Two-dimensional Guide to Becoming a God

Chapter 300 The story has changed

Chapter 300 The story has changed
"Run away!" This was the voice of Enli's father.

"You bastard!" This is the curse of the knight.

Just now, a family of four members lost one member after turning around this alley.Originally, Anli's father led the way, the two sisters were in the middle, and their mother was behind, but after turning into this alley, a cavalryman on horseback chopped down their mother with a knife.

Seeing their mother being cut down on the ground and spilling a large amount of blood, the two children cried bitterly, and slowed down because of this.The cavalry rushed away, as if they were chasing other guys who wanted to escape, but immediately after, four soldiers jumped out from both ends of the alley and surrounded them.

Seeing the four swords pointing at him and the others from different directions, An Li's father was heartbroken and rushed directly to an enemy soldier, throwing him to the ground, ignoring the fact that his waist was pierced by the long sword .And here is the development path, there will be a dialogue like that just done.

Two fists are no match for four hands. Even though he was born as an Orion, it is a pity that he could not cause any damage to the opponent in the face of heavily armed soldiers.

Anli's father, with a desperate spirit, threw the other party down and opened a way for his two daughters in one direction.But just after the two girls ran out, the sound of their father's body being chopped up by the sword also reached their ears.

Horse neighing, roaring, metal sounds, and the smell of burning, these bad atmospheres were constantly transmitted from every corner of the village to An Li's ears, eyes, and nose, which made it difficult for her to accept, but she had to accept it.Because I still hold a pair of small hands beside me, those are the small hands of my younger sister, the life of my younger sister.

Must keep!Even if he died, he must let his sister live.Thinking like this, An Li ran hard, no longer turning around to think about her parents, leaving only tears along the way.


"Huh? The situation seems to have changed!" Yang Han frowned slightly, because he saw that the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick hadn't moved as he had known, and Momoga had no intention of leaving at all.

"Is it because of the earthquake that I caused? Alas, it seems that I have to do it myself." As if thinking of something, Yang Han helplessly said.

According to the original storyline, Momoga should have started to come to Karn Village at this time, but it seems that because the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick suffered an inexplicable foreign attack two days ago, the original storyline was canceled. reversed.

Out of risk considerations, Momoga didn't intend to go out, and the Deacon of Steel Sebas, who had mentioned a sentence to him in the original plot, didn't intervene as planned, which led to the unexpected turn of events. There will be rescue from the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick!

It seemed that she was a little upset at the scene of the massacre in the village. When she saw Anli's sister fall to the ground, Momoga turned off the [far-end perspective mirror].In his opinion, the pair of sisters must be dead, and the village is about to end, so there is no need to read it again, lest the little bit of humanity in his heart make trouble.

And when he turned off the [far-end perspective mirror] and got up to leave, Yang Han's figure moved.Just when the soldier's long sword was about to fall on An Li's body, his sword stuck in the middle, blocking the opponent's movement.

"How is it possible!" It's nothing if the sword is resisted, but the soldier has some fighting qualities, so he can feel that the opponent's resistance is not an ordinary defense.It was a barrier that seemed to be motionless, and the shock from his sword just now was illustrating all this.

Even though he didn't use all his strength just now, the opponent's defense couldn't even be shaken by a single strike. The opponent's strength is definitely a few blocks behind him!The soldier who was thinking this way winked at his other teammate, which seemed to mean let's go together.

"Close your eyes." Yang Han said to An Li, who was kneeling on the ground and turned her head to watch all of this. After hearing this, the latter subconsciously followed suit.

After hearing two clicks, when An Li opened her eyes again, the two soldiers had already stood motionless, as if they had turned into sculptures.

"Sure enough, you are disobedient! But it doesn't matter, I didn't cause the scene of blood splattering." Yang Han knelt down and stroked the girl's head to comfort her.

At that moment just now, he gave each of the opponent's two soldiers a sword, but he seemed to sense that An Li was about to open his eyes, so Yang Han froze the two bodies that should have been divided into four with a single thought.

The fast speed of the sword and the ice magic that was cast with a single thought left the two dead guys with almost no change in appearance, but after the ice magic melted, their bodies would be divided into two again. part.

"Wow, wow wow..." At this moment, Anli's younger sister Nim burst into tears.Under the excitement and panic, she held back her crying for a while, but now the crisis seemed to be over, and a child naturally cried out again.

"Yang Han, sir..." An Li also seemed to recall a little bit of reality in the blow, and after her tense thoughts of running away were relaxed, her tears also began to fall involuntarily.

"All in all, let's get out of here first, or someone will definitely chase after me later." Yang Han didn't have any talent for comforting others, so he had to give a suggestion.

"We...we don't know where to go. The village is gone, and we don't have anything to make a living..." An Li looked dazed, and she was already asking Yang Han for help.

"Then follow me. It's lonely to travel alone. It seems good to recruit two maids to take care of my daily life." As he said, he stretched out his hand towards the other party.

"Thank you, thank you." An Li held out her hand as she whispered with tears in her eyes.When she raised her hand, her white wrists were exposed, and her snow-white complexion was quite eye-catching.

An Li's hand was held together with Yang Han's, which made her feel very secure; while Yang Han's feeling at the moment was different. Although the other's arm, which had been trained in farm work, was slender, it was very strong, with a little muscle, but it made her feel more secure. The girl looks healthier and is indeed a good candidate to be a maid.

Just like that, An Li carried her sister on her back, subconsciously held Yang Han's hand, and drifted away from him.

At the same time, if the other villagers in Ka'en Village have seen "Overlord", they will definitely complain loudly to the sky.Because even though Yang Han left, no one came to the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, and those soldiers who were like executioners would not stop their massacre.

ps: It's the third bomb! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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