Two-dimensional Guide to Becoming a God

Chapter 177 Accidental Meeting

Chapter 177 Accidental Meeting
At the main entrance of the headquarters building of Tiangong City TV Station, countless people were quickly evacuated from the inside to the outside.The building was built not long ago, and the underground shelter equipment was not yet complete, so they had to run to the nearest subway station if they needed to escape the space quake.

Yang Han pulled Meijiu and stood at the gate, watching quietly, waiting for the goal of their trip.

"Aren't you planning to kill them?" Mei Jiu asked hesitantly, without struggling while Yang Han held his hand.

"Huh? Why, Xiao Meijiu thinks that they are not guilty of death? Although your age has already passed the maximum death penalty for three years, since they dare to attack you, they will definitely attack other girls." Thoughts, whether successful or not, this group of people is enough to be sentenced to death." Yang Hanfeng said lightly.

"...Then will you be arrested if you kill someone?" Mei Jiu continued to ask.

"Catch me? At least no one in this world can do it. Alright, don't bother chatting, just see if those guys have come out, so I can catch them." Yang Han pointed at them People passing by said to Miku.

"Should come out soon. The pervert is the producer, and he can be regarded as the superior here. He will definitely escape sooner..."

"I didn't expect that! Judge, can you tell me how you found this place?" Before Mei Jiu could finish speaking, she was suddenly interrupted by another voice.

The person who came was a young man with silver hair, from the outside, he was in his 20s and close to [-] years old.He was wearing a standard suit and a white tie, his eyes looked a little old, but his movements had the style of a young middle schooler.

This person's name is Izak Ray Pelham Westcott, and he is the executive director of the DEM club that has disappeared for a year.

But rather than saying that he is the executive director, it is better to say that he is the helm of DEM.His appearance is all a false disguise, and his real age is already a bad old man buried to the eyebrows.

"You are... Westcott?" Yang Han was a little confused at the beginning, but when he heard the other party call himself the adjudicator, and looked at the person's appearance and speech and behavior, he thought over and over again before finally recalling some memories.But just in case I guessed wrong, I still asked with interrogative sentences.

"As expected of you, Lord Judge, I didn't expect you to know my name. That's right, I am Aizhak Ray Pelham Westcott. It's an honor to be remembered by you. !" Westcott bowed to Yang Han with some overly elegant movements, but his eyes were still so annoying.

"Do your parents know that you are a second grader?" Yang Han said bluntly, unexpectedly met the other party by accident, so he just executed them together.

wait!When he thought of this, he seemed to understand the current situation. He seemed to find the DEM club through Meijiu somehow!

This big fish can be described as very big.You must know that he is used to cutting grass and roots, and he will not let go of the DEM Society and Ratatosk, two organizations that have communicated with the original elves.However, these two groups of people are not ordinary people, and they have unique means to evade the search of [嗫话章帕], otherwise he would have done it long ago.

Yang Han still has many questions to ask these two groups of people.He always felt that there was something wrong with Reine Murasame, who was captured by Kuangsan, but the other party was now in the form of a spirit body, and besides being sealed, there was still no good way to completely pinch him to death.

"Oh, I'm sorry, my parents have passed away, so they may not know about it. But Mr. Judge, can you tell me what clues did you find to find this place?" Westcott asked Not angry at all, I asked after standing up straight again.

"I haven't heard anything. You happened to come here to find someone, and you ran out by yourself." Yang Han's answer did not deceive the other party at all, but it was indeed harsh to Westcott's ears.

A year ago, Westcott, who had a close and hidden cooperative relationship with Reine Murasame, decided to disband DEM on the surface after receiving the news that the other party was eliminated. out of the "water".

He thought he hid in the most dangerous place, so he came to Neon with the safest idea, and hid in the newly built Tiangong City TV station headquarters.Unexpectedly, within a few days of the stable life, the other party called at the door.

A space quake alarm sounded at his door. From Westcott's point of view, it was Yang Han who was forcing him to come out and speak. Unexpectedly, it was himself who made a mistake and just loaded the gun so straight.

"Since the adjudicator is unwilling to tell the real reason, then forget it, why bother to tell such a lie?" But at this moment, Westcott has put all his mistakes aside, and he doesn't even bother to think about it.He decisively chose his own opinion, which was that Yang Han was teasing him.

"If you like to think so, you can just think so. Xiao Meijiu, come and tell brother, is there any bastard behind that person who slandered you?" These days, no one will believe you when you tell the truth, and people will take you seriously when you tell lies. What a world.Thinking like this, Yang Han rolled his eyes and didn't bother to pay attention to the other party, he pulled Mei Jiu who was beside him and asked.

"Can you stop calling me Xiao Meijiu!"

"Then Mijiu-chan?" Yang Han changed his tune.

"Shut up! Stop yelling at me!" Meijiu felt too embarrassed to be called like that in public, so she sternly shouted.

"Hey? Why do you shut up? Do you want to play [Don't talk, kiss me]? But the setup is reversed! It should be you who shut up." The two teased their mouths as if they were flirting. The corners of Westcott's mouth, who had been smiling all the time, began to twitch slightly.

"You! Why are you such a rascal!"

"Really? Am I a scoundrel? Actually, I'm very serious! Let me tell you..."

"Master Judge, I'm sorry to interrupt you, but I think you should take a look at the current situation first?" No matter how good Ren Westcott's temper was, his face was completely gloomy at this moment.He always felt that Yang Han in front of him was too childish, that Chi Guoguo looked down on him, and it could even be said that he completely ignored him.

"Oh, that's right! Look at my memory, Xiao Meijiu, you should hurry up and find out who is slandering you! Didn't you see how they are anxious to die? It's not good to keep people waiting for a long time."

Yang Han's opening just made Westcott breathe a sigh of relief. He thought that the other party's weak temper had finally seen the situation clearly, but he didn't expect the other party to add such a sentence afterward.

What does it mean to seek death in a hurry?
"I respect you three points for talking to you. I didn't expect you to be such a worthless person. Hmph! Do you really think my DEM club is afraid of you?" Patenting for himself, now being slapped in the face like this, finally broke out completely.

(End of this chapter)

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