Two-dimensional Guide to Becoming a God

Chapter 329 The Third Summoning

Chapter 329 The Third Summoning

The fifth floor of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick is a world of cold ice.

After defeating Marley Bello Fiore on the third floor and Gao Kangda on the fourth floor, Yang Han and his party also came here smoothly.Stepping on the mirror-smooth ice, a group of people braved the ghostly weather like a blizzard to search for the guardian of this floor.

Logically speaking, the fifth-tier guardian named Cocytus should be waiting for everyone here, but it's a pity that the other party didn't intend to play cards according to the normal routine.They didn't see the figure of Cocytus at this level, instead they encountered a large enough undead army, and at a glance, there were thousands of them.

"Do you want to fight a war of attrition in this way? It's really despicable." It was Shatia who spoke, and now she has no sense of belonging to the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, let alone any good feelings.

"The other party has sent someone, so let's send someone too!" Gently patting the head of Shalltear, who is not outstanding in height, Yang Han said lightly, and at the same time, a magic figure slowly appeared in front of him. Array, this method of casting magic without singing, once again made Jue Shi Jueming's eyes brighten.

The magic circle is quite mysterious, no one knows what it is used for, only Yang Han knows it.

This can be said to be his treasured skill. It has not been used since the golden shadow Xiaoan and Icarus were summoned.That's right, this is the first skill he created in the Two-dimensional world - Summoning!

When Shenyuan was not very strong at the beginning, he used this skill and his own magic power to summon his first attendant, the golden shadow. At that time, Xiao An worked hard for him; He left the world of "Blessings to a Wonderful World", and Icarus, who was summoned again, accompanied her to other worlds. "In the world, he took care of his sleeping body for several years, and even made a cameo appearance as a hacker.

Now these two girls have become his family members, living in the small world.Everyone would sit and eat together every day, eating the rice cooked by Xiao An and the bowls washed by Icarus.In a sense, these two girls are more like good housemates than Huihui and Darkness.

Thinking of this, Yang Han couldn't help showing a natural smile on the corner of his mouth, looking at the magic circle in front of him, this is the last summoning position of the summoning technique he has mastered, even though he is now opening more than ten or twenty summoning positions with his ability It can be done, but Yang Han no longer wants to do that, this position will be full from today!

Vast magic power gushed out from his body, vigorous enough to shatter the air.Now he is completely different from his former self, and the summoning array that was originally like a black hole that absorbs his magic power endlessly seems to be too much to bear at this moment.

The women around had already been pushed back a long way by the magic power that seemed to be real, and the army of undead who had been rushing towards them slowed down due to instinctive fear.Momonga, who saw this scene through the remote lens, kept giving orders to attack, but they still couldn't make them speed up their pace to die.

"Keep your eyes wide open to witness all this! See clearly, what is powerful." Yang Han slowly raised his hand, exerting some necessary control over the magic power dissipating around him, while allowing them to integrate into the magic more orderly In the middle of the formation, he said loudly to everyone present.In addition to speaking to the girls, his voice was also intentionally passed on to Momoga.

"What on earth is he going to do?" Although he didn't have an Adam's apple, Momoga felt that he couldn't help swallowing his saliva, his dry mouth slowly opened uncontrollably, and the red light in his eyes was extremely focused Looking at the lens in front of him.

And the next moment, with a click, the artifact-level far-end lens unexpectedly cracked a hole, and before he had time to reflect it, it exploded into spots of light all over the sky, completely destroyed.

For the time being, ignore how Momoga behaved after encountering this situation, bypass him and continue watching the scene.Shatia, Jue Shi Jueming, An Li, and Qi Yalei have already retreated tens of meters behind Yang Han. Looking at Yang Han, who is still gathering magic power, they almost feel like bowing down. impulse.

Too powerful, really too powerful!The magic power surging out of his body has already formed its substance. It is a pure magic power that is richer than anywhere in this world, and it flows continuously.Jue Shi Jueming is even thinking this way, if all his magic power is compared to a drop of water, then is Yang Han's limit wider than the sea?

After getting no answer, she chose to drop the awful question.Jue Shi Jue Ming accepted her fate, and she knew very well that even if she gave herself another [-] million years, she would not be able to reach that level of strength.The domain of God is completely different from the power I imagined.

"Based on this array, my blood is the bond, listen to my guidance and come here! My strongest guardian!" With a swish, a line of blood flew out of the magic array that could not be seen , The next moment, the terrifying fluctuations caused the ground to shake, and the entire fifth floor seemed to be collapsing.After Yang Han finished reciting the mantra, he didn't care about it at all. Now he was extremely looking forward to who would appear in front of him.

call! ! !It was a gust of wind that came from nowhere, and it blew violently in all directions around the magic circle.The huge boulder was overturned, and the army of undead that had finally approached was sent flying like a shattered wreck.The wind is unusually weird, because you can smell extremely strong magic power from it, it's like a grenade full of magic power has exploded.

Thinking about the direction where the original magic circle existed, that was the center of the magic power, and the magic power constantly overflowing to the surroundings came from there.

Through the veil-like mist, which is actually a certain amount of real magical power, one can faintly see a girl sitting on the spot with her knees folded.She appeared in a different way from Icarus and Xiao An. After being summoned, she just sat there motionless without saying a word.

Because everyone else was forced to retreat a long way, only Yang Han, who was standing the nearest, could clearly see the appearance of the other party at this moment. It was a girl with shining silver long hair.After feeling the other party's gaze, the girl raised her head leisurely.She has a pair of blue pupils that are as blue as the sea and jewel-like, and they are pure and flawless inside. After meeting Yang Han's eyes, there was no disturbance at all.

"Unexpectedly, it was you..." Yang Han said.

ps: I'm being naughty again, it's great to break it at this time~ Hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee! (Laughing like a 180-jin fat paper)

ps2: Thank you, the 500 starting point coin reward from the businessman of integrity, thank you for your support, I wish you a happy time watching.

(End of this chapter)

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