Two-dimensional Guide to Becoming a God

Chapter 206 Jumping the beam clown

Chapter 206 Jumping the beam clown
"Do you know this dwarf?" Suddenly stopped by a stranger and said that kind of words, so Yang Han also changed his attitude immediately.He turned his head and asked the three people beside him, but no matter how he looked at it, there was a suspicion of accusation.

"What are you talking about, Hun Dan!" Kiba-o placed his hand on the hilt of his sword, but thinking of the way the other party had just spawned monsters, he must be much higher in level than himself, so he held back his anger and took his hand off the hilt.However, he still wanted to refute, to save face.

The reason why he jumped out was because he took a fancy to Yang Han's equipment.Feeling jealous, he immediately judged the other party as a beta tester, so he wanted to use righteousness to blackmail him.

If it was another time, he would not dare to do it, but at this time, there are many players around him who originally came to attack the first floor boss, and these people are his confidence!
"I said you are a short man! Am I wrong? Are you not only a short man, but also a deaf man?" This time Yang Han simply turned his head and spoke to the other party, but he didn't care about the other party's growing greener. complexion.

Humiliation, that is naked humiliation!For this kind of villain, Yang Han scolded him countless times across the screen when he was watching the original work, and now standing in front of him, he is naturally even more impolite.

"You bastard beta testers! How dare you say that about our group of players, if you don't have a month's experience of playing the game in advance, you are nothing! I ask you to apologize to me immediately, and I want to apologize to all beta players!" Kibaou's face was so thick that he abruptly turned the topic to everyone behind him.

"Hehe, it seems that you are not only a combination of a dwarf and a deaf man, but also a fool! When did I talk about others? I was just talking to you, silly X, if you refuse to accept it, bite me?" Yang Han simply swears at the other party's strategy that has no technical content at all.

He is not a person of quality, on the contrary, for the jumping clown in front of him, he prefers to use the most straightforward, easy and reckless way to crush the dignity of the other party!In other words, a small character like Kibaou probably doesn't have such a thing as dignity.

"You, you..." Yawang stretched out his hand and pointed at Yang Han, and he could clearly see his fingertips trembling slightly out of anger.

"What are you, don't you have a bad mouth? It seems that short people, deaf people, and fools are not enough to satisfy you. Now, do you want to stand with your tongue?" It is obvious that Nehong's swearing tactics It's really too backward. Facing Yang Han's poisonous tongue, Yawang has been completely dumbfounded.

"I'm going to kill you, you soul!" Being pointed at and scolded may be a very low-level way of anger, but when there are a group of people watching, the effect will increase year-on-year.Hearing the whispering laughter around him, coupled with Yang Han's contemptuous face, Kiba Wang was so excited that he pulled out the small short sword behind him and rushed towards him.

In anger, Kibaou didn't use any moves or charge up, and the blow he made was nothing special.

Yang Han's original purpose was to irritate the other party. Facing a surprise blow in the eyes of others, he naturally remained calm in the face of danger.Holding Onikiri in his right hand, he pulled it out, and the light of the sword flashed in front of him. With just one click, the long sword in Kibaou's hand broke into two pieces, and was thrown into the air together with his arm, and then shattered into pieces all over the sky.

"I can consider this as self-defense. I shouldn't go to jail if I kill you right here?" Yang Han put the knife into its sheath with a swipe, and said as if nothing happened.

"Ahhhhh! Arm, my arm, you murderer, let's kill him together!" Although causing damage in SAO relieved part of the pain, but not all, depending on the size of the damage, it is still There will be some feelings conveyed to my mind.

When Kiba Wang saw his arm being thrown into the air, he instinctively panicked. Adding Yang Han's naked threat and some pain, he really thought it was a reality at this moment.

"My friend, is that enough? He is just telling the truth, not to mention your way of speaking is too mean, that's why this matter has come to this point." Everyone present looked at Kiba-o It was a look of pissing off, and even tears began to flow from the eyes, and there was indeed a trace of intolerance, but most of the people chose to avoid talking about it, only the blue-haired young man just ran out to smooth things over.

"The truth? What evidence do you have to prove that what he said is the truth? Just because I am well equipped, I should be a beta tester? Just because I am high-level, you can point at us and say, bastard, stop for me? Just because I live a more comfortable life, and I ran to the second floor faster than you, so I have to use everything I have to support this idiot? Is this the truth? This is called robbery, you know? I haven’t read a book. In the past year, the weak must be protected by the strong, and the person who needs my protection also depends on the object.

Kibaou, right?I remember you, don't let me see you again next time.People like you should understand a truth very well, in this game, if you die strangely, there is no evidence! After Yang Han finished speaking, he swaggered away.

After listening to Yang Han's words before leaving, only fear remained on Kiba's face.Kibao, who lived in a peaceful age, is just a small person in reality. Although he has always used this kind of deceitful means to live in society, he has never been threatened like he is today.Seeing Yang Han's leaving figure, he wanted to point at him and yell "Murderer, murderer!", but after thinking about Yang Han's behavior just now, he shut up like a coward.

"Brother Yang Han..." Seeing Yang Han walking back, Silica trotted up to him and hugged his arm, with worried eyes, but didn't say much.

"What's the matter, everyone? Don't you think my actions are inappropriate? Look at the logos on my head and hers! His one is yellow, while mine is green." After Zhou's people said this, they took the lead in heading towards the town.

Some Asuna, who didn't understand Yang Han's words, heard Kirito add a sentence at this time: "Because Kiba-wang attacked Yang Han first, he was judged by the system as a malicious PK. If Yang Han really wanted to kill him, even if the other party died If you drop it, the head mark will not change color. Just now, maybe he really planned to kill the other party, and he did it in front of others without any evidence..."

Asuna's body trembled slightly, words like murder did make her feel a little grudged about it.But she didn't say anything, because she was a little distraught at the moment.

(End of this chapter)

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