Two-dimensional Guide to Becoming a God

Chapter 219 Strange Street People

Chapter 219 Strange Street People
When Yang Han entered the four words Rosalia on the scroll in front of him, a burst of faint blue light suddenly rose from it, and then the keyboard light curtain that was originally used to input the text disappeared, and turned into a scene that resembled map-like style.

"I found someone. The other party is in the woodland area of ​​the western suburbs on the 24th floor. Let's go." Pointing to a small sign on the light curtain map in front of him, Yang Han said to Xing.

"There are many small dots around. There should be many people, right? There are only two of us, is it alright?" Fortunately, it's not that he can't understand what this prop Yang Han is using, even though it looks very rare. It looks like it, but she can roughly understand the markings on the map.So she pointed to several slow-moving markers on the map and offered her suggestions.

"It's okay, it's not a labyrinth area, but a wild area. You'll be fine if you prepare to teleport crystals. If they avoid me and want to attack you, then you can escape to the town and wait for me. Let's leave quickly, This tracking scroll is only valid for 5 minutes, and I won't use it after that." Pulling the opponent's hand and running towards the teleportation array again, Yang Han explained while running.

Although they were trying their best to buy time, when the two arrived at the woodland area of ​​the western suburbs on the 24th floor, the limitation period of the tracking scroll had passed.As a last resort, Yang Han could only use the speed and direction of the opponent's walking to infer a rough position, and then he got up and hurried on his way carefully.

He wasn't afraid that the other party would find him, but he was worried that the fight would not be resolved immediately, which resulted in letting a few escape.

There are many trees in this area, and they are also very dense, which can roughly cover their figures.But there are two things to say, because of the same reason, these trees also blocked the vision of Yang Han and the other party's group of people, so they could only move forward slowly, at a speed slightly faster than the other party's footsteps. Find.

Fortunately, the group of people on the other side did not change the direction of movement after Yang Han and the others lost the tracking scroll, but kept walking in one direction. It was about three o'clock in the afternoon , Yang Han's enemy tracking skills finally noticed the opponent's figure.

The opponent's group of seven people was less than one kilometer in front of them.Then the shrub pulled Xing to squat down and sneak, and the figures of Rosalia and her party soon entered the field of vision of the two.

"It's not right, what are they doing in this area?" When Yang Han pulled some nervous luck to the distance of about 150 meters behind the other party, he suddenly stopped and said this.

"Why, what's the matter?" Xing became even more flustered because of this sentence. Although she tried her best to calm herself down, the personality in her bones could not be changed in a day or two.

"The leveling area is already out of the surrounding area, and we will soon reach the boundary line of the 24th floor. I have explored this area with my companions before, and there is nothing but trees, neither minerals that can be collected, nor Herbs that can be picked, this group of people came to this place without even seeing the scenery, so what are they going to do here?" Yang Han also raised questions while explaining.

After hearing Yang Han's explanation, Xing also became puzzled, but soon someone gave them the answer.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time, President Rosalia of [Hand of Titans]." The sudden voice made Yang Han and Xing, who didn't know it in the distance, immediately lie down on the ground.The two held their breath and listened carefully to the conversation ahead.

"It's still the same ugly dress as before, Mr. Vasago." Rosalia and her party had stopped moving at this moment, as if they had met someone.But because they were in a straight line, Yang Han and Xing who stayed not far behind her couldn't see who was meeting her.

"I don't have time to talk to you about these boring questions. Now I just want to know, have you brought what I want?" The person talking to Rosalia made a low voice, and it seemed that she didn't give the other party a good look at all. plan.

"Of course, let's inspect the goods! Our backpacks are almost bursting because of these materials!" This time Rosalia didn't talk nonsense, but answered honestly.

"No need, just dump the things on the ground. Then take your reward and leave quickly."

"I'm going, so arrogant, who do you think you are?" After listening to the person in front of him pretending to be X, although Rosalia didn't say anything, a team member beside him was Unable to bear it anymore, he sprayed directly.

"Shut up! Listen to him and do as he says." Rosalia saw her little brother yelling, turned around and slapped her, and followed up with a lesson.

"It's a very wise choice, otherwise he might not even be able to treat it as a fragment in the next moment." The silent voice was still pretending to be X.

"This time it is indeed because my people are not sensible. Mr. Vasago, I hope that this matter will be exposed and we can continue to discuss the business. Everything you want is here, a total of 150 million cols." Rosalie Ya accompanied him for a while, and then opened his backpack according to the other party's request, and summoned out a large amount of materials that the other party asked for.

It's not that she's afraid of the other party. Judging by the level, although there is a gap between the two sides, her side has the advantage in numbers.The reason why she didn't want to mess with the other party was because there was no need for that, the person in front of her was a lunatic.

The younger brothers behind him are all murderers without blinking an eye.If you mess with this group of people, at best you will end up hurting both sides, because this group of people has no humanity at all.

"Xing, stay here and don't move around, my latent ability is stronger, go over and have a look." Yang Han saw that the other party seemed to be pouring things on the ground, and suddenly said to Xing next to him with great interest.

"...Then, then be careful." Xing said from the bottom of his heart that he didn't want Yang Han to go any further. Although there were many bunkers around here, they were already approaching more than 100 meters around each other, and it would be very difficult to go any further. may be seen.When those people meet in this kind of place, any fool knows that there is an ulterior secret!But she hoped that the matter of her team would be resolved, so she hesitated for a long time, until Yang Han, who couldn't wait for the answer, began to move, and then she said such a sentence.

After crawling forward on the ground to the left for a while, Yang Han added a [Eagle Eye] skill to himself, and only then did he see clearly what the other party was doing, and who it was that made the deep voice.

Let's talk about what Rosalia and the others took out of their backpacks first!He took a lot of construction materials, including cement and wood, etc.; as for the player who made a deep voice, it was much weirder. He was holding a large kitchen knife in his hand, and he was wearing a cloak on his upper body. , The style of painting is completely different from others, and it looks very strange.

"This, could this guy be..." Yang Han was shocked!
(End of this chapter)

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