Chapter 199 Silica

"Won't I die?" The little girl looked at Yang Han and asked.

"As far as I know, no!" Yang Han seemed to nod his head firmly. The reason why he was sure was also very simple, because he knew this girl.

The girl's name is Silica, but Yang Han forgot her real name. She was a supporting actress in the original work, but she is quite popular, so Yang Han still remembers it.

Silica has a pair of eyes like small animals, it seems that because she has just cried, she looks even more pitiful, which makes people feel distressed.

Her stature is within the category of a loli, and her facial features are a very cute type. If you find someone similar to her among the people Yang Han knows, then the 12-year-old Qinli is somewhat similar to her. The premise is that Except for character.

"Why, why are you so sure?" Silica gently wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, as if taking Yang Han's words as a life-saving straw, and asked.

"It's because... yes, because I'm a master of prophecy!" Yang Han naturally couldn't explain what was there, so he had to say nonsense again.

"Prophecy?" The girl was a little skeptical, but she didn't immediately deny it.Girls are superstitious about constellations and prophecies. At this critical moment, the anxiety in their hearts is also a major factor that prevents Silica from giving up the authenticity of this answer immediately.

"It's almost a prophecy! In short, you should upgrade and upgrade, and you should fight monsters. If there is no accident, you will be able to quit the game and return to life in two years. Okay, I have nothing to do, I have to upgrade. What!" Yang Han was afraid that the other party would get to the bottom of it, he didn't have time to fool a girl, now upgrading to X is his great cause!

How many years?Perhaps there has never been a game like this before!There is no need to charge money, the equipment depends on brushing, and the level depends on fighting. Everything is rewarded with action!This kind of advertising slogan that would only appear on third-rate web games did not expect to become a reality now. If he doesn't enjoy it, he will regret it to death.

"Well, can you add a friend?" Just when Yang Han was about to leave, the girl grabbed him by the corner of his clothes.

"Okay! By the way, I will give this to you by the way. I don't need it anymore. You can stay in the city honestly for the next two days. The training area outside is probably overcrowded. With this weapon It can be safer to start." Yang Han agreed and clicked on the friend request sent by the other party, and by the way, he traded a slightly better quality dagger to the other party when he left, which was caused by him killing monsters. It can be regarded as a good thing in the first level.

"wait wait wait……"

"Anything else?" Yang Han asked suspiciously.

"Yes, can you form a team and take me?" Silica asked hesitantly.

She entered the game alone, and because she was a little younger, she naturally wanted to find someone to accompany her in such a helpless situation, even if it was a stranger.Compared with the possibility of dying from fighting monsters, Silica, who is only 12 years old, does not want to stay alone in this game helplessly.

"Okay! But it might be boring to play with me, because I plan to farm monsters for a long time, and you probably won't be able to intervene, so you can just follow me and watch." Yang Han agreed without hesitation. , but still a reminder.

"No, what do you mean!?" Silica was a little confused when she heard the other party's answer. Isn't this person afraid of death?Actually preparing to level up like crazy!And how can such a death game be interesting?

"That's right! I just need an assistant, do you want to join me?" Yang Han replied while building a team while reaching out his hand to operate the console in front of him.

"...Hmm!" Silica looked around at the scattered figures who were almost naked, and a group of novice players who were deeply shocked and were still crying in the square or didn't know where to go. She shook hands hard. Shaking his little hand, he mustered up his courage and clicked the confirmation button for the team application in front of him.

Yang Han originally had a crystal stone used for teleportation, but unfortunately it could only be used on one person. In desperation, he had no choice but to leave the town of origin with Silica.

When the two of them walked to the city gate, they saw novice players all over the mountains and plains, and a crowd of players who were chatting with the guards on the wall of the city gate to receive quests.

The crowd huddled together, pushing and shoving, let alone accepting the task. After fighting for a while, there was even a quarrel, and a fight broke out on the spot.

Seeing such a scene, Silica clenched her hands tightly in front of her chest, as if she could gain some sense of security.But at the next moment, one of the hands was grabbed by Yang Han, "Don't look, let's not fight with them, go to another place to upgrade."

"Another place? Are there any novice tasks that can be done in other places?" Silica asked suspiciously.

"This group of people is a group of mentally handicapped people. Follow me for a while and make sure that you are upgraded and not in danger!" Yang Han said disdainfully, and after speaking, he took Silica and walked in the direction of Linzhen.

"Well, we have already left the novice leveling area, and there will be monsters leapfrogging ahead!" Silica simply said that, not knowing what name to use to call Yang Han.

"Look here, Kami, that is, God, this ID is very skillful! Although I don't expect you to call me God, it shouldn't be too much to call me Brother God, right? Let's not fight monsters with those little novices. Go through this leveling area and go to another small town to pick up missions, anyway, this game doesn’t have a main storyline, so you can pick whatever missions you want.” Yang Han explained.

"But our level, ah!" Silica's persuasion stopped abruptly, because a third-level hungry wolf appeared in front of the two of them.

Although the appearance of the wolf has been processed to a certain extent, it is different from the reality, but the black name on the top of the opponent's head still scares Silica.This game is set like this, monsters that surpass themselves by one level will display a red warning name, and monsters that surpass themselves by two levels will be black.

The level concept of SAO is very unreasonable, basically killing monsters after two levels will be a very difficult thing to do.As a novice, Silica naturally panicked when she saw this monster, because she hadn't killed a monster yet, and she didn't even master the most basic fighting methods.

Facing the running wolf, Silica took a step back subconsciously, and Yang Han let go of the wolf's hand at this moment, instead of retreating, he advanced.Pulling out the sword skillfully, stabbing out, this move didn't have any stored energy, and directly collided with the wolf that was flying in mid-air.

The blade was inserted through the wolf's eye trickily, but no blood flew out.The next moment, the wolf's body suddenly swelled and broke into fragments, and a piece of data appeared in front of Yang Han and Silica.

 Eggs!Why do you want to eat me every day?Are you zombies in the game, even the living are not spared! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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