Chapter 319 Goodbye Gazef

The palace area is not as prosperous as imagined, but it is much quieter than the downtown area and the environment is much better.This area is not large, mainly for the convenience and safety of summoning, so most of the nobles gathered to form the palace area.

At this moment, the shouts of killing in the palace area have gradually become louder, and there are more and more soldiers surrounding Yang Han and Qi Yalei.You must know that this place can already be said to be an important place in the royal city, and the guards are naturally strict, but these are not enough threats to Yang Han.

If it were another strong man who came here to provoke, no matter how strong he was, he would probably be exhausted by the crowd tactics, but it was a pity that such worries were unnecessary.Because of her growing fear, Qi Yalei, who had already involuntarily grabbed the corner of Yang Han's clothes, followed her master and walked forward steadily. Looking at the soldiers surrounding the two of them like iron barrels, the sense of pressure continued to torment her.

"You seem to be very scared, what's so scary? Is it because your life is threatened, or are you just naturally timid?" Yang Han walked forward, and anyone who dared to enter three meters beside him would be in an inexplicable situation. Immediately passed out and fell to the ground.He didn't care about the people around them at all, and whispered to Qi Yalei behind him with his pocket in his pocket.

"I, I don't know, I, I don't want to, I'm afraid, but my body is disobedient and trembling..." Qi Yalei stammered in reply to Yang Han's words, facing such a huge army of horses and horses coming and going freely. It was really difficult for her to bear the test.

"This can be regarded as the most basic training method. If you can't cultivate a strong state of mind, then I will give you strength and you will still be a weak person with no power to restrain your chicken. Come on!" Yang Han said.

Because the two people were moving very slowly, it took a full quarter of an hour to actually enter the streets of the palace area from outside the city.They were one in front and one behind, and every time they took a step, the large number of soldiers surrounding them would take a step back. This scene was extraordinarily funny, and they didn't know who the leader of this group of soldiers was.

"Soldier Commander, it's the Warrior Commander!" Someone yelled, and the crowd began to shake. Soon, Gazef Storow, who was wearing a battle armor, parted the road directly opposite Yang Han. Nuo Fu greeted Yang Han.

"It's you?" Gazef's face was very strange, first he was shocked and surprised, and then he turned into bewilderment.

He was originally accompanying the king in the palace and castle to discuss important matters of the country, but suddenly he heard that someone had forcibly entered the palace area of ​​the palace, so he had no choice but to stop it.

In fact, according to common sense, he shouldn't have come forward, but the power of the nobles annexing this kingdom is already too great, and hearing that the other party, a man and a woman, defeated hundreds of soldiers blocking the way, no nobleman has such a leisurely heart. This kind of thing consumes one's own manpower, and everything will evolve into what it is now.

In such a huge country, besides some ordinary guards, there is only such a kingdom warrior leader who can face the enemy, which is quite ridiculous.Gazef fought for this country for many years, and finally got the title of a knight, not even a baron. What are you waiting for if this country is not finished?

Thinking of this, Yang Han smiled lightly, and immediately answered Ge Jeff's question: "Well, it's me."

"Your Excellency is really good at surviving the war situation of the Theocracy, but I don't know why you broke into the palace?" Many people around were watching, so in terms of his attitude towards Yang Han, Gazef was still the same. The choice was made with a businesslike attitude.

"Of course I came to pick up my maid, don't you plan to return it after you kidnapped it?" Yang Han said.

These words were quite strange, causing many people to slightly change the way they looked at Gazef.Gazef's image among the soldiers is still very upright, compared to those nobles who are like moths in the country, he is their idol, but listening to Yang Han's words, it seems that Gazef has robbed someone's maid. Let the soldiers start to look at Gazef again.

"Your Excellency, don't make such jokes. Of course, I have taken good care of the two guests you entrusted to me. Now that you have come to take them away, I am afraid that this way of asking for them is not appropriate?" Gazef quickly explained. , but he didn't do anything wrong, and he spoke very hard.

"Then let me ask you, where is my maid now?"

"Just stay at my home."

"where is your house?"

"It's a coincidence that this is the corner facing the street."

"Where is this place?" Yang Han stretched out his finger and continued to ask, pointing to his feet.

"Isn't this the king..." At this point, Gazef didn't continue talking as if suddenly stuck.

He originally wanted to say that this is the palace area, but obviously Yang Han didn't mean that.The other party's words are actually very easy to understand, you brought my maid to the palace area, what's wrong with me coming to the palace area to pick her up?As for blocking, Yang Han didn't need to explain at all, Ge Jeff also knew how those guards would choose to deal with it.

"I was negligent. I didn't give you the way to contact you before I left. The situation was in a hurry at that time, so please forgive me." Gazef is the kind of person who has nothing to say, and he doesn't get angry when he thinks of it. He is not so stingy. people, especially towards their benefactors.

"Then can you take me to meet An Li now?"

"I'm afraid this is not enough. Although it is due to my negligence, the way you came in is indeed a bit inappropriate. If you don't mind, it is best to go to see His Majesty with me first, and after explaining all the causes and effects, I think your matter will be very smooth. It's easy to pass." Although Gazef is a loyal soldier and a good man, he cares more about the country, and if a soldier like Yang Han can be won over to the king, he doesn't recommend doing anything that beats around the bush.

He had a good plan. Even though the matter was a misunderstanding, if the other party had no intention of injuring hundreds of soldiers, even if it was justifiable, it would not be unreasonable. Gazef believed that with His Majesty's eloquence, the You can keep the pair, all you need is some big talk and some kind rewards, I believe this young man will not be too difficult to accept.

Such thinking is normal according to common sense, but unfortunately, how could Yang Han be imprisoned by the common sense of this world?
He smiled slightly and said, "Okay, I'm lucky enough to meet the emperor of this country, so I won't miss a trip to the royal city, so I'll meet you. Mr. Gazef, lead the way."

The words were simple and light, but the people around couldn't help showing a speechless expression.Why does this feel more like a real emperor visiting a small county in micro-services, and after hearing other people's suggestions, he is going to see if the little officials he raises are managing their land well?
(End of this chapter)

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