Chapter 133 Energy Cabin

Not long after, Icarus came out of the control room, but seeing this situation, Ailian's beating heart couldn't help but slow down.Because the other party came out too fast, Ailian had a guess. She guessed that Icarus might not know how to operate this kind of air ship, otherwise he wouldn't have returned so soon, right?
[When Yang Han looked at the control room but couldn't get the control right, all he had left was to let me control the system and give him permission. At that time...] Ailian seemed to have seen the other party take a step In the future where all wrong steps are wrong, I can't help but rush to Icarus' side eagerly, waiting for the other party's final sentence.

"Master, it's done, and now the control of the ship has been handed over to you." Icarus' plain words made Ailian's brain buzz.

Ailian couldn't figure out whether she was alive or not, so who taught her to control the airship for such a cute and pet-like girl.As everyone knows, Icarus is known as the "Queen of the Air". If he can't even balance such an air ship, it will be a joke.

"Well done, did you find any suspicious devices on this battleship?" Yang Han turned his face to look at Ailian who had lowered his head, and continued to ask.

"Master, I don't quite understand what kind of device is suspicious. This is the battleship's main control panel, and you can look up the information you want to know." The first half of Icarus just made Aileen regain a little bit of mood, However, as she handed the tablet-like thing in Yang Han's hands, Ailian's face completely turned into a bitter melon color.

[It's over, it's over, this time it's completely exposed.But even if the other party sees through, he can't keep me, after all, he signed a contract with me.Bastard, when I go back and get ready this time, I will definitely call back to deal with you! 】At this moment, Ai Lian simply let go of her mood. Anyway, the matter has come to this point, if it happens, it will happen!
From Ailian's point of view, she still has fighting skills, and she has already figured out Yang Han's methods. If she fights him again, the chances of fighting him must be very high.Although the opponent was able to win him with weird means this time, he couldn't kill him, and Yang Han didn't have enough energy to keep using Getia, as long as he was fully prepared to fight back the next day, it would be revenge.

"Oh! So there is such a room on this battleship! Not bad, not bad, Icarus, you can take Miss Ailian to have a good rest there, and I will entrust you with her food for the next period of time." In Love During the time when Lian was thinking about things, Yang Han also took Icarus' tablet to see clearly the internal structure of the battleship.He quickly discovered the intention of Ailian's enthusiastic visit just now, so he almost pointed to a room on the tablet and said to Icarus.

"This is different from the agreement! We signed the contract, and I have found a suitable residence for you, you must let me go!" Ailian immediately showed an expression of disbelief when she heard this, this man is him!He he he!He actually broke the contract!
"That's right, I've let you go, but now Icarus wants to invite you here as a guest, what does that have to do with me?" Yang Han hugged his shoulders and smiled like a rascal.

"You! Didn't you instruct that?" Ailian roared furiously. It was probably the first time in her life that she yelled so shamelessly.

"That's right, I ordered it, but did I violate the contract? It clearly says that I will no longer interfere with your freedom, but it doesn't say that others cannot interfere with your freedom!"

"I! I'll fight you!" Ailian nearly gritted her silver teeth, and finally broke out completely after the other party finished speaking.

I saw that in a fit of anger, she forcibly activated only a small part of the manifest equipment on her body, and was surrounded by a ball of golden light that could not be any weaker. Although her ability was very weak, she activated the equipment genuinely.

This is a very unbelievable thing, because the incomplete display device can only be manipulated in theory, but in reality, there has never been a person who can achieve such a difficult manipulation. It has to be said that Eileen's talent in magic It's just too scary.

But the ending was predictable. Ailian, who only had a part of the display device, couldn't beat Yang Han, and was quickly stripped of her armor by the opponent again, turning into a weak woman with no power to restrain a chicken.

"Well, Eileen, why don't you live in this room recently! There are probably a lot of houses in the place where Nia Honjo lived. Wouldn't it be good to learn how to be a house girl honestly? Tohka, you and Icarus Just jump into two rooms and tidy up first, and I will arrange it for you later, and I have to visit our new home first." Looking at Ailian at this moment, Yang Han suddenly had a feeling of robbing women from the common people to make a house for him. Madam's illusion came out, but he quickly shook his head and put aside this thought, and said like this.

"Mr. Yang Han, you turned my house into ruins, so you won't give me a room?" The elusive Kuang San suddenly summoned a black shadow from the wall, and poked his head out of it.

"Ahem, then you can choose one too." Yang Han said helplessly.

"Thank you so much." Kuang San said and disappeared again.

After assigning this matter, everyone left one after another.Although Ailian was not forgiving, she was really not good at cursing. Because she had no equipment and her body was very weak, she was quickly carried away by Icarus.Tohka was unusually well-behaved today, and followed Icarus out of the main hall.

After the three women left, Yang Han played with the tablet-like main control panel, called up the map of the ship's area from it, and quickly came to the energy compartment of the battleship.He needs to replicate the energy of this battleship so that he can drive this Getia for a long time in the future.

The energy compartment of the battleship is not very large. After pushing the door and entering, there are only some thick lines and pipes converging to the center of the cabin.In the very center of the room, a platform was lifted up by a large pile of pipes. There were ten grooves on the platform, and a transparent glass pillar the size of a beverage bottle was inserted into each of the two grooves. Of course, , As for whether it is made of glass or not, he does not know, but it feels very similar to the hand.

According to the data on the operating panel, these two glass columns are the energy bars of this battleship.One can maintain normal operation for about ten days, and it is impossible to estimate how long it will take if it enters combat mode.

At this moment, one of the two glass pillars is filled with a red-purple liquid, while the other is only about a third full. Obviously, one is full of energy, while the other is full of energy. One is running out.

"How do I replace this thing? Can I just pull it out?" Yang Han looked at the two energy sticks, and then started to search on the work disk, muttering while searching.

I have to say that the operation of this battleship is indeed a bit complicated for Yang Han. Generally, although the leadership of such a large air battleship belongs to the captain, it still requires a lot of operators for regular use, because one person simply can't handle it. .

 After reading everyone's comments, I really burst into tears!Well, I can’t think of any decent stories recently, but I will work hard and try to write faster and more interesting stories as soon as possible, that’s all for now~
(End of this chapter)

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