Two-dimensional Guide to Becoming a God

Chapter 197 Forced Teleportation

Chapter 197 Forced Teleportation

"Touch!" Accompanied by a cracking sound like glass, the wild boar monster's body was shattered into countless fragments. After the fragments gradually disappeared, a system message popped out of nowhere in front of Yang Han.

[Obtain, experience 24, money 30, item 2. 】

After closing the message and opening the menu again, Yang Han found that the experience bar displayed in green in his attribute bar had advanced a little, but he was still 76 away from the upgrade, that is to say, the required experience to upgrade from level 100 to level [-] was [-] point.

"Is one up nearly a quarter? It's okay." After muttering to himself, Yang Han rushed towards another wild boar monster not far away.

After constant trials, his fighting style became more and more proficient.In short, the mechanism of this game is not complicated. Killing monsters of the same level can get the most satisfactory experience. Every time a monster is lower, the reduction is 20.00%, and it is almost negligible if it exceeds five levels; If it is higher than his own level of experience, the income will be increased by an additional 20.00%. As for what will happen if he exceeds the fifth level, Yang Han didn't try it, because the strongest monster around him is the wild wolf that is two levels higher than him.

After practicing for about two hours, Yang Han, who had reached level 4, stopped slightly.There are two reasons why he stopped. First, his weapon was completely broken and shattered into pieces, which cannot be repaired at all. Second, Yang Han's backpack was full, and because of the heavy load, he would lose his weapon when he entered the battle. Penalized by slowing down.

After returning to the city and selling some items to NPC merchants, Yang Han used various materials dropped by monsters to create three small broken swords. Still as ugly as ever.

Returning to the outside of the city again, Yang Han continued to kill. This time, Yang Han took a few side missions along the way.That's right, it's a side mission. This game has no main storyline. If you don't want to find a main storyline, you have to keep moving forward, kill the defensive boss, and go to the next floor.

The world of SAO is like an incomparably magnificent giant tower. Players start to upgrade from the first floor, and move towards the center of each floor after the level is high enough.

There, there is a cylindrical oversized labyrinth area.After entering the labyrinth area, find the defensive BOSS in it, and after successfully killing it, you can open the door to the next level and reach the upper level.There are a total of [-] levels in the game. When the players successfully pass the [-] levels, the game can be graduated!

Although it is unimaginable to set an ending for an online game, it is also time-consuming to complete a 1-story apex strategy.At least in the original work, it took 75 people two years to climb to the [-]th floor with countless casualties.

After two hours of continuous killing monsters and leveling, Yang Han discovered that the level setting of this game is extremely unfriendly, and the experience gained by each level increases exponentially, and therefore, killing N heads in two hours Wild boars and N wild wolves, plus Yang Han who scattered a lot of wild monsters, only rose to level 4.

After returning to the city for supplies, Yang Han left the town for the third time. This time, Yang Han walked a long distance without stopping.The time was approaching 03:30, and he didn't have much time. Yang Han knew that something would happen soon, so he had to walk a longer distance before that thing happened.

On the way, Yang Han used a very tricky method, that is to release his skills. There is no magic in SAO, only the setting of sword skills, but Yang Han is not used to using sword skills, because the feeling of being forcibly fixed makes him extremely awkward.

To put it bluntly, the sword skills in SAO are just accumulating energy and then slashing. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a single slash or a few slashes. Stiffness, also known as back rocking.

This back-swaying state will make him unable to dodge in the most timely and effective way when facing monster attacks, so after he suffered a few losses, he decisively chose to give up his skills, and only used random attacks without accumulating energy. Cut to the enemy.

This kind of killing monsters at will is a test of one's judgment and reaction ability, but Yang Han, who has a lot of experience in fighting enemies, does not lack these two points.After all, when he faced the [Original Elf] before, it was dozens of hundreds of times a second. Compared with this kind of monster spawning, it was a world of difference.

Off topic, let's get back to it.

The skill that Yang Han uses when he is on his way is called [Meteor]. This skill can be learned up to the upper level of one-handed sword skills.

The effect of this skill is very single, and it is used to charge.However, the damage of this move is not very high, but it is better in that it can quickly shorten the distance between the enemy and ourselves and consume less energy.

Originally, the journey took about half an hour, but it took only 15 minutes for Yang Han to arrive there by cooperating with his skills.The destination of his trip was a small village. There were definitely not as many missions in the village as there were in the main city, but the missions were higher in level and could be repeated.

What Yang Han received was a collection task and a crusade task, and the two tasks can be done at the same time, picking the herbs needed for the task while crusade against monsters, which will get twice the result with half the effort.

In this way, Yang Han hunted down monsters while picking herbs, and the time passed to more than five o'clock before he knew it.Doing tasks over and over like this is very boring, but it's better than a lot of people getting together and rushing to do tasks together.

Looking at the time, he returned to the small village, and after submitting the task, Yang Han found a grocer NPC.After selling a lot of rags to him, and buying a teleportation crystal that was a bit expensive for him now, Yang Han found a street corner and sat down.

He is no longer ready to level up, because the time has come to 05:30!
"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!" At this moment in the game world, it was almost dusk, and suddenly a bell resounded through the entire first floor from the sky.The source of this bell cannot be heard, but it makes people feel extremely depressed.

In a burst of light, Yang Han was forcibly teleported back to the place where he had just arrived in the game - Novice Square, but the feeling of the square at this moment in the bloody dusk was not very good.

Lights flickered around one after another, and other players were gradually teleported over, followed by doubtful discussions.Not long after, the number of people had surged to a magnificent level, but unfortunately, no one praised such a gathering.

"What's the matter, why were we suddenly forced to teleport here?" A game player asked the people around him suspiciously.

"do not know……"

"Maybe it's a server opening event!" A player guessed.

After all the players were forcibly teleported to Novice Square, the bell gradually stopped.At this moment, in the noisy square, uneasiness began to spread, but Yang Han was the only one still sitting on the ground with a calm expression.

(End of this chapter)

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