Chapter 333 A Conspiracy

"Cocytus, ruler of the glacier, come to ask for advice."

"Mare's sister, Aura Bella Fiora, came to ask for advice."

Without even looking at their dead companions, the other two floor guardians on the side of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick respectively took a world-class item from the maid's hand, and then walked forward slowly.

Cocytus took the weird long knife with countless forks, and pulled out three other seemingly extraordinary weapons from his space backpack.As for Aura, she took two complete sets of black and white with different colors handed over by the maid.

"Are you ready? Let's start when you're ready." Yang Han stretched out his hand and hooked the two of them, and said.

And Aura and Cocytus immediately looked at each other and nodded, and immediately launched a tacit attack.Cocytus charged directly, while Aura closed her eyes and began to chant.

Accompanied by the other party's chanting, figures behind him appeared out of thin air. They were high-level monsters driven by Yaura.Although she is not strong in individual combat, she is a real group fighting faction, and she is the strongest existence in the group battle in the entire underground tomb of Nazarick, Riaura.

Scorpions, lizards, earth dragons, crocodiles, giant pythons, all kinds of monsters came flooding in, and the power to summon so many monsters in one breath was also thanks to the greed and desirelessness of the world-class props in her hand.

"Explode, hundreds of millions of blades!" A deep voice spit out from Cocytus' mouth, and the knife-shaped world-class prop he was carrying with countless forks also exploded under this command, only There was only a blade like a rapier left, and the other blades flew out in an instant.

It was an impenetrable wall made up of blades, perhaps hundreds of millions in number, these blades were like thousands of machine guns firing at the same time, leaving the target with nowhere to dodge.

"Magnetic escape, there are as many techniques as there are to absorb!" After giving the skill he thought of a name, Yang Han used it with a mouth full of nonsense.

I saw that he released a black hole that was as black as graphite, and all the blades immediately changed direction the moment it appeared.No matter how many blades there were, they seemed so powerless when they encountered this thing that looked like a magnet. They broke away from the control of the main sword in Cocytus' hands one after another, and were sucked in collectively.

"Damn it!" roared angrily, but Cocytus had no choice but to speed up his running and charging speed again.

"Hordes of beasts, cover Cocytus and ravage each other!" Despite having world-class props, Aura had to stop after her summoning reached the limit.She was riding on a monster that looked like a sheep and a lion, and while commanding her own hundreds of high-level monsters, she followed closely behind Cocytus.

"Your attack method... Forget it, you should go and repent after you die." Yang Han felt speechless at the moment, looking at the big iron ball made up of countless blades above his head, he couldn't laugh or cry.At this level, he is here to deliver food to himself!

When Aura and Cocytus approached him for nearly [-] meters, Yang Han made a move. He just snapped his fingers casually, and the skill that was originally clinging to the hundreds of millions of blades was directly reversed and changed to After being repelled, under the action of the extremely strong repulsive force, the blade turned around and flew back as it came.

Hundreds of millions of blades collided with endless high-level monsters in an instant, and the result was completely unnecessary, almost equivalent to annihilation of the entire army.

Only then did Cocytus, who was full of blades, realize how stupid this attack was. It was as if he was handing a knife to his opponent to let him slaughter him.But she didn't have the chance to sigh over this, because the next moment he had completely turned into a dead thing.Not to mention Yaura, who is not very powerful single-handedly, she was killed much earlier than Cocytus.

"It's boring, it's really boring, there are only the last few of you left, can you be more serious to me? My final level up depends entirely on you!" Looking at the corpses all over the floor with one move by myself Enemy, Yang Han said dully.

"Victim, how are your preparations going?" Momoga ignored Yang Han's words, but chose to look at the last layer guardian.

"Ready, please activate... Lord Pandora's Actor!" The opening of Victim, who was like a dead baby, immediately shocked Yang Han!Unexpectedly, they actually hid it from their own eyes, that Momonga sitting on the throne, unexpectedly turned out to be Pandora's Actor!
Here I have to mention this Pandora's Actor, he has a very rare ability, copy and transform!Pandora can perfectly copy another person, and possesses [-]% of the ability of the deity. Although she is not the guardian of the hierarchy, she is the guardian of the treasure hall of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, and her strength can be said to be on par with the guardians of the hierarchy.

"Roar? Didn't you expect to play such a trick?" Yang Han sincerely praised, but he was not happy at all, because there was an irritability feeling of being played in his heart.

"We admit that your strength is very strong, but please die here with us today!" While saying this, Pandora's Actor took the last world-class prop from the maid, which was like an anime The super-large scroll that only appears in Naruto, its name is Shanheshajitu.

This is not an offensive world-class prop, but to be precise, it is a prop for controlling the enemy. After the map of Shanhe Sheji is unfolded, it covers a huge area. It can lock the opponent into a different-dimensional space, and has various sustainable consumption The means of the opponent's physical strength.It is very difficult to escape, basically there is only a one-fortieth chance of guessing the correct method.However, once the opponent successfully escapes, the space that controls the opponent will be released immediately and the ownership of the props will be transferred to the opponent.

This can be said to be a magical skill for trapping people, but it's a pity that trying to trap Yang Han is still a little bit worse. "Fiya, take everyone to leave immediately, I'll go and see what the opponent's trump card is." After leaving this sentence, Yang Han used the last moment of the development of the Shanhe Sheji map to work with Feiya to transfer the other girls instantly Gone, and he himself was completely enveloped by this world-class prop.

"Trapped! Victim, start killing immediately!" Pandora's Actor gave an order, and rushed towards Yang Han at the same time as the rest of the maids.

"Received! Victim, die here, the glory will make all beings equal!" said the little baby with two dead branches as wings, and then burst into dazzling light.

ps1: Thank you, the reward of 500 starting coins for killing thousands of veterans!Thank you, Crying Mountain Climbing Veteran for 500 starting coins as a reward!Thank you, Lonely Hao Lonely Lao Tie's reward of 500 starting coins!
ps2: I'm the author of Qi (I've never talked about Qi before), a banana, pineapple and melon that you put on play.

(End of this chapter)

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