Two-dimensional Guide to Becoming a God

Chapter 265 My Parents Want to See You

Chapter 265 My Parents Want to See You
"Hey, Wolbach, is it just the two of you that the idiot couple is talking about?" Aqua pointed at Yang Han and Hui Hui with the corners of her eyes hanging, pointing at Yang Han and Hui Hui and said to Wolbach.

"Fireball (fireball)" Hui Hui casually threw a fireball the size of a ping-pong ball and flew directly towards Aqua, causing Aqua, who was in a hurry to summon water magic defenses, to be devastated.

Although it was resisted in the end, the water splash and steam caused by the fireball hit on the water magic still covered Aqua all over.

"Huihui, have you learned other magic!?" Yang Han asked in surprise.

"Well, I have learned the full level of explosion magic. Then I am constantly developing other ways to make explosion magic stronger. After my research and development, it seems that learning other fire magic can also indirectly increase the power of fire magic , so I am now working hard to learn all the fire magic." Huihui replied.

"It's amazing! I didn't expect my wife to be so outstanding." Yang Han said, pulling her into his arms.

He felt that Huihui had really changed a lot, and felt that she was developing in the direction of a wife.Although the once energetic loli was also very attractive, but now Huihui, who has changed from a green fruit to a fruit that can be picked, is undoubtedly more attractive. Yang Han even looks forward to waiting for Huihui to become fully mature in the future. What's it like now.

"I always feel like you're thinking about something impolite, okay, okay, enough hugs, shouldn't you tell me what you've been doing these past few years?" Huihui leaned into Yang Han's arms and said, She shyly pushed the other party away, and there were two women and her younger sister watching, and she was more or less embarrassed.

"Ou Neijiang, who is this brother?" Hui Hui's younger sister, Xiaomi, seemed to hold back for a long time, and only asked at this moment.

"This is your elder brother, in other words, he is my husband..." Hui Hui explained, her voice getting softer.

"Oh? Excuse me, are you that despicable, evil, wicked bastard brother-in-law who played with the body of my elder sister and then ran away without leaving a penny?" Xiaomi asked with her head tilted, as if she didn't understand what she said. What powerful words came out.

"..." Several people immediately petrified on the spot.

"Small, Xiaomi, who taught you these words? Isn't it sister? Isn't it sister? No, yes, sister, sister, right?" Huihui knelt down awkwardly and hugged Xiaomi's shoulders and said softly, even In order to induce the other party to say that she is not a sister three times.

"Ahem, Huihui, I didn't expect you to become so black-bellied..." Yang Han coughed twice and said in embarrassment, as if he didn't want to know the answer anymore.

"Actually, actually, I can explain it."

"Before you say this, can you look into my eyes first?" Yang Han said while holding his forehead, looking at Hui Hui who turned his head away.

"Don't worry about this! Xiaomi, go out and play with Sister Wolbach and Sister Aqua. Big Brother and I have some important things to talk about." Hui Hui simply skipped this topic and directly talked to Xiaomi He and Aqua sent them out of the room.

"What's wrong with my sister! I'm my sister, so I'm my sister, okay! Look at the figure of this goddess..."



After Huihui sent the three girls out of the room friendly, the two of them were left in the room again.Yang Han talked about what he had experienced in the past three years, but only after slightly modifying some ambiguous stories about girls.

After hearing that there are other worlds, Huihui was very surprised, but the image of a lady revealed the innocent starry eyes like a child, and the shining eyes are extremely yearning.

Yang Han vividly described the world of knives and swords, what the bosses on each floor look like, how to organize and grow the blood alliance knights, how to defeat Akihiko Kayaba and return here, all the stories have been told to the sky. Black is the end.

After the story was told, it was almost dusk.At this time, Hui Hui suddenly said, "Huh! It's such an interesting adventure, it would be great if you could bring me along."

"Do you want to go? Let's travel together some other day?" Yang Han asked.Now he is not what he used to be, and with all kinds of abilities, it is no longer difficult for him to travel alone with him.

"Okay, but before that, there is something you have to do with me!" Huihui said with a serious expression.

"What's the matter?" Yang Han moved closer to her, as if attracted by Huihui's expression, not daring to be too childish.

"My parents want to see you!"

"... Huh?" Yang Han was shocked, could this be the legendary meeting with parents! ?
"Why, don't you want to?" Huihui raised her eyebrows, indicating that he had no room to refute.

"No, no, very willing, I have time anytime." Yang Han said.

"Tomorrow then, the only unmarried girls in the village like me are me and Yoyo, if you don't worry about it, I'll marry someone else! Hmph!" Huihui stood up with her waist crossed Tsundere said, but this Tsundere is full of coquettishness, which almost melted Yang Han's heart.

He got up and blocked the other's delicate body from behind, and affectionately inhaled the fragrance of the other's neck. It was indeed the smell of Huihui, although it hadn't changed in the past three years.

"It's disgusting, go get some food, don't you want to see what time it is! And hurry up and let those outside come in too. Although this place is small, there is an attic on the tree, which is enough for everyone Stayed overnight." Huihui broke free, still seemed not quite used to it.

"Yes, my wife. But you managed to hide for a while, and I'll see how you escaped tonight. You've finally grown up, so what if you don't pick it?" Yang Han pinched his nose with one hand, feeling that there would be a heat flow inside at any time. Want to flow out, teasingly said with a smile.

"I'll sleep with Xiaomi tonight!" However, Huihui's words made him feel as if he had fallen into an ice cave. The expression continued: "I'm kidding you!"

Speechless all night, ahem, how could it be possible to be speechless!

Sleeping with Megumin, whom I haven't seen for three years, I can't believe that nothing happened, at least it was written in the eyes of Aqua and Wolbach after waking up in the morning.

Today, ten-year-old Xiaomi still doesn't understand the little things between men and women, and her expression is a little dazed. She slept in the attic above the tree with Wolbach and Aqua last night, and she is as pure as a piece of white paper. It's the same, except that the obscene language that comes out of her mouth from time to time clearly tells everyone that she was poisoned by her sister and family members.

(End of this chapter)

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