Chapter 310 Power Gap
"Karn Village, ten kilometers to the east, and twenty kilometers to the southeast of the Tuobu Forest! If I launch an attack, it will be wiped out from the world in an instant, believe it or not?" Yang Han said abruptly.

With just one word, Shalltear's offensive came to an abrupt end.

She was stuck in place like a sculpture, her head raised stiffly.Looking at her, Yang Han could see confusion in her eyes.That's right, it's confusion, because not only Shalltear is in such a situation, Sebastian and Suo Liuxiang not far away have never encountered it before.

The Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick was threatened, and it was just a word!At any time before today, Shalltear would not have been so confused. At most, she would have been furious because of the large number or strength of the threat, and was ready to face it head-on.

But Yang Han's strength made her feel uncertain.The strength of the opponent is too difficult to estimate. Although there are not a few NPCs standing at the top of the game like myself in the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, but judging from the fact that neither he nor Sebas can break through the opponent's defense, I am afraid how many people will come Also pointless.

Although Yang Han hadn't made a move yet, his strength was absolutely unfathomable. Even if the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick could stop the opponent's attack, it was absolutely impossible to gain benefits from the opponent.

In addition, I have just arrived in the new world, and I am in the stage of knowing nothing about everything here. I need to quickly obtain various materials to strengthen the defense, so as to stabilize the daily maintenance expenses of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick. Blindly guarding the house and not coming out, sooner or later it will be the other party's pocket, the turtle in the urn.

All kinds of thoughts were flying in her mind, which made Shatia even more confused. She looked at Yang Han's smiling eyes, and she was angry no matter how she looked at it.

"Why don't you talk, beautiful lady vampire, if you don't believe me, I can demonstrate it for you at any time!" Seeing that the other party's stiff body seemed to be trembling faintly, Yang Han fiddled Shatia's dropper spear aside. It got a little closer.

"Don't come here!" Jumping back to distance herself, Shalltear wanted to step on someone very much at this moment. This kind of thing that she could only think about but couldn't achieve seemed to be something she had never experienced before, so she had to play the role of a scholar. He stomped his feet very hard, leaving a deep hole in the ground.

"It's good for you to keep the distance, it's convenient for me to conceal the truth of my words. Watch it..." Seeing the other party not so much disgust, but more like covering up the expression of fear that has never been shown, Yang Han didn't care at all , raised one hand, so that the other party's attention came over.

In the blink of an eye, a small fireball burned from Yang Han's palm, the flame was golden, and the speed of the naked eye gradually expanded.

At first Shalltear was puzzled, not knowing what the other party wanted to do.When the fireball in Yang Han's hand expanded to more than three meters in diameter, she began to show disdain. Such a big one may be very powerful among humans, but it is a joke to want to use this opponent's Nazarick underground tomb .

At this time, her thoughts gradually became active, and she was lucky enough to advise Shatia herself, maybe the other party put all the points on the defense, and relied on the combination of divine weapons or super divine weapons to have such a powerful defense Power, but in fact there are very few attack methods, so it is not threatening at all?

It's a pity that this idea was gradually broken with the passage of time.

The three-meter-large fireball continued to expand at a steady average speed, five meters, ten meters, 20 meters...the fireball that showed no signs of stopping gradually touched the trees beside the surrounding roads, and the high-temperature flames quickly turned them into ashes , and then continue to increase.

The fireball held by Yang Han with one hand was no longer a small fireball. He raised his right hand above his head, and a large fireball with a diameter of [-] meters was still expanding on it. At this moment, Shatia finally panicked completely. .

It wasn't an ordinary fireball at all. As a vampire, Shatia was very sensitive to the sun, and she felt the sun-like ability from the big fireball.It was so hot that one place would be reduced to ashes.

"Stop, stop, stop! Stop, stop quickly, what are you going to do?" The huge fireball finally exceeded a thousand meters, but Yang Han held it, but it was as easy as holding a piece of thin paper. The surrounding towns are probably illuminated by this light.Seeing that the opponent was still playing with fire, and the fireball was still zooming in unhurriedly, Shalltear yelled.

She collapsed, and she couldn't face it if she didn't want to. This kind of attack has surpassed the highest-level magic, and maybe super-level magic can't resist it.Looking at the calm look of the other party, as long as Yang Han takes this thing to the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick and then throws it away, the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick will definitely become a purgatory on earth, and a character of her level may not be spared.

This is a very terrible thing, and Lord Momoga must be notified immediately, but will the other party let him go?

"What? Believe me now!" Yang Han smiled, and casually threw the oversized fireball in his right hand, as if playing with marbles.

"Tell me, what exactly do you want?" Shalltear bit her lip firmly, but still suppressed the anger in her heart and lowered her head, which was regarded as admitting defeat.

Although she is only a creature evolved from online game data, she has never conceded defeat. As the guardian of the first to third layers of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, Shalltear has always been a pioneer of the union. She has fought countless players, and was killed by many players. At that time, she was not as cowardly as she is today.

But it's different now, Yang Han's unreasonable strength is beyond her imagination, and she can't understand it. She has never had such experience in confronting enemies in her knowledge.

She is not allowed to die yet, and she has the Supreme Being's warning. She also understands that it is unknown whether the world can be resurrected now, and it is a sin for her to die and waste the Supreme Being's gold coins for resurrection, so she doesn't know what to do now. How is it.

"What are you doing? In short, I'm just playing with you, just like you were bored by those humans just now, so it makes sense to crush you to death. I'm quite bored now, and I want to take you from the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick Just have fun, if you make me happy, then everything doesn’t matter, if I’m unhappy, or my patience is worn out, then BOOM! Send the guy who made me unhappy to heaven!” Yang Han squeezed his right hand Suddenly, a huge fireball exploded, and the pillar of fire shot straight into the sky, and the scorched earth was turned into scorched earth when the hot air wave attacked.

Staying in the enchantment that Yang Han casually summoned, watching the raging fire waves outside, several people opposite Yang Han were speechless for a moment.The beacon that the Supreme Being was the strongest once in her heart shattered, and Sebastian and Suo Liuxiang, who were beside her, also fell into silence and could no longer speak.

ps: Thank you, Kaka God’s Will, for the reward of 500 starting coins, and the world is not complete without you.

 ps2: Kaichun is not in good health, and there have been very few changes recently, I hope everyone will forgive me.

  ps3: No word count, I wrote it here, I hope it can be seen.In short, I am still grateful for the thousands of words. I was slower at first, but everyone understood me every time I interrupted.It’s just the first book, but it will never be the last one. I started thinking about the next book. When I couldn’t move or type, I was thinking about a new book. This book doesn’t have many words. Hey, let’s watch and cherish it, everyone, it’s going to be a year soon... Heh, I’ve only written this in a year, so I’ll just kill myself with a piece of tofu.

(End of this chapter)

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