Chapter 128
Ai Lian said badly in her heart, but she quickly started to remedy it: "Because my mother is from country Y, so I'm used to it, haha, don't worry about it."

"Oh, that's fine. Is there anything else?" Yang Han didn't bother too much.

"No, no more." Ailian answered the other party's question purely subconsciously.

"Bang!" Yang Han closed the door again without hesitation.

Ailian looked at the closed door again with a cute face, blinked her eyes twice stupidly, and then felt a burst of anger rushing straight to Tianling Gai.The bastard, the bastard!I still wanted to catch them alive, but it seems that there is no need for this.

Perhaps it was because anger broke through reason, Ailian decisively took out a silver card with a metallic texture from her bosom.She lightly touched the center of the card with her finger, and then a strange green light radiated from the card.

"Dress!" He ordered softly, and pressed the flashing green card against his forehead, followed by an inexplicable scene.

The green light gradually enlarged around her body, and the clothes on Ailian began to change in the holy light like a beautiful girl transforming.When the light gathered again, the ordinary casual clothes on her body had been changed into a strange mechanical silver armor.The shoulder armor of this armor is slightly long and thick, but the chest and thighs are exposed, which looks extremely alluring.

Pulling out a lightsaber surrounded by lasers from behind, Ailian directly cut through the gate of Yang Han's house, broke it in two, stepped on the broken door panel angrily and walked in.

Yang Han really didn't expect the other party to be so impatient, he just came to the door and stabbed someone with a knife after being rejected.He is sitting at his dining table at the moment, enjoying the gift that Ailian just sent.The gift from the other party is a very common snack, and the sweet and sour taste is not bad.

"Hey, hey, are all the DEM clubs so polite? Or are you planning to change the door of my house, so you started construction without my permission?" Yang Han lazily chewed the food in his mouth. asked.

He was not in vain to the other party, having the power of two elves around him was enough to protect himself.As for the demolition of this house, just let her clean up after I have convinced the other party for a while.

"You really played tricks on me just now!! Now you have two choices, the first is to follow me honestly, and the second is to die." Seeing the other party sitting at the dining table with a look of indifference, Ailian Don't hit one place when you are angry.If it wasn't for the fighting instinct telling her that this is the opponent's aggressive method, she should not act rashly, and she would have rushed up at this moment.

"Do you want to go to the DEM club? Westcott wants me to reverse or is he going to extract my spirit crystals directly? By the way, you really treat yourself as a dish, a group of second-year-old patients stay at home honestly, come out and mess around with your mother?" Are you worried?" After stuffing the dim sum into his mouth in one gulp, Yang Han mocked wantonly while licking his fingers.

"Then you go to die!" Ailian really couldn't bear it anymore, the iron wings behind her suddenly flashed blue light, pushing her to fly towards Yang Han's direction.

As soon as he entered the fighting mode, Yang Han immediately changed his attitude back.He sideways dodged the opponent's sword, and whispered the name of the skill: "[Scorching and killing ghosts]!"

After Yang Han called out the name of the skill, the scorching air wave began to spread outward from all around him, and a big ax with a strange shape, which was gradually solidified by the flames, was held in his hand.

Eileen missed a hit and just destroyed a good table.She ignored this, and the downward-slashing lightsaber only paused for a moment, then she twisted her wrist and continued to slash towards Yang Han sideways, colliding with the big axe with a bang.

"Strength is not small, but you have to remember to pay for the broken things later!" Yang Han inherits the power of the elves, which is different from the original Wuhe Shidao. Although he has a time limit for daily use, he can 100% exert its power.He took the opponent's blow easily, and said leisurely while receiving the blow.

"Who cares about you!" Ailian replied through gritted teeth, and started to attack again.

The giant ax that was supposed to be very inflexible was thrown up by a mage like Yang Han, and he and Ailian were blocking each other in the bedroom.Although the two of them were fine, the house suffered disaster. Electric lights and flames ran wildly in the house. After a while, the floor and walls were cut and scarred.

Icarus and Tohka didn't join the battle, they both rationally chose to hide in the bedroom.However, compared to the calm Icarus, Tohka was a little restless. She wanted to rush out to help, but luckily Icarus stopped her.

"It turns out that your ability is nothing more than that. I really thought you still have some trump card." Yang Han was a little tired of defending. He took a step back and directly switched to the passive blocking mode. The big ax in his hand was slammed by him. After making a circle, he slammed down the door mercilessly towards the other side.

Ailian blocked the laser knife on the trajectory of the opponent's attack, but the violent impact directly knocked her back.I saw that Ailian was sent flying far away under this move, even though she smashed through the windows and balcony of Yang Han's house, she still couldn't let go of the force completely.

Ailian, who was knocked into the air, flew more than ten meters in the air before turning over to stabilize her figure and floating in the air. After she stabilized her figure, she switched to another weapon from behind.

I saw Ailian extend the cannon-shaped weapon connected to her back from her back, wrap it around her armpit to her chest, and hold it in her hand.

"Pierce through him! Rhongomiant (pioneer gun)." After calling out the skill name, the muzzle paused to condense energy, followed by the light cannon spraying out.

"Where is this imitation curry stick!?" Seeing the attacking light cannon, Yang Han complained loudly.

No way, this light cannon is too fake in terms of thickness and light.But the power is really not vulgar, even though he tried his best to dodge, he was still wiped by the light cannon on his left arm.The left arm was easily dissolved into molecules by the laser, and was completely cut off at the root.

"Pierce through him..." Ignoring the opponent's complaints, Ailian, who was completely angered by the opponent's series of provocations, once again shouted [Pioneer Gun], and the muzzle began to accumulate again with her voice. force.

It also takes a little time to restore the immortality effect of [Scorching Ghosts], at this moment, my left arm is slowly recovering in the blue-purple flame.However, he couldn't recover immediately, so he couldn't be disabled anymore.In case the other party directly beats him into dust, who knows if he will recover.

"There is no CD! Sister, Camael Megiddo (Scorching Ghost Killer Cannon)!" Yang Han knew that he couldn't be fooled. Although he is not dead now, and the hit doesn't hurt as much as he imagined, but it doesn't mean that he wants to sit idly by. Another one!So he immediately took out the must-kill of scorching rotten ghosts.

 There seems to be something wrong with the author's background, please tell me who tipped me this week, leave a message, and I will write it in the thank you post.The background cannot be found.

(End of this chapter)

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