Two-dimensional Guide to Becoming a God

Chapter 274 Lalatina's Father

Chapter 274 Lalatina's Father

Yoyo's arrival made the atmosphere of the dinner even more exciting. Although she was a little reserved at the beginning because of her personality, after all, he was familiar with everyone present and quickly integrated into everyone's atmosphere.

Life in another world is actually very boring. After dinner, everyone who had nothing to do went to rest early.

Due to the limited space of the tree house, Youyou and Huihui Yang Han lived in the room on the lower floor, while the others still lived in the house on the tree, but Yang Han was not so anxious to eat Yoyo here immediately , but rather honestly, after taking advantage of a little bit, he fell asleep with the second daughter peacefully.

If you go to bed early, you will naturally wake up earlier. When the sky was just getting dark, everyone woke up one after another.The basic things for this trip have been done, so there is no reason to stay, so Yang Han and the others decided to return to Suqing City immediately.

There was still a delay of a few days when they came, but they went back very quickly. With a fighter plane whose flying speed was comparable to the limit of this world, everyone returned to Suqing City in about an hour.

The city is still the same city, and nothing unusual seems to have happened in the past few days.The fighter plane landed vertically over the city lord's mansion. Since it was seen when it took off, the landing of this behemoth from the sky did not arouse hostility again.After landing, Yang Han led the girls straight into the City Lord's Mansion.

The City Lord's Mansion is no longer as busy as it was when he just left. It seems that the operation of Suqing City has gradually entered the right track, and everything is developing in a good direction.

"Mr. Yang Han is back. Are you looking for Ms. Lalatina...This, this is Miss Huihui! Long time no see!" Luna, who was walking out with a large pile of documents, was facing each other. In a moment of confusion, Luna also reflected. She was just about to say hello to Yang Han, and immediately saw Huihui standing behind Yang Han. Everyone is also an old man. In the acquaintance, she immediately turned the conversation to Huihui.

"Sister Luna, long time no see." If it was Hui Hui three years ago, he would never be so polite, but now he is different, and every time he thinks of how he used to be so self-willed running outside the city all day to set off explosions. Magic, the adventurer's guild that he set up is struggling to deal with the aftermath of himself, and he will feel a little embarrassed.

"And Ms. Yoyo, welcome back!" Luna waved her hand, she was mature and naturally she would not care about these things, but welcomed the two back with a gentle smile.

"Sister Luna, you seem to be very busy. If you have something urgent to do, then go and do your work first. By the way, is Lalatina still in her office? We just got back and there is nothing important. I just told him when I came back." Yang Han looked at Luna who was holding a pile of documents, and knew that she should not bother her after the greetings, so he interjected.

"Well, Miss Lalatina, it is true that she is still in that room, but... but his father is also there." Luna replied.

"Oh? Lalatina's father? Could it be that great nobleman called the Knife of the Kingdom, the current head of the Dustines family?" Yang Han asked curiously.

"Yes." Luna nodded, expressing her affirmation.

"I see. Then I won't disturb Miss Luna and your work. Let's go over and have a look." After that, he took Huihui and Yoyo's hand, and under Luna's surprised eyes, the people in the mansion now Go inside.

The three of them came to a wooden door, which was Lalatina's office. Yang Han, who was the leader, knocked on the door lightly. Soon, he heard "Please come in" from inside. answer.

Pushing open the door, there was no one sitting at the familiar desk, but on the other side of the room, there were two people sitting opposite each other in the resting place with the sofa.One is an old man with blond hair combed meticulously, and the other is Lalatina. Needless to say, that old man is probably her father.

"It's Yang Han, and Huihui and Yoyo, you're back!" Seeing Yang Han coming in, Lalatina immediately stood up and greeted them one by one.

"La Latina, who are these?" The old man with a moustache and meticulously combed blond hair leaned on a civilized stick and stood up unhurriedly, asking Latina.

"These are my very important partners; everyone, this is my father." Latina said to the two parties.

"Oh? Hahahahahaha, is it Lalatina's friend? Hello, I am her father, Dustinis Ford Ignis, and Lalatina has been taken care of by you all this time." This person looked older than Huihui's father by more than ten years. I'm afraid that Lalati was also a child she had after she reached a certain age.When he saw that his daughter had someone who could become a partner, he was very excited, but because of his own upbringing, he still had a good smile.

"It's nothing, Mr. Dustinis Ford Ignis." Yang Han also replied politely.

"Ahahahaha, it seems that I will disturb everyone if I am here, so I have finished what I said, and leave the rest of the time to you young people!" Although Yang Han could see that he was very calm, he followed behind him. The other two young girls seem to be a little cautious because of the status of this great nobleman, which is also helpless. The Dustinis family owns nearly [-]% of the country's territory, and they are real dukes. Therefore, some from the long The majesty of the author still exists.

Seeing that the old man was about to leave, a few people didn't try to persuade them to stay. That kind of politeness didn't mean much to the other party, and when we met again, we did have a lot to say. The other party was an old man here, and there was something to talk about. To pick up and say.

"Why does your father feel that he is ten years older than Huihui's father?" When the door was closed again, Yang Han immediately changed his stubborn personality and began to chat with Lalatina carelessly.

"Hey! Yang Han, you are very rude! My father became like that because of hard work. You don't know that the wars in the past few years have made him seem to be ten years older every year." Lalatina sighed as she spoke, as if she was a little worried about her father's physical condition.

"That's right. It can be seen that he is a benevolent lord. During times of war, his people will definitely suffer a lot of persecution, and it will indeed be very hard work." Yang Han nodded, and there was a taste of praise in his words.

"Don't look at the laughing father just now, but in fact, his heart is very entangled now. Recently, there have been a lot of battle reports from the front line, both good and bad, but according to the information, it is estimated that the war will last for another ten or twenty years. , is all possible." Lalatina said with some distress.

"Is that devil so troublesome? Didn't I hear that a brave man was born?" Yang Han said in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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