Two-dimensional Guide to Becoming a God

Chapter 258 The City Swallowed by Water

Chapter 258 The City Swallowed by Water
When Aqua and Wolbach first arrived in Alcanretia, what caught their eyes was the cracked land raging with flames of war.The legendary brave Emilia Justina led the male adventurers of the Axis Church to fight against the Demon King's army.

Listening to the endless shouts of killing in the distance, Aqua felt as if a knife was piercing her heart, because it was mixed with the last shouts of her followers.

Wolbach immediately joined the battle circle. Relying on the spirit crystal she got from Yang Han, she unscrupulously cast a wide range of magic, supporting the human side to give the demons a fierce attack.

But relying on her strength alone, she has a very bad compatibility with the devil Marshal Marakuta, who is very good at strategy. Coupled with the opponent's superiority in numbers, it is still impossible to restore the losing battle.

The battle lasted almost day and night for three full days and three nights. Although the demon king's army suffered numerous casualties, the human side was defeated in terms of overall numbers.As a last resort, the brave retreated to the central defense city of Alcanretia with the last of his subordinates, waiting for several other legions to come to support them.

During the days when the city was under siege, people in the city were in panic, because no one knew when the enemy would come.Maybe it was in the middle of the night, or it might be in the early morning, but at any time, they had to tense up, causing many soldiers to faint.

However, the enemy's means are not limited to this. While besieging humans and using mental offensives, they also did a very vicious thing - poisoning.

At that time, the hot springs in Acanletia were still there, so the Demon King Army secretly dispatched scouts who were good at hiding and flying to sneak into the sky above the hot springs in the middle of the night and drop the poison down.After the poison melted into the hot spring, the hot spring evaporated into water vapor and began to spread. They tried to turn Acanletia into a poisonous gas pool in this way.

Perhaps it can be said that it was a blessing, Aqua's sensitivity as the goddess of water quickly noticed something was wrong, and she started to work on this matter.With Aqua's purification ability, the poisoned hot spring was quickly purified into plain water, but because the incident was resolved so quickly, people didn't know what the situation was. They only saw the hot spring turned into ordinary water. heated pool.

Originally, because of the flames of war, the faith in the goddess Aqua has decreased. After seeing such a scene, many people began to cry in private, saying that "the goddess has abandoned us".

Seeing this, Aqua didn't know how to make up for it, she just stood up stupidly and announced her true identity as a goddess to everyone.But her words are useless, and there is no way to convince anyone. Everyone just regards her as a blasphemous idiot.

Some people began to lose their faith as the situation became more and more unfavorable and stood beside the hero, trying to follow him to the battlefield; They; there are still some people who are at a loss, but the only thing is certain, no one believes that Aqua is the legendary goddess Aqua.

The defense station was still going on, and Wolbach had to continue to participate in the battle during those days, which caused the spirit crystal Yang Han gave her to become more and more dim and shrink, and finally became the size of a fingernail.

Aqua, who had no fighting ability, didn't go to the battle. To be precise, when facing enemies that were not undead creatures, she probably added trouble when she went.She began to build a goddess statue for herself in order to prove that she was a goddess, in an attempt to restore the faith of the believers and prove her true identity in this way.

In fact, you don’t need to think about it to know how nonsense this is. Having an extremely magnificent statue of a goddess standing behind you during the battle will indeed boost the morale of the believers, but the premise is that there must be one!What's the use if there is no existing creation?

When Aqua pieced together her goddess statue out of a large pile of disposable milk cartons, the battle was over as expected.Under the defense of the brave and Wolbach, Acanletia finally hoped for their reinforcements, and the demon king's army, which was short of food and grass, was forced to retreat after defeat.

The hero's prestige was praised by more people, and then she left, taking all the combat power in the city and leaving Acanletia, the stronghold of the Axis Cult.

The fanatics of the original Axis religion changed greatly after that battle. They have always believed in "there is nothing wrong with themselves, it is the world that is wrong", and they have gradually become good soldiers relying on their hands , Fearless toward the front line.

The goddess crawled out of a large pile of disposable milk cartons, jumping and jumping, and tried to keep them with the most clumsy words, but unfortunately it was all in vain.

In the eyes of others, this battle was a beautiful story of human beings relying on their own hands to save the world. As for Aqua, who had been clumsily making a statue in the rear in an attempt to restore her faith, it was completely ignored.

Most of the people in the town have left, only some women and children are left, which is why the city is full of women now, because most of the original believers of the Axis Sect were fanatics, and many seven The 80-year-old man has gone to the front line with a shovel on his shoulder.

If Lord Brave hadn't put forward the proposal that "men should fight, women should take care of their families", I am afraid that this city would have become an empty city.

Aqua, who sat in front of the city gate like a duck, looked at the leaving crowd, and finally couldn't help crying loudly. She cried miserably, as if she was a child whose parents didn't want her.

Her tears are like a flood that burst a bank. Note that this is not an exaggerated metaphor, but a real description.According to Wolbach, she had never seen anything like it.

Crying formed a flood, which was a more terrifying amount of water than any high-level magic. No one could stop Aqua from crying, because her surroundings were like the whirlpool of the sea. The whole city was gradually swallowed up by it.

It was a doomsday-like scene, and it was too late for everyone to escape, because the water was coming so fast.Accompanied by Aqua's crying that showed no sign of stopping, water began to fall from the sky like a waterfall, the ground split open, and strings of water jets burst out. The departing soldiers looked at their hometown behind them and knelt one by one. Lying on the ground, weeping to the sky for my mistakes, and repenting myself for losing my faith; the old, young, women and children in the city hug each other, trembling with the people they know or don't know around them.

However, none of this could stop Aqua, the flood flooded her surroundings incessantly, and those who left the city had to run farther and farther away, lest they be killed by the huge waves.

In the end, when everything calmed down, a full week had passed, and no one had seen Aqua since then, not even Wolbach.

(End of this chapter)

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