Two-dimensional Guide to Becoming a God

Chapter 159 Epic Rhetorical Question

Chapter 159 Epic Rhetorical Question

"Evil, devil..." Following this soft call from an unknown source, the audience gradually fell silent.No one fired another shot, and the only thing left was the miserable wailing of countless girls.

These passer-by girls are also mortal bodies, so they will naturally have fear.Most of them fell into despair after seeing the other party's dilapidated figure quickly recovering, and the casualties and injuries of their comrades around them.

"It's not a devil, it's a god!" Yang Han, whose upper body has recovered and his lower body is also being repaired quickly, looked at the girl who just spoke, and corrected with his arms around his shoulders.

"You are a demon! You killed Yuna, you damned demon!" After hearing Yang Han's words, the girl who happened to point at him with fire-spitting eyes, and said again without fear.

"Sorry, your friend died because of your own stupidity, and she died by your own hands. I was attacked by you all the time, but I never fought back." Yang spread his hands to show his innocence. Han, retorted without any killing intent in his eyes, which made the girl stunned.

"Then why did my friend die! You bastard!" She was stunned for a moment, and when she recovered, she felt even more angry, and her shouting voice became a little hoarse.

"That's because she was killed by her own attack. Those who attack the gods will be punished, and the punishment is to be attacked in the same way. Those who missed me or didn't shoot after the scene were all right? If you don’t believe me, cut me off and have a look.” Yang Han explained and suggested to the other party, pointing at his neck, that his ankle was almost repaired.

"..." The AST girl looked at Yang Han's defenseless body, and was speechless for a while.There was a battle going on in her heart, one was persuading her to go up and slash the other person, at worst she would die; while the other was telling him that what this person said might be true, and the one who really slashed to death would be herself.

"For those of you who don't know the reason, when you were used as gunmen, I shouldn't be the one to blame. Girl, I advise you to find a boy to fall in love with and get married as soon as possible!
You are nothing but an idiot to listen to the justice of others when you are not capable enough. "Yang Han, whose body was restored, quickly flew past the AST group of people, and when he flew past the girl who was talking to him, he left such a sentence.

Watching the other party fly by, followed by breaking through the glass and breaking into the AST base directly, none of the AST members who were still alive in the sky or on the ground dared to step forward to stop it.

The most precious thing in the world is life. They can sacrifice their most precious life for righteousness, or to save relatives and friends, but no one is willing to work hard to test the authenticity of each other's words.

"Boom!" In the sight of many frustrated AST members, a violent explosion erupted from a distant building, followed by three figures rushing out of the nearly ruined building, including that The boy who called himself God just entered the building for less than 3 minutes.

"Adjudicator! Sorry, you were one step late." Murasame Reine was covered by a mosaic-like hazy aura at this moment, and her voice was a little colder than before.

"You mean to say that you have controlled Tobiichi Origami?" Yang Han stood in mid-air facing the other party, and asked.

"Control? No, I don't need to control her. This girl hates you elves very much. Next, it's your performance, so I'll take my leave first." The mosaic figure flew away after leaving these words. The aura around her also gradually blended into the environment, and quickly disappeared like a chameleon.

Yang Han originally wanted to keep the other party, but it was a pity that there was another figure standing in front of him at the moment...

"Why did you lie to me...why!" Tobi Origami asked twice, the first sentence was light and faint, and the latter sentence was almost like a growl.She looked at Yang Han with tears in her eyes, and asked loudly.

"When have I lied to you?" Yang Han looked at Tobiichi Origami with a sad and angry face, and replied softly.

"You are still lying to me, didn't you say that you are not an elf? Then why do you have such power? Why did you destroy all human beings and AST bases?" Tobiichi Origami asked one after another, her body trembling slightly stand up.

"I, Nima, have not been out of the house for more than a year since I came to this world. How did I destroy human beings? How did I destroy the AST base? The group of people beat me by themselves, can I be blamed for being bounced back? Do you blame me for the bombardment of Ma Building by you?" Yang Han wanted to coax the other party, but he knew that he couldn't do that, but when something happened, it had to be resolved. He pushed back completely.

Tobiichi Origami was stunned when she saw what the other party said seemed to make sense. She never expected that the other party would say such a thing, but the last point about the building being knocked down was indeed her own. made……

"No, no! I did it because I was angry that Yang Han killed so many people. But didn't he say that all his teammates died because of rebounding? But I have no reason to believe him, elves are hypocrisy, What the person in front of me is telling is definitely a lie. Even if it is the truth, he is half responsible, he must die!" Tobiichi Origami was thinking in a mess in her heart, but she didn't even notice it, she was thinking about the other party some excuses.

"What evidence do you have to prove that what you said is true? Even if there is, those people died because of your excessive defense, and you have to pay for it!" Origami kept saying in her heart that she wanted to kill the other party, but her body But honestly stopped and did not go forward.

"Evidence? Yes! Do you want an adventurer card from another world? And this, books from another world, beast materials from another world, weapons and equipment from another world, are these proofs enough?
Also, can you blame me for attacking the gods and being backlashed to death?So according to you, the suicide by jumping off the building is the fault of the construction workers?Suicide by taking poison is the fault of the pharmaceutical factory?The suicide by slitting the wrist is all because of the knife forging workshop?Is it the winery's fault if you get into a car accident after drinking? "A large pile of objects spit out from the [God's Treasure] behind Yang Han, and he pointed to the pile of objects he threw out, and began to ask more violently than Yuanyi Origami.

"I, I..." Seeing the evidence she wanted and the other party's eloquent questions, Tobiichi Origami was completely confused.Including the pile of AST remnants and defeated generals on the ground also opened their mouths, and no one could answer.

"According to what you said, is it because your father sowed hundreds of millions of seeds, but your mother gave birth to only one of you, and the rest are not born because of your mother? Damn, doesn't that mean that All the mothers in the world are demons who kill without batting an eye? And are you all descendants of butchers?" Yang Hanyue spoke more vigorously, and completely conquered all the people present with a way that ordinary people could not match.

 Group number: 165072793, the answer to join the group is Yang Han, welcome everyone!Well, if you join the group, it's not impossible to chirp...

(End of this chapter)

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