Two-dimensional Guide to Becoming a God

Chapter 245 The Real Taidao Sword Technique

Chapter 245 The Real Taidao Sword Technique

Kayaba Akihiko launched a charge, and his speed was definitely two or three levels higher than when he played against Yang Han.He held a thick shield in his hand, and the streamlined shield blocked in front of him, causing a wave of wind and waves due to its high speed.

"Hmph, do you want to take the lead?" Yang Han smiled slightly, this was the routine he used when he faced Akihiko Kayaba last time, and he smiled calmly when he saw that the opponent learned to use it.

As soon as the words were spoken, Akihiko Kayaba had already arrived in front of him, carrying a shield that condensed red light and directly moved towards his predecessor.

ask questions!What will happen if a half-meat AD attacks a pure output AD?The result is clear at a glance, the pure output AD will probably be consumed to death.So how should we deal with him?It's very simple, use the mobility you are proud of to move around.It may be a bit general to say this, and it still makes people feel at a disadvantage, but it is different after seeing the identities of the two.

One is a semi-meat AD who lives in the research room all day long and basically depends on fighting monsters to upgrade. Against a pure output AD who has fought against different opponents in several worlds, the ending will be completely different.This is like a novice player who took a piece of meat, Leona, will still be shown to death in front of Yasuo, a strongest player. (I don’t play LOL very much, just give an example, it just feels very vivid.)
Back to the topic, Kayaba Akihiko's preemptive attack was already close to Yang Han's body, but he was still not careless. Kayaba Akihiko, who had fought Yang Han once, knew the opponent's strength very well.The result is also very simple. When faced with an excessively fast first attack, if you are unable to fight against it, the best solution is to move and avoid it.

Yang Han exerted force on his feet, and his body moved sideways quickly. Although the range was not large, Kayaba Akihiko, who was rushing forward, was helpless. Under the inertia set by the game, he couldn't come to a moment beyond common sense. turn the corner.

Not only that, the moment the two passed by, he was also shaved by the Taidao that Yang Han pulled out at some point.This is a bit embarrassing, as the saying goes, you don't hit someone in the face, the first move is to greet the face, no matter how good-tempered Kayaba Akihiko is, he immediately became angry.

But this is exactly what Yang Han wants!Anger will make people think about it and lead to many mistakes in judgment, which is very helpful to bring the other party into their own rhythm.Watching Kayaba Akihiko go out for a few meters, stop and immediately turn around to charge again, Yang Han smiled slightly, still responding with a faint mocking face.

Charge, turn sideways, make up the knife, charge sideways, make up the knife, this feeling seems to be familiar, Yang Han only remembered it after thinking about it carefully, isn't it the routine against the enemy Death God when he rescued Xinka! ?Surprisingly easy to use.

Thinking like this, Yang Han didn't activate any skills, because he knew very well that almost all the skills in the game were written by Akihiko Kayaba. Although he is not a martial arts instructor, these skills are definitely not what he thought, but as the original author , since he can create it into the game, there is probably a way to crack it, so the opponent must use tricks that he understands, but he can't see through.

Akihiko Kayaba could be said to be furious at a Yang Han who dodged and made up his sword from time to time, but it was impossible for him to open an acceleration cheat in front of so many people. Doing so was not only embarrassing, but also made him feel even more sorry.However, he was already a little angry. Facing the opponent whose level difference was relatively small, he couldn't catch Yang Han at all, so he could only brush past the opponent like a fool.

He felt that the current self was like a stupid bull in the eyes of a bullfighter. Although he had an advantage in his own qualities, he couldn't beat the opponent to death in one fell swoop.

"It's too boring to play like this. I haven't lost a drop of blood yet, and you, Kayaba, your blood volume has almost dropped by half!" Yang Han looked at Akihiko Kayaba who was about to charge again when he hesitated, Said so.

When Kayaba Akihiko heard this, he was taken aback for a moment, then looked at his upper right corner, yes!Unknowingly, the blood volume has gone down so much!
What is a routine?This is called a routine, and the moment he moved his eyes to look at his upper right corner, Yang Han moved.The speed is definitely higher than that of Kayaba Akihiko who is wearing a shield, but in an instant, Yang Han has already come to him before he retracted his vision.

"Stab, stab, pick, draw, stab..." The Taidao was almost turned into a stabbing sword by Yang Han, and he yelled while touching the shield in front of Akihiko Kayaba.

The rhythm was deprived, and Kayaba Akihiko immediately entered the defense. The opponent's attack was as urgent as a torrential rain. He had seen it before, but the last time it was a continuous swing, but this time it became a chain of extended swords.

Compared with the slashing attack, the damage of such a stabbing attack is indeed a little lower, which should be due to the reduction of the injured area, but the frequency and trickiness of the attack are greatly increased.

Yang Han only stabbed at the opponent's head, shoulders, and neck. These are the key points. A single hit is enough for Kayaba Akihiko. Originally, if he was full of blood and tried to get injured and gave the opponent a counterattack, he might still be able to do so. It's a reversal, but now I'm half blood, if I get stabbed in the vitals, it's very likely to be over!
As a last resort, he had no choice but to concentrate on defense.In her opinion, her shield is wide, and she is quite confident in resisting attacks.

However, at the next moment, the left cheek turned red immediately. Although the strange wound didn't bleed, it glowed red on Yiyi's face, which was the effect of being scratched.

"What!" Kayaba Akihiko was astonished, he was already retreating extremely quickly and resisting with all his might, but he still couldn't figure out how the other party hit him through the shield.

"It was because you blindly bluffed your head with the shield accurately that you got the trick. As a neon man, don't you know that the sword is curved!" Yang Han laughed.

brush!With another stab attack, Akihiko Kayaba had no choice but to use his skills to retreat, rubbing the opponent's sword tip and jumping away, "Don't think I will be affected by your words again." Even if he said that again, Akihiko Kayaba In fact, he was still very flustered, and Yang Han's language would more or less affect his reaction in the battle.

"That's not necessarily true!" Yang Han said so, pointing to his shoulder.

Kayaba Akihiko was obviously affected by this sentence again, a few simple words and a single movement actually made him subconsciously look at his shoulder.But this time he had a little awareness, and when the other party spoke, he continued to use back jumps to widen the distance.

When the distance was far enough, he looked down and saw that the other party hadn't lied to him, and his right shoulder was indeed scratched.

"What's going on here!" Kayaba Akihiko suspected for a moment that Yang Han must have cheated, because he jumped back and dodged the knife, and according to the distance, the opponent would definitely not be able to reach him.

"Akihiko Kayaba, you underestimate combat, do you really think that equipment, skills, and levels are everything? Today I will use your neon sword skills to teach you a good lesson." Yang Han said this Sometimes, the eyes are full of disdain.

 Sorry for being a little late today

(End of this chapter)

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