Two-dimensional Guide to Becoming a God

Chapter 307 Cognitive Mistakes

Chapter 307 Cognitive Mistakes
The person who hammered the table and made a dissatisfied sound was a woman. Her appearance was so beautiful that even if she was described as beautiful, she was not enough. Her beauty was enough to rival the most beautiful princess in the kingdom, known as [Golden].

However, after Yang Han took a closer look, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, not because of anything else, but because he saw the essence of the other party.The inside of the woman can no longer be called a human being, but a soft, sticky strange creature.This kind of creature even made him feel a little familiar, and it reminded Yang Han of the first monster he met and hunted with Lalatina just now.

That's right, it's slime!However, the woman is slightly different from the slime. Yang Han doesn't understand what this creature is, so let's define it as a mutated slime for the other party.He who defined the other party in this way seemed to suddenly have a playful thought, so he stood up and walked towards the girl.

"Sebas, prepare me to go immediately." Ignoring the surprised eyes from the people around, the woman arrogantly ordered to her servant.

"Of order." The old man dressed as a butler agreed helplessly.

"Miss, it's very dangerous to leave the town in such a dark and windy way!" Yang Han walked slowly to the other side with his hands behind his back, and said with a smile.

Suo Liuxiang was taken aback. There was no other reason. With a comprehensive level of 57, she didn't feel the approach of the other party. What a ridiculous thing this is!

Suo Liuxiang Epsilon is a battle maid from the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick. Its level is 57, including Assassin Lv2 and Assassin Master Lv1. A very dangerous signal.

Compared to her, the old housekeeper named Sebastian narrowed his eyes slightly.

Sebastiana is the steward of the Great Underground Tomb of Salic, and he, who commands the battle maid Pleiades under his command, is actually the real master of the two.But at this moment, he was just playing the role of Suo Liuxiang's housekeeper.

The old man has a total level of 100. Although he has not learned the ability of anti-eavesdropping, he can still get close under his strong level suppression. The difficulty is much higher than that of Suo Liuxiang.

"Thank you for your advice. I don't know if this gentleman has anything else to do? If it's because of my lady's interruption just now, then I would like to apologize to you here." The old housekeeper Sebastian nodded slightly, his hands behind his back had already quietly Clenched tightly, although his face was normal, he was already ready to start fighting at any time.

"No, it's nothing. I'm not going to trouble you two for such a trivial matter. Let me introduce, my name is Yang Han, and the reason why I came here is to promote myself to you two." Yang Handa said .

"Sales? Sorry, we don't seem to need it." Sebastian refused very implicitly, but his tone was firm.They didn't want to provoke such a powerful enemy of unknown origin.

However, Yang Han smiled kindly. The reason why he smiled was because the other party actually gave an answer.There are not many people in this different world who know the meaning of the word "sales".This is Yang Han's little trick, the first is to tease the other party, to see how much they understand the world, and the second is to scare them, to see if they can start a fight.

Although there are many elements of pranks, but Yang Han just wants to kill himself, and he can't die anyway, so coaxing the other party to play for dessert is also a good choice!
"You don't need to refute me in such a hurry. As a platinum-level adventurer, I still have some skills. And coincidentally, I am also very anxious to go out of the city at night, so I will go all the way with you. Not only can I It’s more convenient, and I can also chat with you to relieve boredom, besides, my fee is very little, all I need is for this young lady to invite me to eat more of such unpalatable dishes.” Yang Han continued to recommend himself with.

"This..." Sebas hesitated, because he had some calculations in his heart.

This trip came out of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick because he was ordered to disguise himself as an imperial nobleman with the battle maid Solyuxiang to go to E-Rantel to gather information, and then transferred to the capital of the Kingdom of E-Estage to continue doing so.

But at this first stop, he was surrounded by not only himself and Suo Liuxiang, but also a full-level guardian who was stronger than himself, and that was the guardian of the first to third floors of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick. Shalltear Bradfrenn.

Shalltear Bradfren, set to be the true ancestor of vampires, with white skin and silver hair, has a proud bust that does not match her 14-year-old appearance, but in fact her chest is flat, and she has the same bad taste as Eris— — Padded false breasts.

But other than these useless messages, the reason Sebas hesitated the most was because Shalltear had the strongest comprehensive ability among the guardians of Nazarick.

Shalltear was created with a rigorous professional structure, wearing legendary equipment all over her body, and holding an artifact-level weapon that can absorb opponents' damage and restore stamina-a dropper spear.Not only does she possess several types of magic that can be used to deal with the undead, but she is also good at hand-to-hand combat. It can be said that she is an all-round expert. Waves of enemies, her quality is also the most comprehensive.

With such a person, no matter whether the other party is using conspiracy or conspiracy, as long as he is not stronger than his side, it is absolutely impossible to cause danger to Shalltear.In addition, there is only one opponent, so as long as Shalltear can persist for a while, the existence of the two bosses of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick on his side is not afraid that he will not be able to take down the opponent.

However, Sebastian's idea has a big misunderstanding, that is, the measurement standard is different.

After the game became a reality, even though Momoga was cautious, he still didn't popularize this knowledge for his subordinates, that is the difference between the world and the game.Although Momoga knew very well that this world and the game were two different worlds, including gold coins and the measurement units of strength were different, but Sebastian and the others did not understand.

In Sebas's eyes, he and Shalltear are at full level, and the highest standard in the world is full level. If two of them are at full level, even if the other party is also at full level, they will definitely be hard to beat with four hands.This is a wrong understanding, and it is wrong outrageously.From Sebas's point of view, he got 100 points in the test, and the other party couldn't get 101 even if he got all the answers correct, because he didn't know that Yang Han could set the full score at will, and he didn't break the unreasonable rules at all. Think about it.

Sebastian, who was thinking like this, gradually gained confidence in his heart.

ps: Thank you again N times for the 1000 starting point coin reward from Crying Climbing, thank you for your contribution to this book!Hope you enjoy watching too.

(End of this chapter)

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