Two-dimensional Guide to Becoming a God

Chapter 240 Retaliate with the way of others

Chapter 240 Retaliate with the way of others

When Yang Han walked into the crowd, he realized that the people on the two sides were Xinka's faction and Kibao's faction.But at a glance, it can be seen that there are obviously more people on Kibaou's side than on Xinka's side.

"Xinka, as the president of our trade union, you have left your post without authorization for three days. How dare you come back to take up the post of president now! Do you know how much happened these three days because there was no one in the regiment to command you? what happened?" Kiba-o pointed to Xinka's nose, insisting on speaking with a villain's face and a righteous look.

"You, you are still talking nonsense, thanks to my trust in giving you the words of the vice president." Xin Ka obviously didn't have any superb skills in rebuttals, and his voice was no louder than Kibawang who shouted at the top of his throat. Gao, so in the eyes of outsiders, if the anger on his face is not obvious enough, they will think that he has given up.

Yang Han looked at this scene and said in his heart: "Oh, it seems that I arrived just in time."

In fact, he didn't know that the reason why the scene turned into this scene was all directed by Kibaou.

Originally, Xinka and his party were not complained by anyone after they came back. After all, the Aincrad Liberation Army basically stayed at the lower floors except for the upper-level raiders who would gather their manpower to attack the defensive bosses, so there were not many things to do. Well, the rhetoric that Kibao was looking for was basically to fool the ordinary members of the union.

It's just that Kiba-o's actions are really too fast these days. It took him only three days to almost promote most of his staff to the leadership, and he won the chairman of Xinka through a high-level vote. Location.As a result, the people gathered on Xinka's side are loyal old subordinates and some players who are dissatisfied because they were forced to step down.

The mentality of ordinary members is not really related to who is the president. The reputation of the Aincrad Liberation Army has been corrupted by them in the past year.Originally, under Xinka's leadership, they could still keep their own place and gain some benefits in the meeting. Now as long as Kibaou's superior position does not violate their interests, they will also stand beside Kibaou, who holds the authority of the chairman.

In fact, the reason why Kibaou acted so quickly was because he knew about Yuriel's abnormal behavior early on.It's a pity that there is only one teleportation stone that can lead to the place where Xinka was exiled. He sacrificed several players to mark it by chance. Even if he found out that Xinka was still alive, he couldn't go there and kill the opponent himself.That's why he stripped off the core members of the regiment as quickly as possible and replaced them with his own people.

After all, as long as he is in the position, it means that he has the support of the system. Under this major premise, he naturally dares to shout casually because of the authority in hand.In Kibao's view, now he only needs to convict Xinka once and kick him out of the regiment, and the Aincrad Liberation Army Guild will be his world!
Therefore, he was not too flustered when he saw Xinka and his party come back, but entrusted the other party for nearly two hours on the pretext of negotiating.After the manpower was almost assembled, he began to slander the other party in front of countless people, and put himself in the position of the president to forcibly convict Xinka.

The two sides didn't waste any words during this time-delaying process. Basically, Xinka stated the other party's fault to Kibao, and Kibao was like cotton candy, saying "Yes, you are right, what you said is right" "This way of prevaricating, that's why when Yang Han arrived, the main drama had just begun.

"How can you be so shameless!" Asuna said angrily.

"Miss Asuna, I know that you have been deceived by their lies, so I don't blame you. But this is a private matter in our regiment, please rest aside and don't interfere. We will use The most thoughtful etiquette is to entertain you, the deputy head of the blood alliance. Of course, the Aincrad Liberation Army is the second union in SAO. Although your blood alliance is a head above ours, you can't bully others because of this, otherwise The hundreds of brothers behind me will not agree." Kiba Wang replied sharply, and even pulled everyone in the regiment to his front in disguise.

"You, you!" Asuna's hand has already reached the hilt of my sword. If it wasn't for Lier, she would have drawn the sword on the spot.

"Miss Asuna, please don't be rough. With so many people watching, it will be irrelevant if there is any reason. Besides, this is a town, so it's useless even if you draw your sword." Kibaou said snarkyly.

"That's right, Asuna, don't be rough, I still want to practice with him." Suddenly, a voice echoed Kibaou, but the taste changed as he spoke.

"You're here!"

"It's you!!!!"

Two voices sounded at the same time, the former was Asuna, and the latter was Kibaou who was N decibels higher than her.There is no way, the last time he was cut off by the other party in front of him, he was really in a shadow.

"What do you mean? I, I can warn you, this is an urban area, and PK is prohibited." Kibao suddenly felt uncontrollable tension all over his body. Although his voice was still so high, his tone was still From the calmness just now, it became more like holding on.

"It's not easy to handle. I'll take you out of the city first, and then chop you up!" Yang Han spread out his hands, but said terrifying words.

"..." The scene was silent for a while, not even the smiling coffin dared to make a killing declaration in front of hundreds of people, but Yang Han did it today.

"You, you, you murderer! Murderer! You try to touch me, I warn you, there are so many people watching, if you dare to act recklessly, you will be a crime!" Kibawang was obviously panicked, but remained silent Two seconds later, he turned his heart and chose Hugang!And this kind of behavior is just seven words in Yang Han's eyes - forget the pain when the scar is healed.

"Hey, okay. Yawang, you are really talented, I want to see who will stop me for you." Yang Han smiled and walked towards the other party randomly.

Yawang's subordinates are not vegetarians. Although they are afraid of Yang Han's title of No.1 in the whole server, they are in the city now, and they have never suffered from Yang Han before, so although their performance is a bit conservative, they are still not afraid of it. Dead in front of Yang Han.

"Prison doesn't seem to be suitable for you... um... that's right!" Yang Han was talking to himself while walking, and his hands began to move halfway.He took out a teleportation crystal, crushed it and opened a teleportation gate, and randomly looked at those who stood in front of him with ill intentions.

In the next moment, everyone felt that Yang Han disappeared in a blink of an eye, followed by a figure that flew up and flew in the direction of the portal.

About three seconds later, when the fourth person was thrown into the portal, everyone realized what happened!After Yawang woke up, his mind turned quickly, and soon he guessed what Yang Han was going to do.In Kibao's view, the other party must be imitating himself to lie to Xinka, planning to throw himself into a place where no shit is possible, and then start killing again, right?

(End of this chapter)

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