Two-dimensional Guide to Becoming a God

Chapter 284 Return of the Embers

Chapter 284 Return of the Embers

At this moment, Yang Han was standing in a very strange place.Under his feet, there was a mound of dirt as long and thin as a telegraph pole.The cylindrical mound of soil was perfectly cut, and it looked as high as a hundred meters. As long as he moved slightly, it would surely collapse.

Except for this weird pile of soil, all the surrounding areas that can be seen are flat black land, which is caused by excessive water, and the original green land, vegetation, and trees have all disappeared.

Digging three feet may refer to the current situation here!The original kingdom disappeared as a whole, and the entire country was completely transported out of this world by him.

Yang Han stood firmly on the top of the mound. Although he didn't move, the mound pillar under his feet quickly collapsed due to the wind.Helpless, he had no choice but to manipulate flying magic in order to keep himself in the air.

He looked at his masterpiece, nodded to himself to express his satisfaction, then turned around and flew quickly in one direction.Yang Han is going to meet the new devil king of this world for a while. As for his own world, since he can control everything in that world, he can naturally adjust the flow of time, so he doesn't worry about going back sooner or later. After the matter here is resolved, I will bid farewell to this world completely, and go back to rectify those who were sent away.

His figure is very fast, and with the ability of [Infinite Martial Arts], he can easily construct the fastest movement skills he wants, so his speed is not much different from the speed of light.

In just 20 seconds, he flew from the center of the original Belzer Ancient Kingdom to the adjacent continent.

After leaving the border of Belzegu, basically all the places are desolate. Now many countries in this world have been destroyed by the attack of the Demon King Army, so it is difficult to see any figures, only the dry and cracked land and withered trees are in sight. and gravel.

Relying on his own powerful spiritual scanning, he captured the breath of many creatures tens of miles away, the number of which is about [-], which must be the team of the brave and the devil army who are fighting.


At the same time, the brave Emilia Justina has also recovered and fought with the monsters of the Demon King Army again.

Perhaps it was because the natural disaster just now was too horrifying. Now the two parties are not fighting very hard. Although it is a battle between life and death, many people are thinking about what happened just now.

It's just that absent-mindedness is even more disadvantageous for the human side.The human side used to fight with their brains. After all, compared to the monsters of the demon race who mostly only rely on their own brute force or talent to fight, the human side, which is naturally weaker in body, is better at using their brains.But at this moment, when both sides are in a cute competition, the Demon Race, which has always fought without a brain, has an advantage.

In just ten minutes, nearly half of the original [-] troops on the left side of the crowd were cut down by the demons, and the leader of the demons, who saw the situation in the battle so smoothly, took heart one step faster than the brave man and devoted himself to it. In the command of the war.

The brave Emilia Justina suddenly felt the pressure increase sharply, and she was even more passive one step later. Seeing her team was slowly disintegrated and defeated by the enemy, she could no longer suppress herself. Some are anxious.

This may be the first defeat she will endure since she started the battle, but the overall situation has been decided, facing the Demon King's Army with nearly 2 guards left, even she has no certainty at this moment.

Whoosh!It was a sharp piercing sound, as if the air and space were ruthlessly torn apart.The next moment, a person was already standing above everyone's heads.He was standing much higher than ordinary flying magic, probably more than 500 meters away, looking up from the ground, it was just a small black dot.

However, the brave man and the leader of the Demon King's Army who sensed the sudden change still subconsciously chose to give in to each other. The two jumped behind each other in a tacit understanding, and then quickly aimed at the figure in the sky in unison.

Aware of being watched, Yang Han plummeted down from the air, faster than playing a jumping machine, and after falling to the ground, a cloud of smoke and dust was raised.

"What?" Because Yang Han's falling speed was too fast, it was as if a ray of light shot down halfway from the sky, so even the cadres and brave men of the Demon King's Army couldn't see the opponent's real appearance clearly.The two said the same sentence at the same time, but they immediately stared at each other, in case they were worried that the other party would attack suddenly.

"You demons really won't learn your lesson. It seems that I have to end this child's play war this time." While waving the dust around him, Yang Han strode towards the leader of the demons. Said while walking.

"You, you are...!" Looking at the figure of the person coming, the leader of the demon clan could not help but take a step back.Although he is not very old, the appearance of Yang Han three years ago is still firmly in his heart.

This is also impossible, after all, robbers have existed so unreasonably for thousands of years, and I have never heard of a second one appearing again.It can be said that among the current demons, there are people who don't know the brave Emilia, but if there is anyone who doesn't know the strong human race who beat them back to the demon world, then it is estimated that there are only children under three years old.

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is who you are? And how do you want to die?" Yang Han waved his hand, and a wave of wind magic power spread around, and this magic power will fight against the demons a lot The soldiers were dragged directly into the air, and then floated back to the human troops behind him.

In an instant, the soldiers who were originally surrounded by a group of demons were rescued one after another, and then returned to the main force. The scattered battle circle was reorganized, and thousands of soldiers regrouped together.

This casual magic immediately stunned the brave Emilia and the demon general.One must know that Yang Han pulled hundreds of soldiers back from the gate of hell just now!And this kind of magic doesn't even need to be chanted, it can be cast with a snap of the fingers, and it can even be done without being noticed by anyone, which is unbelievable.

"Your Excellency Jhin is really capable, but we have no cowards in the Demon Race. Since you are here, let's fight!" Well, since admitting defeat is also death, it is better to die harder.

 Come to a chapter and prove that you are still alive
(End of this chapter)

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