Two-dimensional Guide to Becoming a God

Chapter 217 Unfounded Chapter Answer

Chapter 217 Unfounded Answer

"I... am afraid of death..." After hearing Yang Han's words, Xing was silent for a while, as if the crazy questioning just now was not her fault.Yang Han didn't say anything during this period of time, until the other party spoke again.

"Who is not afraid of death!" Yang Han interrupted.

"That's right... who is not afraid of death! But others who are afraid of death have not encountered such a situation. Now my life is no longer in my hands... Maybe I will die inexplicably the next moment. "

"You won't die." Looking at Xing who was about to speak too loudly again, Yang Han reached out and stroked the top of the other's head.

"It's not convincing at all..." Xing ignored the other party's hand, and still lowered his head to refute, his words were full of the most extreme thoughts.

"No, my words are enough to explain! I said you can't die, you can't die, including your partners, they won't die either." Yang Han's voice was very firm, although it was just words without any evidence , but inexplicably there is a feeling that what she says is the same, as if her words are the established future.

"You really don't know how to coax girls at all. At this time, even if you tell a few lies, it's fine to deceive me. Why do you have to bring up those unchangeable realities? Everyone, everyone has become a fragment of the sky. In reality, the microwaves emitted by the NERvGear helmet absolutely destroyed the brain..." Xing's eyes filled with tears, and she slapped Yang Han's hand away. Say it in front of yourself.

"Who told you that they died? Who told you that their brains were destroyed? Akihiko Kayaba? Then why do you believe what he said, but you don't believe what I said?" Yang Han raised a series of questions. The problem.

"..." Xing Yi was confused by this series of questions for a while, opening and closing his small mouth but didn't know how to answer the other party's words.

"Kayaba Akihiko is not a god, don't think of it too great. Also, I am not very good at comforting people. I prefer to use practical actions to solve everything. For guys who have completely given up on themselves, I can't There was no ability to force her thoughts back.

So now that you're awake, I'm pretty much done.There are two roads before you now, first, after I leave, find a place to commit suicide by yourself!Second, it's time to fight monsters, upgrade and upgrade, live a life, and wait to return to the real world. "Slowly taking each other's hands away from his own neck, Yang Han stood up while talking.

"Am I really, won't I die? Can I return to reality one day?" Seeing Yang Han taking food and placing it beside the bed, Xing stared at his figure and asked.

"I've said it many times, you won't die! Of course, the premise is that you don't wander around!"

"Why are you so sure?"

"Eat first, and I may tell you later when I'm in a good mood." After Yang Han put a bowl of porridge and two rice cakes on the bedside table, he returned to his seat and said.

"I'm not hungry……"

"Then there is no answer."


"Because I'm in a bad mood! I've been here to take care of you for several days. Although I know you are a weak girl in my impression, a girl who is too weak will make me feel that the other party is trying to make me pity you." Her delusion, even though it is a delusion, I will gradually start to feel uncomfortable." Yang Han said.

"Then I eat these foods, can you take care of me until I return to reality?" After hearing Yang Han's unreasonable words, Xing picked up the spoon, but added this sentence when he was about to start .

"In a way, your appetite is really big!" Yang Han couldn't help being amused by the other party.

"I'm serious! For some reason, although your way of speaking is completely like a wayward child, it gives me a very convincing feeling. All the partners I met in the game are gone, I... ... I don't know where to go after eating..." Xing shook a spoonful of porridge, but didn't drink it for a long time.

"Girls, it's true that being weak will make people love you, but you can't be helpless all the time. At this time, you should first solve the problem of your own hunger, and then tell me [please help me], Only three words are enough. I'm not interested in listening to the rest." After Yang Han finished speaking, he stopped talking.

Seeing that the other party looked away from him, as if he was not ready to speak anymore, Xing silently put the first mouthful of porridge into his mouth.

The taste of the porridge is very bland and ordinary, just like the NPC's cooking, there is no distinction between delicious or unpalatable, but it is completely enough to restore physical strength.

She ate slowly spoon by spoon, and after she slowly wiped out all the food in front of her, there seemed to be a little more spirit in her eyes, and at this time, Yang Han's gaze swept back again.

"Please, please help me." Looking at the other person's eyes, Xing tried hard to control himself to meet the other person's gaze, and said this sentence.

"Well, no problem. Although it is only a sixty-point answer, it is enough. People will always grow. Although you are a slow-growing type, you have reached the minimum standard for me to help you. What's wrong with your body? Is it? If there is no problem, just pack up and follow me and leave here!" Yang Han looked at Xing who was anxious after answering with a blank face, and after three seconds of stalemate, an ordinary smile followed his voice forever engraved into Xing's mind.

【This man's smile is obviously very ordinary, but why is it so safe?This man's words are obviously groundless, but why would he want to believe it?Is it because you have nowhere to go, so you comfort yourself in your heart?No, he can do what he says, and yes, his words are full of magic. 】

This was the thought in Xing's mind, but what she said when she opened her mouth was: "Where are you going?"

"Didn't three of your teammates die in the maze? But there are four offline records in your address book, which shows that there is another guy who died very strangely. Compared with what has happened, The crisis that still exists today should be the top priority! You don’t want your partner to die inexplicably, do you?” Yang Han replied.

"Are you talking about Keita? He is the captain of our team. On the day he went to the maze, he went to the town of the beginning to buy a house for the team's stronghold. We went to the maze without informing him because we wanted to make money Give him the money to buy furniture as a surprise..." Xing said in a weaker voice.

"You still can't get rid of your old problems! The matter is resolved, and as I said, they are not dead in the true sense. Are you cursing them to hang up quickly? There is a time for mourning, Why don't you say more about the investigation." Yang Han raised his forehead, he was really defeated by this weak girl.

(ps: There are some explanations left at the end of this chapter. If you don’t understand the content of the work or have better suggestions, please leave a message to me and I will humbly accept and correct it. It may be that some writing skills are insufficient recently, or it may be I’m a bit stuck, or I’m getting lazy in winter. In short, I hope everyone can help the author with a little recommendation vote. Finally, I would like to thank the authors who have rewarded me recently. Due to the number of people and the number of words, I will not list them one by one. Thank you! Please forgive me)

 This chapter is a description of Xingmeizi's emotional transformation.I've gone as fast as I can to tell it, but I've still written a whole chapter.Xing is a character I like very much, but unfortunately, she must be too cowardly for Asuna, Silica and others.I hope to save her, not just to use Yang Han's power to save her, but to make her completely change in nature and become stronger.For the sake of word count, this chapter may look a bit strange, the deep meaning is all from my heart, but it may be difficult to understand for others to read...forgive me.My writing is limited, if you really feel that this chapter is tangled, please skip it with a sentence "Xingmeizi has walked out of 60% of the sadness" and that's it!Then Qitai's death will implicate a killing, of course, not a complete killing!Icarus from the outside world has already assumed that the external server, the dead people in SAO will be reposted there, instead of sending out a death signal, causing the helmet to burn the player!above.

(End of this chapter)

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