with an angel equipped with equipment similar to Kuang Sanke Kedi.

"Everyone stop, don't get close to each other, and use long-range firepower to suppress the wave!" In her opinion, she won't gain much combat success against Nightmare with this little manpower, let alone two elves.But this time, their own side can be considered to have obtained good information, because they found a male elf during this dispatch.

"Yes!" The rest of the AST members stopped immediately after receiving the order, looked at the three slightly blurred figures in the distance, and began to launch a long-range attack.

They all fired rockets from the aircraft behind them, and started the first wave of attack towards the rooftop where Yang Han and the others were.

"What annoying flies! Come out, us!" Seeing the attack, Kurumi immediately moved.I saw that he summoned more than a dozen clones with a wave of his hand, and then these clones unleashed bullets at the incoming missiles.

Bullets and missiles collided with each other in the air, causing a series of explosions immediately.Sparks exploded in the sky, not as gorgeous as fireworks, but the sound was strangely loud.A slightly scorching air wave hit their faces, causing both sides to pause their attacking rhythm for a while.

Today's AST seems to be much more docile, they play conservatively.Seeing that the opponent was unscathed by the missile attack, he did not immediately carry out an assault, but chose to continue shooting down collectively with long-range rifles.

The raindrops of dense bullets came flying, and now Kuang San had no choice but to choose to fight directly.Compared with other elves, her own defense power can be said to be much weaker.As for the attack method, although there is [City of Eating Time] to deal with the ground, it is a little helpless to deal with the combat power in the sky.

(ps: I am very grateful to the readers who voted monthly for this book. No matter what I say, there are no words to express my gratitude "thank you very much")
 The author thought about it and decided to update it this weekend.But don't be angry, because the good news comes later!It's also the end of the month, and I'm thinking about getting a one-month subsistence allowance~ so, starting from August 8st, I'm going to start a double change! ! !Yes, you heard that right, the author of this book is going to double update!So prepare to stay up late on weekends to save manuscripts, and then start two updates a day from Tuesday, August 1st!
(End of this chapter)

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