Chapter 224 Killing Intent

Yang Han, who had killed a few minions, was running fast at the moment, returning to the direction he came from.

However, while running, he felt a strange feeling, as if there was a pair of eyes peeping at him.

It was weird, but at this time he had no time to take this feeling into consideration, and pressed it back to the bottom of his heart, because there was still a real fight waiting for him, and that was to solve the scourge of the Laughing Coffin.

To solve, to put it bluntly, is to kill.However, the members who want to kill the smiling coffin cannot compare with the experience of killing Titan Hand and others.

The Hand of Titans is, to put it bluntly, a mob.When facing the real threat of death, they will decisively choose how to save their own lives, rather than stand up to resist.

As for the members of Laughing Coffin, it is completely different!They were a group of complete lunatics. Even if there was a threat of death, they would not hesitate to raise their swords and fight their opponents with their lives.Their lives are no longer in their own hands, they only live on the sword in their own hands.

The journey back this time is not too far away. In about ten minutes, Yang Han found the original location according to the coordinates.

As a result, there were no accidents. Such a large amount of building materials piled up on the ground cannot be easily removed.The original player named Vasago was sitting on a pile of building materials behind him as if he was sitting on the steps, and he was still cutting something with that huge kitchen knife.

"Are you coming?" Vasago said without warning when Yang Han just got into the bushes where he was supposed to hide.

Yang Han was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head and smiled wryly. He didn't plan to peek any more, but directly chose to stand upright and walked towards the other party.Because there is no need to hide at all, it is obvious that people have found themselves.

"Shua, Shua, Shua!" When Yang Han walked into the other party, he saw clearly that the other party was not cutting something with that huge kitchen knife, but in fact, it was the opposite, he was using that thing to sharpen the kitchen knife.

What Vasago is holding in his left hand is a very delicate whetstone. Yang Han has seen this kind of whetstone before. It is a relatively rare prop. Its effect is to enhance the attack power of the weapon and increase its durability.

"Do you cherish your big kitchen knife so much?" Yang Han stepped forward, and didn't ask the other party why he could find himself. Instead, he picked the most curious question at the moment and asked casually.

"This knife is called You Zhan Pao Ding. I have used it to kill dozens of people, and I have already used my emotions." Vasago was still sharpening the knife intently, and the wide kitchen knife became brighter and brighter with every rub. , the sharp blade actually has a kind of cautious and gloomy feeling.

"Then you are really innocent!"

"Yeah, I think so too." Vasago replied casually.It's just that as soon as the words fell, the whetstone in his hand shattered into sporadic fragments, which meant that the durability was exhausted.

"Oh!? Finished?"

"Well, no problem, let's fight!" The two asked each other after adjusting their state as if they were going to discuss peacefully.

"You can't beat me alone!" Yang Han's words were not arrogant, he was confident that he could defeat the opponent in a one-on-one duel.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to fight you one-on-one. The real bad guys don't have so many hypocritical principles." As Vasago said these words, everyone in the dark grass around them looked a little like him. The figures in black robes and cloaks stepped out one after another.

"Boss, it's just such a toy! What a disappointing game." The smiling bush member holding a small six-inch throwing knife said lightly, pretending to be crazy.

"Don't look down on this person, he is the highest level player in this game, no matter how bad his fighting skills are, his attack and defense are enough to give us headaches." Vasago kept his usual calm voice, turning his head to face The player who played with a knife said.

"Hmph!" The other person who followed the knife man was obviously much colder than him.Holding a rapier in his hand, he walked coolly to the other two and casually looked at Yang Han, then snorted and didn't bother to say another word.

After the two of them posed and stood beside Vasago, other figures also walked in one after another.They surrounded Yang Han in a form of encirclement, and after a quick look, the total number was estimated to be close to 20.

"I didn't expect there to be so many bad guys! The smiling coffin is really good at fooling people." Yang Han smiled slightly, still teasing calmly.

"Whether you're pretending to be like this or you're really not afraid, today you don't have to think about leaving unharmed." Vasago raised his head for the first time at this moment, looked at Yang Han and said .

Yang Han also saw the other party's appearance clearly at this time.It was a mixed-race face with exotic features. The man looked like a high-ranking person. There were two long scars on his face, but this added to him a kind of general who could stabilize people's hearts. demeanor.

"This look is fine! But I think the time is almost up. I just gave you so much time to put on a good show before you die. Shouldn't you be satisfied now? Come on, you can go up together, and then die early To give birth." Yang Han first gave a compliment, and then his eyes changed, and his leisurely mood immediately retracted, and what changed was a murderous intent like a trial.

Killing intent is mysterious and mysterious, after all, he cannot see or touch it.

Killing intent is a kind of look. When the other party sees a pair of fierce eyes, they will feel fear and blame the source of this crisis on innocent killing intent; some people think that killing intent is an animal instinct. Self-protection, it is invisible, colorless and difficult to capture, but when one is in danger, an early warning will be inexplicably produced in the mind.

All in all, everyone present at this moment is afraid of the characters. They can't find the source, but they are afraid from their hearts.

However, the brainwashed killers will not turn around and run away because of fear. They have transformed their fear into an action force to solve their fear because they have killed people. When they feel the threat of death, they will not hesitate to move towards Cut off the person who made him panic.

The man in the black cloak behind Yang Han was the first to move.Feeling the murderous intent with his back turned to the opponent, he immediately wanted to take advantage of the advantage behind him to strike first.He ran two quick steps and drank with a drake voice, and the machete in his hand slashed at Yang Han's back without hesitation.

"Ghost Che." Only two words spit out from Yang Han's mouth. His body didn't move, but in an instant, the man in the black cloak holding the machete turned into A sky full of debris.

 Seeing the tsundere reader's reply, I suddenly felt a tightness in my crotch!Pink cut black, pink cut black, pink cut is black wow
(End of this chapter)

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