Two-dimensional Guide to Becoming a God

Chapter 256 The Completely Changed Alcanretia

Chapter 256 The Completely Changed Alcanretia
It takes two days to travel by horse-drawn carriage from Suqing City to Acanletia, the capital of water and hot springs, but it only takes more than half an hour for Yang Han to transfer to a fighter plane.

Following the guidance in the memory of his followers, Yang Han's operator, who was not considered responsible, gradually slowed down. This was not because he had reached his destination, but because he had lost his way.

Yes, it is indeed lost.

Originally, according to the map, after leaving the west gate of Suqing City, it should be able to arrive in a straight line to the southwest. After all, the characteristics of Acanletia are very obvious. Such a large hot spring city stands on a flat land. In the red soil plain, it is impossible to find it hard.

But at this moment, Yang Han flew to the place according to the route in his memory, and what he saw was a lake, a very large lake, even if he looked down from the sky, he couldn't see the edge of the lake.

The fighter plane was advancing in the air at a slightly lower speed, while Yang Han lowered his head and looked down. Soon he saw many small islands floating in the distance. These islands were intricately surrounded, and there were nearly a hundred of them carefully counted. .

These small islands surrounded a slightly larger island, and when Yang Han saw this island clearly, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.It's not because of anything else, because there is a huge statue standing in the center of the island. The statue is more than [-] meters tall. It was probably completed by a magician, and the appearance of this statue is actually Aqua!

"This guy..." Yang Han was helpless, although he didn't know what the other party had done, but it must be that the goddess was sick.

While Yang Han was admiring the city in the lake, the fighter planes in the sky were quickly spotted by the people below.No way, a black fighter plane in the blue sky is still very eye-catching. Basically, a person looks up and spreads a casual sentence, and everyone will soon know it.

Yang Han's flying altitude is still very high, about 500 meters. This altitude is beyond the reach of many flying monsters. Therefore, even if there is a riot in the city and preparations for air raids, no one can really fly so high Gao came to stop him.

Taking advantage of the messy mess below, Yang Han looked more and more surprised from the fighter plane, because he discovered that the city composed of many small islands is probably Alcanletia!There are still some hot springs left on many islands, and the combination of these islands is also similar to the original capital of water and hot springs.

Then the current situation is easy to explain. Looking at the current situation, the original city is mostly divided into countless islands by the flood, and there should be no one else who can create so much water except the mentally handicapped water, no, the goddess of the original water. .

Even though he thought so, the amount of water produced by Aqua still surprised Yang Han.He knew the opponent's strength very well, and it was possible to create a flood-level disaster, even flooding a city, but the water area of ​​hundreds of thousands of acres was still too appalling.

Thinking of this, Yang Han circled around three times. When the plane flew back and reached the sky above the central island for the third time, he immediately put the original fighter plane into the treasure of God. As for his body, he began to fall freely the next moment. sports.

This height is naturally nothing to him, and Yang Han can also use flying magic, but it is a bit unacceptable to the people below, causing a commotion.

Accompanied by a loud bang, his body landed vertically in the center of a small square. When he was only a few meters away from the ground, Yang Han borrowed an instant burst of wind magic, so he didn't force himself It hit the ground, just causing a violent wave of air.

When the air wave dissipated, people quickly gathered and surrounded him. This scene seemed familiar, as if I had only seen it a few days ago, but compared to the fearful expressions of the residents of Suqing City at first, This group of people seems to be full of curiosity.

"Oh my God, is it because my prayers have been approved by the gods? It's actually such a handsome guy sent down to me!" A half-aged peasant woman raised her hands excitedly God thank you.

"Fuck you, this is obviously a little man from my family. Come here, my husband is going this way, let's go home." Another woman who looked decent and looked like a young woman squeezed The crowd rushed towards Yang Han.

"Damn it! What's going on?" Yang Han was startled, and the figure that had just fallen couldn't help leaping up again, and there was an expression on his face that seemed to be avoiding zombies for a moment.

Although the residents of Acanletia did not threaten themselves when they came up like the residents of Suqing City, such a way of greeting made him unacceptable.Obviously, the members of the Axis Cult who were already abnormal are even more abnormal now!
After Yang Han fled into the air, he was out of danger again, but he didn't see Akuya's appearance for a long time.

It's no wonder that the other party is not as active as Lalatina, who pays attention to all the movements of the townspeople. It is estimated that she is probably displaying her nature as a paramecium goddess somewhere now!

But just leaving like this is not a solution, Yang Han can only float in the air, listening to the chattering of the dark women below, while looking for each other's figure.

Now he is really curious about what happened, and what kind of accident happened to make these fanatics of Axis Cult become like this.

Moreover, he has already walked half of the urban area, and he has not seen a single man. Could it be that he has been squeezed dry by this group of prostituted women?
You know, the original Acanletia city was inhabited by powerful monsters, so the adventurers in this city are more sturdy than those in Suqing City, but looking at the current appearance, those middle-level monsters There are not any male adventurers left now. Is the hidden accident still small?

After searching for a while without any results, Yang Han decided to go to the church on the main island. According to her assumption, Aqua would probably be there, and then when she was walking in that direction, a red scorpion protruded from the second floor of a shop. hair figure.

It was a girl with short red hair, but looking at the waves on her chest, she looked more like a mature young woman.She has a very good figure, almost as good as Icarus.She was wearing a set of magic robes, but there was no staff in her hands. The girl waved her hands vigorously, as if she was afraid that the other party would not see her.

Yang Han did see her at the first sight because of the other party's actions, and it was indeed an old acquaintance - Wolbach!
It's just that the current Wolbach's magic power is very weak. Compared with the original him, he is like a heaven and a world.

(End of this chapter)

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