Two-dimensional Guide to Becoming a God

Chapter 249 The Second Coming of the Demon Race

Chapter 249 The Second Coming of the Demon Race
"This is Suqing City!?" Yang Han was shocked and couldn't help but confirm.Even if he left for a few years, Axel wouldn't be what he is now, right?Something must have happened during this time!
However, no one was answering his question after that, and the surrounding crowd picked up their weapons and attacked him, all of them were angry.

Seeing this, Yang Han had no choice but to dodge sideways, but it was useless for him to dodge, because the crowd had slowly surrounded him, three layers inside and three layers outside, and there was no other way to escape except to fly into the sky up.

Yang Han, who had no choice but to jump up, immediately distanced himself from the crowd on the ground. Flying magic is a very high-level skill, so ordinary people can't stop him.Another series of magical attacks smashed into the sky, but it was much easier to dodge without the crowd surrounding them.

"The city lord is here! Get out of the way, and give the demon to the city lord to deal with." Suddenly, someone shouted, and the low-level adventurers who were launching magic attacks towards the sky immediately stopped.He followed them quickly out of a passage, and a golden and silver figure gradually appeared in front of Yang Han.

The person who came was wearing a set of golden leather armor, which was made of the fur of an unknown creature. This taste was just like that of Jin Shining's younger sister.There are some silver metal armors on the key parts outside the armor, but the armor is full of scars, it seems that it has always experienced battles.

When the visitor approached, Yang Han saw her clearly.This is a young girl, who looks to be less than 20 years old, with a curvy figure, blond hair and blue eyes, the golden hair tied into a single ponytail, and a pair of eyes full of heroism.

Seeing her, Yang Han suddenly remembered the title of "King of Knights", but looking at her clothes, she looked like "King of Heroes". Could it be... Could it be that she is the daughter of Saber and Jin Shining?This thought made Yang Han tremble immediately.

Seeing Yang Han's appearance, the surrounding crowd immediately puffed up their chests involuntarily, as if they thought that the city lord had suppressed the demon as soon as he came out and made him tremble with pride.

"You are... Yang Han..." However, as if to hit the faces of this group of people, after seeing Yang Han, the heroic girl's facial expression softened as if ice cubes melted, and she was surprised, Panicked, various expressions appeared on her face one after another, and she didn't even dare to look at Yang Han's face.

"La Latina?" The change of the eighteenth female college student was not fake at all. If it wasn't for the change of expression, Yang Han would not have recognized the other party's identity.

"Mm, um..." Lalatina lowered her head deeply, as if she wanted to bury her chest, she didn't dare to look at Yang Han, she just agreed in a low voice like a good baby.

It was understandable why she showed such an expression.

It has been more than three years since Yang Han left. During this period, not only Hui Hui has changed a lot, everyone has changed, and Lalatina has naturally changed again.Since a certain day, she has taken the reason for breaking up Yang Han and Hui Hui to herself, so now seeing Yang Han again, she naturally has a very strong apology in her heart.

"It seems that a lot of things have happened, but Lalatina, I didn't expect you to grow up a little bit, but your courage has shrunk back! This is not like you." Yang Han's eyes became more and more serious when he saw the crowd around him. Feeling weird, he quickly called out the other party's name to prove his identity, and indirectly comforted Lalatina.

"I'm fine, you can go back to Suqing Pavilion with me first, and I'll tell you little by little what happened in these years after you left." Lalatina obviously changed a lot compared to three years ago, All aspects of character have converged.She quickly stabilized her mood and regained her usual expression, then said to Yang Han.

"Well, then let's go." Yang Han was naturally anxious about the situation, so he didn't say anything more, landed again and walked away side by side with Lalatina.

The people who surrounded Yang Han were already dumbfounded.

They have never seen Miss Darkness, the lord of the Golden City, show so many rich expressions just now, it is simply unimaginable.However, although these people were curious about Yang Han's identity, they also understood a little bit. It was indeed a person, but it was very likely that he was a very powerful big shot.

Thinking of another big man coming to Suqing City, a remote town, everyone is still in a good mood. In the face of war, any hope of protecting oneself is a blessing, so the crowd quickly gave up the passage , let the two pass, and watched them leave.

Walking on the road that has become unfamiliar, Yang Han looked around.

The original Axel was covered with green grass, and the city was crossed by a river. Every day when I go home, I can see some mischievous little guys laughing by the river, but now, there are no traces of those children. I don't know if I grew up or...

Lalatina also seemed to see Yang Han's eager and sad expression, so she walked along and told him what happened in the whole continent in the past few years.

In fact, it is like this.After Yang Han crossed over and left, within half a day in this world, the news of the resurrection of the demon race came from the front line of the Belzer Ancient Kingdom.The new devil has a very terrifying power. He calls himself Satan and is the adopted son of the previous devil.Because the old demon king was expelled back to the demon world by Yang Han, he became seriously ill due to being aggrieved, and died of hatred just like Cao Cao.

Before he died, the old devil king passed his life strength to Satan, and after he got the power, he immediately ruled the endless monsters and broke the confinement and returned to the mainland.

Ordinary adventurers can't stop the young and vigorous new devil at all. The new devil's army cadres Lucifer, Elciel, Andra Merrick, Mallacoota, Libby Cook, and a group of five are even more powerful than others. The original eight cadres of the Demon King Army were much more powerful. Four of them attacked the mainland in four directions: east, west, north, south, and north. Elsir sat in the base camp of the Demon King Army and launched an attack towards the whole world.

The new cadres of the Demon King Army call themselves the Generalissimo of the Demon King Army, which is also true, because each of them is no longer a cadre acting alone, but a terrifying existence with many people to fight everywhere.It is also because of their existence that ordinary people in the world today are so afraid of the demons, and they are so afraid after seeing Yang Han.

In three years, even Axel Novice Village, which is far away from the base camp of the demons, was attacked like this. One can imagine what happened to other places.

But the only good thing is that when the mainland was almost completely wiped out by the demons, a brave man stood up, and this person's name was——Emilia Justina.

To be continued...

 Wow, Kaka, write blindly, write blindly, have fun! (ps: The one who said daily, stand up for me, and see if I don't fuck you!)
(End of this chapter)

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