Chapter 335
"How can I take such a big scroll away? If it is thrown into the treasure of God, it will definitely be disassembled, and the little maids inside will suffer." After walking out of the different-dimensional space created by Shanheshejitu, Yang Han also mastered this world-class prop, but looking at the body of the Shanhe Sheji map, which is nearly half the height of a person, he felt a little worried for a while.

After much deliberation, he finally decided to call back the women who had been teleported away, and gave this world-class item that took up a lot of space to Fia for safekeeping.

"Well, Master, were you okay just now?" After handing the large scroll to Fei Ya, among the worried women, An Li took the lead in expressing her attitude and asked Yang Han.

"What's going on, I'm fine. But we're going to face a more dangerous battle next time. Your current strength is still very limited. You should leave with Fia and go to a safe place and wait for me later."

"I didn't expect that one day I would be disliked and obstructed by others." Jue Shi Jueming seemed to want to laugh at himself, but it was a pity that his expression made people look a little pitiful.After experiencing so many frustrating things, she originally thought that she had fully realized how much she weighed, but after hearing Yang Han's words, she still felt somewhat dissatisfied with herself.

"Okay! You are already very strong. If you become stronger, the world will not be able to accommodate you. These enemies are completely out of specification." Yang Han tried to comfort the other party.

"But I still want to become stronger, I want to surpass you!" Jue Shi Jueming bit her lip, this is very unlike the expression she would show, maybe this is her real self who has been abandoned by her for many years !
"Then move forward with this goal, anyway, you don't lack such things as lifespan. But I can continue to become stronger, so I don't want to be left farther, you have to keep up. If you are lucky, maybe a few Hundreds of millions of years later, you will have the strength to do three tricks in front of me." Yang Han smiled, and he didn't know whether this was an encouragement or a blow.

"Hundreds of millions of years? This is really a long enough time! I have lived for nearly a thousand years. I thought I was tired of living, but I didn't expect that I am still so young! Well, wait, it's only a few hundred million years , for the eternal me, sooner or later I will live."

"Then I'll wait and see." Saying so, Yang Han turned into a streamer and flew away.As for the girls present, they will follow Fia to get a half-job, half-life guarantee future and become the first batch of law enforcement officers in this world.

After Yang Han left the sixth floor of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, he quickly tracked Momoga and his party.Although Yuli Alpha had already stated not to interrupt and leak information, this was completely dispensable to Yang Han who was in charge of this world.With the power to control the world, the whereabouts of the other party's party can't escape his eyes even if they hide in the ends of the world.

"It's really a bold decision not to be at the bottom! Did you go to the death capital of Ye Rantil, then let me see your last struggle!" The result after positioning surprised Yang Han Yes, I didn't expect Momoga to choose to abandon this base camp and run out.Although it is not only whether the opponent is really planning to give up here completely, but the result of choosing the battlefield will not change much.


The angle of view shifted to Momoga's side, and he looked a little haggard at the moment, and his original arrogant image more or less lost his fighting spirit.

The strongest trump card he had prepared failed.Many floor guardians and world-class props failed to kill the opponent, which proved in disguise that he had reached the end of his rope.When he came out to a different world, he thought he was already very cautious, but facing this powerful and unreasonable enemy, he felt uncomfortable as if he was suppressed beyond multiple levels when playing a game.

Now I don't have much power left.

Some time ago, the constant and frequent challenges of Jue Shi Jue Ming made the finances of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick very tight. With such constant consumption of labor unions with no income but only expenses, the gold coins that can be given out now are at most It can only revive all floor guardians once.After using this opportunity, they have no way to continue their lives, and only fight to the death.

"Lord Momonga, Lord Momonga?" The voice came from Albedo who was not far in front of him, the head guardian of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick whose setting data had been tampered with by him.As for the reason why the other party spoke, it is also easy to understand, that is because Momoga was in a trance when he was reporting.

"Well, I'm sorry, Albedo, I was distracted just now, you can continue talking if you have any questions," Momonga explained.

"Yes, then please continue to listen to my report on the current situation. First of all, we have successfully left the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick. There are twenty necessary item savings rings, and the treasury cannot be taken away. We can only hope that the other party I can’t break in. Then there is our current location, now we are located in the human city of Ye Rantil. The original control was a human named Clementine and a named Kajit Del Badan The humans in Tire, the two have lost the ability to resist, but since they are the leaders who control the undead in this town, I did not kill them, but used props to seal them out of the door." Ya Reported by Erbaidehui.

"Understood. These undead are very important to us. Before the enemy comes to the door, we must gather them immediately. Next, I will use them as sacrifices and add gold coins to resurrect all the dead guardians of the floor."

"I'm afraid we won't have that chance, Your Excellency the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick!" It was Yang Han who interrupted.After saying these words, his figure appeared out of thin air, and then slowly landed, looking at the skeleton frame opposite him leisurely.

Momoga had had enough of the blows one after another. Looking at his helpless opponent, recalling the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick he destroyed not long ago and his subordinates, his anger could no longer be suppressed.

As soon as he stretched out his hand to grab the stick of Ainz-Wool-Gon floating aside, he immediately launched a strong and violent attack, "Magic is the highest enhancement, true darkness!"

"Invalid." The number of lines read by the other party is completely different, but the thought is more intense.The moment the black flame emitted by Momoga was about to hit Yang Han, it stopped advancing, and then directly collapsed into the original magic power and returned to the air.

"The highest enhancement of magic - hell fire!" Momoga waved another blow unwillingly.

"Magic immunity in the area!" After the words were spoken, Momoga's skills collapsed again, and even this time all the magic power in this area disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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