Two-dimensional Guide to Becoming a God

Chapter 195 Waiting for Server Opening

Chapter 195 Waiting for Server Opening

"Uh...why, did you quarrel with your mother again?" Yang Han asked.

"How did you know!?" Asuna was obviously not good at getting angry. She wanted to hesitate to apologize after the previous sentence, but after hearing Yang Han's answer, she was attracted by this sentence.

"Hmph, Lord God knows everything!" Yang Han said with a smug expression, and suddenly he felt that seducing a little girl is also a very interesting thing.

"Looks like a stinky fart, obviously he's just eating and drinking..." Without thinking at all, Asuna blurted out.After she finished speaking, she was stunned in surprise, because, having received a good education, she had subconsciously used the most appropriate words to greet anyone, and she was surprised even by herself when she could say such words.

"I'm really sorry for being a fart, but what are you guys arguing about? Anyway, I have nothing to do when I'm free, why don't you talk about it casually and let me gloat over my misfortune?"

"Why are you so annoying, is it interesting to hear people's sad stories?" Asuna was a little annoyed when she was pulled back from her thoughts by the other person's words again.

"It's not necessarily interesting, but look at your room, there is nothing, and I can't sleep because of your pounce, so let's chat! It will make you feel better if you talk about it, and I won't be bored. "

Asuna was stunned for a moment, looking at the other party's leisurely expression, she unexpectedly asked, "Are you really willing to listen?"

"Of course! Otherwise, why should I suggest you?"

"Okay, then I'll tell you, but you're not allowed to tell anyone else!" Asuna lifted a small round stool and placed it on the opposite side of the bed, and after sitting down, stretched out a finger to warn Yang Han.

"Let's talk, who can I tell. Do you think anyone besides me will be willing to hear about your family's shit?"

"You!!" Asuna gritted her teeth angrily.


No words for a night, no, on the contrary, to be precise, there are too many words.God can imagine that Asuna has so many things to say to her parents, starting at eight or nine o'clock in the evening, and saying that she didn't finish at eight or nine o'clock the next morning!
Yang Han regretted it to death at this moment, why did he hand him two glasses of water, which caused Asuna's voice to stay up all night.

Yang Han heard the chair from the bed, and heard the floor from the chair.In the end, he simply took out a lot of snacks from the treasure of the gods, and while eating them, he listened to Asuna's words as a storytelling.

It's also fortunate that her mother lives on the first floor, and the sound insulation is good, otherwise Asuna's deeds were heard by her, and she would probably change her past and change her mind and become a good mother from then on.

"Okay, okay, your mother probably has to go to work, and I have to leave too." At this moment, the time has come to 09:30 in the morning, and Yang Han, who is really tired of listening, finally stopped Asuna from talking Absolutely.

Who would have thought, who would have thought! ?This guy is actually a chatterbox!She was submissive in front of her mother, but in front of someone she could confide in, she was actually able to say that.I guess a certain black-clothed swordsman has never heard of these words, right?

"Are you leaving? Or, I'll make something, and you can leave after eating?" Asuna actually said that she was happy early, but she didn't know why the feeling of confiding was so refreshing, which made her feel so happy since she was a child. It was the first time she experienced this feeling, and she couldn't control herself for a while.

"I won't eat. I'm not hungry at all after eating snacks all night. I have to apply for a fake identity and find a place to live, otherwise I won't have a place to stay tonight. Well, don't show that If you have anything to say, save it for next time!" Yang Han stood up and picked up a large bag of garbage by his feet, which was the result of his supper last night.

"Then where do you live?" Seeing that Yang Han had made up his mind to go, Asuna couldn't help asking.

"Who knows, but don't worry, we will meet again." With a wave of his hand, Yang Han pushed the door away.

Watching this weird young man leave, Asuna's thoughts have completely changed from what she saw yesterday.

Communication is the best way to enhance a person's relationship. After holding back for 15 years, she suddenly feels that the world is no longer so indifferent at this moment. At least someone can help her bear those helpless past for a while. Commitment is just a leisurely listening on the sidelines.

Leaving Asuna's home, Yang Han used his memory to return to the commune where he stopped yesterday after get off work.

The invincible hypnotism was launched again, but this time it was done more covertly to prevent being caught by the camera.After controlling the staff, Yang Han successfully obtained the household registration certificate.

Then through the housing agency, he easily found an extremely luxurious residence.

How did you get the money to buy the house?No, no, no, Yang Han didn't steal or rob, he just took out some tattered gold and silver from God's Treasure, and found a second-hand goods exchange (second-hand trading store) to exchange some money.As for the money for the household registration, it was because he used hypnotism, so he provided completely free (no charge) services.

When he came to his newly bought house, Yang Han glanced at it casually and walked in swaggeringly.It's not far from Asuna's home, it's all on the same street.Since the bidding price is high enough, the interior decoration is fine and well-equipped, so you can just check in with your bags.

Walking into the room, Yang Han, who ignored all the decorations, went directly to the computer.After turning on the phone, opening the browser, and finally logging in to the official website of Sword Art Online, he scanned the headline of the main page to the window for online snap-up of NERvGear helmets.

Although it was a rush sale, the number of buyers was not as crazy as Tianchao's. After all, NERvGear's helmets were not only too expensive, but also because Neon's online game consumption level was too low.As we all know, Neon has always been dominated by consoles, and there are relatively few online gamers, so it is not difficult to make a reservation.Seeing that there were still reservations left on the webpage, Yang Han clicked without hesitation.

After all this is done, wait for the game to launch!

Waiting is an excruciating process.There were still nearly ten days before the opening of the server, Yang Han simply decided to use the summoning technique to summon Icarus to accompany him.

In this life, he was taken care of by his mother since he was a child, and Xiao An was always by his side when he left home when he grew up. After the second time travel, he was replaced by Icarus to take care of his daily necessities. There was nothing that could be done, so it was impossible for a maid to take care of such a big house.

In addition, besides housework, he summoned Icarus for a greater purpose...

 Meow, meow, I heard that some readers are trying to revolt because of me out of context!Hmph, let me break it down again!Don't hit me, I was also forced to do nothing, because I didn't even think about how to move the next move, 55555
(End of this chapter)

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