Two-dimensional Guide to Becoming a God

Chapter 252 Fusion of Phantom God Seed

Chapter 252 Fusion of Phantom God Seed
"The world has become like this. What about the goddesses, Eris and the others didn't come out to explain?" After listening to Lalatina's wronged explanation, Yang Han raised his forehead, and suddenly thought of the goddess Eris. The goddess of the state religion "Eris Cult" should not be ignored!
Yang Han's words caused Lalatina, who had just shown a relaxed expression, to straighten her body for an instant. She bit her lip as she watched Yang Han, and thought for half a minute before saying: "Chris's war has spread to Belzer. The Ancient Kingdom rushed to the king's capital immediately, but returned with serious injuries a few months ago, and now he has died in battle..."

"What!" Yang Han turned pale with shock.

"Let me finish first. The death I mentioned refers to Chris, who is the clone of the goddess Eris. She is fine. After Chris died, Eris's spirit left this world and returned to them. I went to my world, and because the timelines of the two worlds diverge, I can’t return to this side for a while, so the Goddess can’t participate in this war for a short time.” Lalatina waved her hand and explained.

"At critical times, you have to rely on yourself..."

"It's not all. Before the return of Goddess Divine Sense, let me bring you a sentence, saying that if you find the artifact she asked you to find, she will give it to you. I hope this can save the world." Lalatina comforted road.

"Okay, I got it... How about it, Lalatina, organize your people and call the residents of the whole city to the central square of the city tomorrow, and I will help you solve a series of troubles in Axel. Now I need you There are a lot of things to do, and after solving the problems in the city, I may have to set off immediately to find Huihui and the mentally retarded goddess." After seeing the incident, Yang Han also calmed down, and things need to be solved one by one, and there is no point in rushing .

Although she didn't know what Yang Han was going to do, Lalatina still agreed.As far as she knows, this man would never joke around during this period. Since she can quickly solve a series of problems of the residents in the city, she will definitely not hinder Yang Han because of issues such as face or power. , let the people suffer.

After the agreement was made, Yang Han didn't stay for long, and returned to the Suqing Hall first.

In fact, after Lalatina told him that the phantom god seed was given to him by Eris, he also got a good news from Fia immediately.

That is the news that fusing the Phantom God Seed with oneself will gain a lot of experience points.You know, he left this world to help Eris with the task of finding the artifact for three full years, but he hasn't improved his level at all. Now he urgently needs to increase his level.

And according to Fei Ya, the Phantom God Seeds carry her three years of practice experience. After the fusion, the game experience of these three years will all be transformed into Shenyuan experience, and the energy will be amazing.Not only that, the game records of ordinary people are also among the seeds of phantom gods. Although the experience of mortals cannot be compared with his own, tens of thousands of mortal experiences are by no means a small number.

After receiving the good news, Yang Han immediately locked himself in the basement of the Suqing Hall. The formation here was left over from the first time he fused the Shenyuan Nucleus, and it is still as strong as before.

Entering the samadhi and entering the Shenyuan space, Fei Ya was already waiting for him.The two didn't say anything nonsense, but went straight to the area where the phantom god seeds were placed.

There is a golden open space in front of it, which is no different from other areas, the only difference is that a golden light group like an ostrich egg is shaking up and down slightly on the open space.It floats in the air, radiating soft light around it, Yang Han looked at it, and said to Fei Ya: "How do you integrate this thing into my body?"

"The master just needs to eat it." Fia smiled slightly.

"Eat it!? How to eat it? Such a big one, do I want to swallow it?" Yang Han looked at the "ostrich egg" in front of him in astonishment, and asked Fei Ya after grunting his throat.

"Hee hee, I'm just kidding the master! Ordinary things can be refined and understood as long as they are thrown into the treasure of the gods, but this kind of artifact-level things are very repulsive, and it takes a long time to break them down. In the current situation, I suggest that the master should use the God's Emblem to control it, it will be more efficient."

"Okay, then I know what to do." Yang Han nodded, and with a casual move, golden lights flowed out from his palms and gathered between his palms. The golden light was extremely dazzling, as if he was compressing .After a short time, a golden badge that was as solid as it was condensed between Yang Han's palms.

The role of this Shenyuan Nucleus is an absolute killer against the ability to be honest and obedient. As soon as the God's Emblem appeared, the Phantom God Seed immediately surrendered.The endless radiance it originally radiated was actually sucked into itself by the badge as if it were real, and it was completely sucked out within a few breaths.

The coat of light was peeled off, and the core of the phantom god seed shattered into shards of light, but despite this, the emblem of God still didn't let it go, not even a single scum was sucked into the emblem.

The whole process lasted only five or six minutes. When the space where the phantom god seeds were originally floating became empty, the God's Emblem returned to his hands.

Returning to the badge in his hand, the appearance has undergone earth-shaking changes at this moment.It was originally a ten-centimeter-high cross-shaped badge, but now it is about a circle larger in size. Two pure golden ribbons are crossed on the enlarged cross. The ribbons are as viscous as melted gold water. change the flow position.

The next moment when he attached his thoughts to it, Yang Han felt his body being washed away by endless memories.

At the same time, the golden liquid ribbon on the cross also moved immediately.They swelled suddenly, turned into a piece of golden liquid, wrapped Yang Han in it, and quickly flowed around his conscious body.

Fei Ya didn't stop her, she looked at Yang Han from the side, and knew exactly what happened.

Those golden liquids are actually entities transformed by Yang Han's accumulated experience in the SAO game. The reason there are two is because one belongs to him, while the other belongs to nearly ten thousand other players.

At this moment, Yang Han's Shenyuan level is rising rapidly, breaking through level 46 can be said to be an instant thing, and then his experience is soaring all the way, the shackles of the 55th level of Shenyuan level can't stop him at all.Equivalent to about six years of combat experience, how can it be considered pediatrics? After the [-]th floor impact, the increase in Shenyuan's experience is still continuing.

"It seems that the master can be promoted to level 60!" Fiya clapped her hands happily and said to herself.

This is indeed the case, when the golden liquid gradually became transparent and finally fully integrated into Yang Han's body, his level was fixed at level 62.

[ps: Thank you, yearning for the fire of water, book friend 20171002200014880, two classmates for the 100 starting point reward; thanks, the 10000 starting point reward for the classmate!This seems to be the highest tip amount I have ever received, and thank you for being my second rudder, thank you very much for your support! 】

(End of this chapter)

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