Two-dimensional Guide to Becoming a God

Chapter 278 Create the world

Chapter 278 Create the world

I have to say that Fei Ya's astonishing speech moved Yang Han!It's okay to build your own world, but the key is that when this world is formed, you can put Huihui, the others and even several cities in this world in it.

In this way, everyone is in their own body at any time, whether it is because of accidents that prevent them from seeing each other for a long time, or because of traveling to other worlds, they will all exist in their own bodies and can meet each other at any time.

What's more, the current continent is full of wars, and it is no longer as peaceful as it used to be. Yang Han can protect the safety of a few women, but there are countless aborigines who have to resist the threat of dying at any time.

These people are closely related to their wives. Although Huihui's parents are both Crimson Demons, the invincible Crimson Demons are very safe for a short time, but you can find it when Nannan goes out and returns. Has entered the defensive state, dare not go out easily.

Lalatina's father is even more unsatisfactory. An ordinary nobleman with no fighting ability has a higher risk factor.And don't look at the old man's very kind appearance, but Yang Han can tell at a glance that he is a person who cares about his people very much. If the battle spreads to his city, the old man will definitely stand in front of the people and fight the demons. Clan fight!

Aqua, who is no longer his wife but is indeed his pet, is a goddess and a symbol of faith.If Alcanretia, where the Axis Church is located, was burned, killed and looted by the demons, after all the believers died, she, the goddess, would probably lose her faith and disappear from this world!Not only disappearing, but without her faith, she may end up in a dire state.

These uncertain factors all indirectly lead to the happiness index of the girls around him. It is impossible for Yang Han to stay in such a big world forever, so it is the best choice to take the whole world with him!Not only can Huihui and the others stay by my side all the time, but also let them live in the most comfortable environment without having to run around with me. There seems to be no better choice than this.

Once you have made up your mind, you will put it into practice, but everything is far simpler than Yang Han imagined.Feiya is the concrete body of Shenyuan, but in a sense, it is similar to her clone. She has full mobility and can mobilize all of Yang Han's Shenyuan. After all, Shenyuan is her, and she is Shenyuan .

After receiving Yang Han's order, Fei Ya started to get busy.Staying in an infinitely large, but fundamentally empty space every day has already made her feel bored.In the past, apart from staying and chatting with Yang Han, she had nothing to do at all. Now that she has such a huge task, she is busy and happy.

Yang Han watched Fei Ya holding the [Slasher Must Break] to split the space and build the universe, and watched her manipulate various abilities to create various living environments in the universe. Although he wanted to go up and help, he was very clumsy and soon Fiya threw it aside and ignored it.

This made Yang Han very helpless, scratched his head, and threw aside the few stars he had pinched out, Yang Han simply stood cross-legged and watched Fei Ya busy.

Because of the time reinforcement of Kuang San's ability, the flow rate here is much slower than that of the outside world. He felt that the girls in the outside world hadn't woken up yet, and he didn't dare to go out. He simply found a space and took out melon seeds, tea and a bench to look at Fei Ya. .

[The Slasher Must Cut] divided the [God's Treasure] into a large area, and after this space was cut out, all the attributes of the [God's Treasure] disappeared, and became an independent entity .The space at this moment should have been a black and sloppy chaos, but under Fiya's creation, the sun was finally successfully created.

Originally, Yang Han thought that building the world was such a huge project, but he was speechless when he looked at Fei Ya.The other party has enlarged his figure thousands of times, and is carefully rubbing the embryonic form of the sun.That's right, just rubbing the sun, Fei Ya is as busy as a little girl playing house, but Yang Han can't learn that serious and meticulous look.

With the sun, the next step is to build a planet, which is much more troublesome than rubbing the sun, so Fei Ya also shrunk a little, and began to open up the world with the small shovel transformed by Shenyuan again and again.

I saw that she used Isabella's inherent enchantment to create a large amount of land and vegetation with a wave of her hand. The plants were rubbed into the soil by her, and then flung to the ground casually. Some soil bags were big enough to become The mountain peaks and some soil bumps turned into basins or hills because of being pinched by Fia.Afterwards, these soils responded quickly under the manipulation of time order, and many plants grew rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Fiya, I think our world should have some strange landscapes! Do you know about Aincrad in "Sword Art Online", do you want to make that thing into a floating city? There is also the Fairy Kingdom, although we I haven't played that game, but you can use the information in the Phantom God Seed as a reference!" Yang Han paid attention to it.

"Master's idea is great! Well, that's what Fiya will do." Fiya, who was taller than Ultraman, still lingered in Yang Han's ears as before, answering Yang Han's suggestion.

The world is taking shape bit by bit. The shape Yang Han and the others refer to is the template of the earth, but many original desolate areas have been modified.

The Mongolian Gobi area on the original earth was reshaped according to the concept of the fairy kingdom. After completion, they built a suspended Aincrad directly above this area, but this Aincrad moved with the planet. , so it looks as if it has been standing vertically above this area.

In addition, the original Greenland area has been reshaped into the appearance of Alcanretia, the capital of water baths and hot springs; Lop Nur in China's XJ is reserved for the future Red Devils; Russia's Eastern Siberia is tentatively designated for the future Suqing City; although In terms of distance, the distances between the various regions have become hundreds of thousands of miles apart, but this can be regarded as a disguised re-decoration of the desolate areas that were originally vacated by the earth.

But according to the arrangement of the planet in this way, more problems appeared in the world, that is, the problem of sunlight irradiation.However, for the gods who created the world, this problem is not difficult to solve. After Fei Ya and Yang Han's various nonsensical understandings of sunlight, environment, fantasy style, etc., the position of the sun in this world was finally adjusted slightly, and The light of the moon has also been used reasonably.

ps: I almost fainted from laughing in exchange for so many subscriptions just by playing around the corner!In order to calm everyone's Ou Jinjin down, the author decided to write some nonsense stories with a flat chest to make everyone recover.

(End of this chapter)

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