Two-dimensional Guide to Becoming a God

Chapter 138 Two Ya's Story

Chapter 138 Erya's Story
Chong Gong took the girl back to his hometown and hid.It was a small village with underdeveloped transportation and no electronic technology.Chong Gong knew the character of the girl, and only treated her as a family member. He did not do anything to the girl like Woodman and Westcott, but raised her as a child and taught her some things about life every day. Basic knowledge and reading literacy.

Gradually, the girl changed.Her eyes slowly brightened until she spoke for the first time.Chong Gong clearly remembered that the first sentence the other party said was: "Thank you." After hearing the other party's words, Chong Gong was very excited. He suddenly felt very proud and felt that he had done something quite great. matter.

The two spent every day in such an ordinary and warm daily life, until one day the girl took the initiative to ask Chonggong: "Do you need a wife?"

Chong Gong didn't expect that the other party would take the initiative to ask this question, but he didn't refuse.Because it has been ten years since he brought the girl to this small mountain village. Counting the time he spent at Woodman’s place to take care of the girl, it must have been more than 11 years. After such a long time together, if he still doesn’t like her It is absolutely impossible to get on the other side.

So they got married.

The pair had a baby boy two years after their marriage and a baby girl four years later.The story up to here is like a fairy tale about a knight rescuing a princess who doesn't understand the world, and finally the family lives happily together.However, the following story slowly developed in a bad direction...

Although the two were hiding in an isolated mountain village under their anonymity, Woodman and Westcott still found them.The obsessions in their hearts do not allow each other to disappear.

As an ordinary person, Chong Gong was killed when he was unable to resist at all.

And at the moment when Chonggong died completely, the girl hugged the opponent's body and erupted! !

The girl was originally blue and pure, but her sea-like eyes had tears of blood, and her eyes turned blood red because of this. She wanted everything in this world to die, and she wanted to kill everyone who lost her and lost her happiness.Neon once again caused a huge space shock because of the girl's anger, and Woodman and Westcott also paid a tragic price for this.

Although neither Woodman nor Westcott died, their moods changed.Woodman was completely awakened, he heard the heart-piercing pain in the girl's shrill cry, and found out that his [love] was wrong; Westcott was just the opposite, he was even more sympathetic. Excited, I feel that the power of the other party is the most suitable for me, and I must have it.

The girl disappeared together with her husband's body after launching the space quake, leaving only a messy land and two young lives.

Westcott has no interest in children, but in order to gain power, he must continue to study.Seeing the two children left after the girl left, he set his research target on them.

Naturally, Woodman would not let the opponent do whatever he wanted. After another big fight, the two snatched a baby respectively. Woodman snatched a boy baby, while Westcott snatched a baby girl.

After the baby girl was taken away by Westcott, he experimented wantonly. While being trained as Westcott's major killer, he also acquired a lot of new knowledge about [power] from the other party.

The baby boy was taken back by Woodman and placed in the hands of a couple named [Five Rivers], who became righteous brothers and sisters with the couple's newborn child Wuhe Qinli.

As for the biological parents of these two children, they never appeared again...

But the story didn't end here, because the girl was very dissatisfied with such an ending, very dissatisfied.She wants her lover to be resurrected, and she wants to plunge the whole world into pain.

The girl left this world after triggering a huge space quake and went to the borderline. When she came back again, she lost her natural personality. Her blue eyes were filled with hostility and a pair of red eyes.

She needs some power to revive her lover, which is about human power, but she doesn't have it now.Because she is not a human being, her own power cannot act on humans.So she thought of an extremely vicious method - run-in.

Some people are about to ask, how can running-in be called vicious?Please listen to me slowly.

The girl has ten kinds of power. As long as the ten kinds of power are combined and used, she can even control life and death, but the effect can only be on herself.This also led to the fact that if a girl wants her husband to be resurrected, she must integrate these ten kinds of power into her husband's body.

However, ordinary human beings cannot bear these ten kinds of huge powers, and even one of them cannot be easily mastered.When these powers act on a person, they will quickly erode the mind of the opponent, and those who cannot control the power will soon become slaves to killing, and finally explode in madness to death.

In order to make this side effect disappear, the girl decided to put these energies on humans with relatively strong adaptability, and wait for the other party to go crazy before getting the power back.In this way of continuous transmission, the erosiveness in one's own power will be continuously filtered by changing masters, and finally become the most suitable for human use.

And at that time, if I give all my strength to my deceased husband, he should be able to be resurrected!
The girl who thought this way quickly took action, and the progress was exactly as she expected.

At first, after one's own power is given to a person, the other person's body will explode and die soon, but as the number of replacements is superimposed, the person who has been injected with power can survive only one day to seven days, and from seven days to seven days. It can survive for a month.

The girl is quite satisfied with this result, but she is still a little impatient about the time required for the filtration, because she doesn't want her husband to open his eyes again all the time.In order to complete the filtering more efficiently, she felt that she should find a helper.

And on this day, she met a helper who was very suitable for her...

It was a very beautiful girl, her long black hair was combed into two strands and placed on her chest, she looked very quiet.Although her eyes were as red as hers, there was such a sense of clarity, not only did she not show hostility, but she even had a kind of warm tenderness.

This girl's name is Tokisaki Kurumi.

She is a very good girl, she is very gentle to everyone, has a little sense of justice, and is extremely helpful. Although her family is superior, she never shows off. She is simply a goddess among boys.

Today, Hu Tao just finished school as usual, but it was getting dark, so she had to walk a few steps faster and go home as soon as possible.At this moment, as she trotted home, she felt a tremor in her heart, as if someone was staring at her with full malice...

(ps: The number of recommended votes obtained yesterday ⑨... I begged for a few recommended votes, I don’t know if it’s too much, 5555555)

 Kuiba, Xingyouji, Qin Shimingyue, etc. seem to be all made in China... also powerless ==!I'm a Nissan party. Basically, the animations I've watched are mostly daily, funny, harem, etc., and a small number of them have been exposed to bloody dramas. I'm very sorry.As for the brainless harem, the monster girl, and the supernatural battles of the daily department, I have seen them, and I can consider them, but the chances of writing about them are not high. These two seem to be not very popular, and they don’t join in the fight very often. If I'm good at writing about daily life, but I'm afraid it will be boring.I hope you can find some harem comics that have battles. I am the best at this aspect. Of course, it doesn’t matter if it’s not a harem.

(End of this chapter)

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