Chapter 233 Heathcliff

The general-purpose four-in-one fencing technique naturally couldn't compare with the opponent's original five-in-a-row fencing technique. Due to helplessness, Yang Han had no choice but to change the third attack into sword-to-sword.

The two swords collided several times in the air, and Yang Han blocked Asuna's attack with a clever upward thrust, but Asuna, who was opposite, also retreated back by relying on the reaction force of the sword on top of the sword.Without a target, Yang Han's fourth attack could no longer be launched.

"it is good!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Awesome! It's like lightning and flint!!"

The crowd around the field let out a series of cheers and shouts, and the short fight did not exceed five seconds, and the two sides had entered a fierce fast-break rhythm.

Many people took out camera props to record the battle, because the speed was too fast, if they didn't record it, they might miss a lot of places.

"How is it! My skills haven't regressed?" After the two separated, Yang Han didn't pursue immediately, but stood in place and asked Asuna in the distance.

"Nah, it's just a small advantage, and the winner hasn't been decided yet!" Asuna looked at a not-so-deep scratch on her ribs and said stiffly.

"Asuna, I think that's the end of it. Is it really the end of the fight? There are so many people watching. If I really do that, I won't be punished if I leave this arena." People hacked to death?" Yang Han shook his head persuadingly.

"It's as if you can beat me!"

"Okay, okay, then I admit defeat. Is it okay to admit defeat? I am also the leader of the regiment anyway. If you say that you can't take care of my life by abusing me, I am out of the arena, and the members of the regiment can't all Run away?" Yang Han persuaded earnestly, seeking peace wholeheartedly.

"This...that's pretty much the same! Then after you go back, you must immediately organize people to attack the upper level. You must perform positively and contribute to everyone in the group! Do you hear me?" Asuna herself is not an unreasonable person , although girls tend to have a little temper, and Asuna is still a little arrogant in her heart, but her character is still very considerate. Seeing that Yang Han really seems to want everyone to end peacefully, she hesitates accepted.

Asuna was not like a boy who would go her own way regardless of the situation because of face or something, so she withdrew her sword and even clicked the surrender button more understandingly.

However, she reconciled with Yang Han, and the surrounding audience quit!They all put aside what they were doing to visit, how can they be satisfied after just three or five seconds?Not only did they want to see more, some people who came a little later and just entered the venue also joined the voice of opposition.

Coupled with the fact that people like to cuddle and boo, the voice was still small at first, but it quickly aroused nearly 80.00% approval.

Yang Han and Asuna looked at each other for a moment and were a little at a loss. After all, their guild was very well-known, and their external reputation and position did not allow them to reject so many people.

Although Yang Han said in his heart that he didn't care, and he didn't care if he didn't want to be in the group, anyway, he didn't care.But considering Asuna's mood, he still didn't say no immediately.

After thinking for a long time, Yang Han stretched out his hands to signal everyone to be quiet. He pointed at Tongren and shouted loudly: "Everyone be quiet, you have also seen that I am fighting with a boy and a girl, it is too low! Plus I said it just now , I have to teach this guy a lesson! Now, please give warm applause to Kirito, who is about to be fucked by me!"

Yang Han's declaration spread all around, and then everyone focused their eyes on Tongren.Tongren, who had just relaxed in a certain part, immediately tensed up when he heard Yang Han's voice.If another person said this, he would think it was a joke, but Yang Han's speech would have to be guarded against!
He has also seen the battle just now. Not only was Asuna injured in the first attack, but even using her original sword skills did not take advantage of it. Compared with Asuna now, he is no different. (Because Kirito doesn't have a two-sword style now), if he really PKs with Yang Han, then [-]% of them will lose!
If the other party really fucked him in public after losing, it would be a big embarrassment.

Thinking of this, Kirito ran away, his speed was even half a point faster than Asuna who was known as the shining light.

There were people around who wanted to stop him, but although Kirito was honest on the outside, he was a ghost in his heart. The moment he started running, he turned on the anti-harassment mode. This is in a town, and no one can stop him hold him.I saw his figure running around, quickly ran to the safe passage, and then disappeared.

"Eh... is this guy a monkey..." Yang Han watched helplessly as the other party fled, since one was on the viewing platform and the other was in the arena, no matter how fast he was, he could only watch the other party run away. Kirito who fled was dumbfounded.

"Yeah, how about we fight again?" Asuna walked into Yang Han, a little embarrassed.In her opinion, the cause of this matter is indeed her own, so she has to solve it by herself.

"No, no, no, I can't play against you at all, and all your challenge applications are rejected without discussion." Yang Han shook his head like a rattle.


"Let's play! Come on! Come on! Come on!" When the two were planning their countermeasures, the boos and persuasive voices in the audience became more and more orderly.

"Haha, Captain Kami, if you don't dislike it, do you want to compete with me?" Just as Yang Han's anger was rising, suddenly, a middle-aged uncle walked into the arena at some point, While discussing with him.

"Are you, Captain Heathcliff of the Red Army?" It was not Yang Han who asked, but Asuna.

"I didn't expect Ms. Asuna to recognize me. It's really an honor. Captain Kami, I'm going to make a long story short at this time. There are so many people here waiting for your wonderful fighting heroism. Since you don't want to confront Ms. Asuna with swords, then Why don't you compete with me?

"Oh? You want to compete with me?" Yang Han immediately became interested and confirmed with a voice.

Others don't know, but he knows Heathcliff's true identity all too well.He is the biggest BOSS behind the scenes of this game - Akihiko Kayaba!
After Yang Han thought about it casually in his mind, he roughly guessed why the other party did this!

Now, the name of the Knights of the Blood Alliance has been robbed by him, and almost all the members of the group have come to his side.As for Kayaba Akihiko, he only started to emerge at the stage of the most rapid upgrade, and because of a series of loopholes, he had no time to gather manpower, so that although the current Red Army is a bit small, it is completely different.

If Yang Han's expectations are correct, the other party came here this time to use the big news of defeating him to win over some of his team members, so as to continue his journey of pretending to be X.

(End of this chapter)

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