Chapter 112

His three avatars were disobedient and laughed so disrespectfully, which made Kuang San very angry!With a wave of her hand, she forcibly controlled them with her abilities, and then threw them into the shadow beside her.

After doing all this, Kuang San clenched his small fists.She couldn't understand what was so funny at all, and kept admonishing herself that what the three of them just said was just nonsense.

It's a pity that there is no mirror for her to see the expression on her face, otherwise the situation will be very exciting.

At this moment, the expression of Kuang San's body is probably the first time in her life.Those eyes that were slightly foggy due to self-blame for doing something wrong, and her little face that was blushing uncontrollably when she was talking about the center, all of them proved that she had gradually become arrogant.

It's just that the real Tsundere can deceive himself, so the current Kuangsan is still denying this fact to himself.

She talked to herself in the alley for a long time before she finally calmed down.

He waved his hand to summon a clone that was set to be his own one second ago, and then ordered to her: "Myself, you are responsible for monitoring that man during this time. I have other things to do, and I have to leave here for a while."

"Okay, myself." After saying that, the two left in two different directions leading to the alley.


Nearly a month has passed since the great war that day.

During this period of time, Kuangsan did not appear again, so Yang Han naturally took over the magpie's nest.

Nowadays, Kuangsan's apartment, which is not very spacious, has completely become the dwelling place of an otaku.Especially in that small bedroom, there is basically no place to put your feet down except for the bed to sleep on.

There are wires, figures, light novels everywhere...

The keyboard and display case is no longer placed on the table, but placed on the ground; several different game consoles are still lit, and the handles inserted on them are entangled with each other. Just for fun; there is a floor covering on the floor in front of these handles, and at this time our hero is riding a pillow on it while typing on the keyboard under his hand.

"Tuk tuk tuk", when Yang Han was boringly browsing a barrage website similar to Niconico in his previous life, someone knocked on the door frame of the bedroom.That's right, the door frame!Because the original bedroom door has been accidentally knocked by Icarus, as for the process, there is nothing to describe in detail, please make up your own mind.

"Master, lunch is ready." Icarus said softly as usual.

"Oh! Got it." Yang Han lazily agreed, then slowly left the computer and stood up.

He is a completely different person now than he was a month ago.At this time, Yang Han was wearing pajamas, his eyes were covered with slightly dark circles, his hair had grown a lot, and because he didn't take care of it well, he looked as messy as a bird's nest.This image is almost no different from the good-for-nothing self in the previous life, and even worse.

However, it just so happens that Icarus is not an ordinary person, he can be said to have indulged Yang Han unrestrainedly, and never raised any opinions on his master's behavior.

Today's lunch is Japanese-style tonkatsu. Although Yang Han didn't teach Icarus this, the taste is still extremely delicious.Icarus is obviously very talented in cooking. As long as it is an online menu, she can almost 100% restore the exact same food after reading it, and she has made no mistakes so far.

"It's still as delicious as ever! Icarus, as a reward, I'll leave it to you this time!" Even when eating, Yang Han would not be honest. Handed the mobile phone to Icarus.

"Hi, master." As the saying goes, practice makes perfect!At first, Icarus couldn't understand such a reward, but now she skillfully took the mobile phone handed over by the other party, and drew ten consecutive shots.

The rewards given by his master are always weird, and Icarus is used to it.For her, as long as it is a reward, it is the best, and she likes this reward quite a lot.

After swiping the ten consecutive lottery symbol on the phone, Yang Han immediately leaned over and stared nervously at the screen of the phone.This is why Icarus likes this reward, because at this time the master will always be very close to him, which will make his power stove warm, and she likes that feeling very much.

"As expected of Icarus! Three golden boats in a row!" Seeing the three golden lights flashing on the screen, Yang Han leaned on Icarus' shoulder and boasted again and again.

Maybe someone will ask after seeing this, how did Yang Han live so well?Where did his money come from?In fact, these are also due to Icarus.That's right!The money was earned by Icarus.

Since that rooftop battle, Kurumi's body has never appeared again.And her avatar also seems to be deliberately avoiding her, only observing secretly.Although Yang Han didn't understand the crazy three-part approach, he didn't ask and let the other party go.

Although Kotori always comes to see him to play, but Kotori needs to go to school, so she only comes on time on weekends, and she doesn't usually see him.The same is true for Wuhe Shidao, and Shidao is not as clingy as Kotori, and the number of appearances is even less.

But Yang Han didn't think it would be boring. As an otaku, he took a long vacation for himself.Because of Fia's affirmative answer, even if he plays casually in this world, he will gain Shenyuan experience. Although it is not much, it will still grow.So Yang Han readily accepted this suggestion, and became an otaku again in this world.

It seems a bit off topic...

When it comes to being an otaku, it is obvious that you must have a certain source of income to make yourself a nerd.Although Yang Han has some tricks to get money from some people in reality, how can an otaku go out?Don't you lose if you go out?

With this in mind, he began to think of ways to make money at home.

The first step to making money at home is to master the neon language!After mastering this language, he can use the Internet to realize his great career of making money.Because of the intellectual blessing of a great magician of more than 80 levels, and the few days when I helped Qin Li to draw the spirit crystal, I learned something from the other party, so it only takes a short time to continue learning now. done.

In fact, Yang Han's method of making money is very simple!When he was still in the three-dimensional dimension, he had read a lot of novels that became cartoonists, novelists, musicians, etc., etc., after time travel.Now that I have gone from three-dimensional to Two-dimensional, wouldn't it be unqualified to be a time traveler if I don't practice it?

 There is another update at [-]:[-] pm, and the double update mode will start from now on.Mode existence time to be determined!The author is going to work hard to eat sub-subsistence allowances~ (Thank you for my annoying monthly pass! Thank you)

(End of this chapter)

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